{-# OPTIONS -w -O0 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Propositional.ATC_Propositional () where
import ATC.AS_Annotation
import ATerm.Lib
import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Id as Id
import Common.Json.Instances
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Result
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Aeson(ToJSON, FromJSON)
import Data.Data
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional
import Propositional.Morphism
import Propositional.Morphism as Morphism
import Propositional.Sign
import Propositional.Sign as Sign
import Propositional.Sublogic
import Propositional.Symbol
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Common.Lib.State as State
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional as AS_BASIC
import qualified Propositional.Morphism as Morphism
import qualified Propositional.Sign as Sign
import qualified Propositional.Symbol as Symbol
import qualified Propositional.Tools as Tools
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_OR_MAP
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_OR_MAP where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_OR_MAP where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_ITEMS
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_ITEMS where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_ITEMS where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.FORMULA
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.FORMULA where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.FORMULA where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_ITEMS
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_ITEMS where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_ITEMS where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_SPEC
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_SPEC where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_SPEC where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.PRED_ITEM
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.PRED_ITEM where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.PRED_ITEM where
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_OR_MAP where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> SYMB_OR_MAP -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: SYMB_OR_MAP
xv = case SYMB_OR_MAP
xv of
Symb a :: SYMB
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> SYMB -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 SYMB
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Symb" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
Symb_map a :: SYMB
a b :: SYMB
b c :: Range
c -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> SYMB -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 SYMB
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> SYMB -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 SYMB
(att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Int
c') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att2 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Symb_map" [Int
a', Int
b', Int
c'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB_OR_MAP)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Symb" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: SYMB
a') ->
a') }
ShAAppl "Symb_map" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b, c :: Int
c] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: SYMB
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: SYMB
b') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
c ATermTable
att2 of
{ (att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Range
c') ->
att3, SYMB -> SYMB -> Range -> SYMB_OR_MAP
Symb_map SYMB
b' Range
c') }}}
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, SYMB_OR_MAP)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_OR_MAP" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
xv = case SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
xv of
Symb_map_items a :: [SYMB_OR_MAP]
a b :: Range
b -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [SYMB_OR_MAP] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [SYMB_OR_MAP]
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Symb_map_items" [Int
a', Int
b'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB_MAP_ITEMS)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Symb_map_items" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [SYMB_OR_MAP])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [SYMB_OR_MAP]
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Range
b') ->
att2, [SYMB_OR_MAP] -> Range -> SYMB_MAP_ITEMS
Symb_map_items [SYMB_OR_MAP]
a' Range
b') }}
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, SYMB_MAP_ITEMS)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_MAP_ITEMS" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> SYMB -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: SYMB
xv = case SYMB
xv of
Symb_id a :: Token
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Token -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Token
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Symb_id" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Symb_id" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Token)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Token
a') ->
att1, Token -> SYMB
Symb_id Token
a') }
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, SYMB)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_ITEMS where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> SYMB_ITEMS -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: SYMB_ITEMS
xv = case SYMB_ITEMS
xv of
Symb_items a :: [SYMB]
a b :: Range
b -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [SYMB] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [SYMB]
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Symb_items" [Int
a', Int
b'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, SYMB_ITEMS)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Symb_items" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [SYMB])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [SYMB]
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Range
b') ->
att2, [SYMB] -> Range -> SYMB_ITEMS
Symb_items [SYMB]
a' Range
b') }}
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, SYMB_ITEMS)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.SYMB_ITEMS" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.FORMULA where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> FORMULA -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: FORMULA
xv = case FORMULA
xv of
False_atom a :: Range
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "False_atom" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
True_atom a :: Range
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "True_atom" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
Predication a :: Token
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Token -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Token
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Predication" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
Negation a :: FORMULA
a b :: Range
b -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> FORMULA -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Negation" [Int
a', Int
b'] []) ATermTable
Conjunction a :: [FORMULA]
a b :: Range
b -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [FORMULA] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [FORMULA]
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Conjunction" [Int
a', Int
b'] []) ATermTable
Disjunction a :: [FORMULA]
a b :: Range
b -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [FORMULA] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [FORMULA]
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Disjunction" [Int
a', Int
b'] []) ATermTable
Implication a :: FORMULA
a b :: FORMULA
b c :: Range
c -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> FORMULA -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> FORMULA -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
(att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Int
c') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att2 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Implication" [Int
a', Int
b', Int
c'] []) ATermTable
Equivalence a :: FORMULA
a b :: FORMULA
b c :: Range
c -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> FORMULA -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> FORMULA -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
(att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Int
c') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att2 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Equivalence" [Int
a', Int
b', Int
c'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "False_atom" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Range
a') ->
att1, Range -> FORMULA
False_atom Range
a') }
ShAAppl "True_atom" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Range
a') ->
att1, Range -> FORMULA
True_atom Range
a') }
ShAAppl "Predication" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Token)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Token
a') ->
att1, Token -> FORMULA
Predication Token
a') }
ShAAppl "Negation" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: FORMULA
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Range
b') ->
att2, FORMULA -> Range -> FORMULA
Negation FORMULA
a' Range
b') }}
ShAAppl "Conjunction" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [FORMULA])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [FORMULA]
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Range
b') ->
att2, [FORMULA] -> Range -> FORMULA
Conjunction [FORMULA]
a' Range
b') }}
ShAAppl "Disjunction" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [FORMULA])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [FORMULA]
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Range
b') ->
att2, [FORMULA] -> Range -> FORMULA
Disjunction [FORMULA]
a' Range
b') }}
ShAAppl "Implication" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b, c :: Int
c] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: FORMULA
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: FORMULA
b') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
c ATermTable
att2 of
{ (att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Range
c') ->
att3, FORMULA -> FORMULA -> Range -> FORMULA
Implication FORMULA
b' Range
c') }}}
ShAAppl "Equivalence" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b, c :: Int
c] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: FORMULA
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: FORMULA
b') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
c ATermTable
att2 of
{ (att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Range
c') ->
att3, FORMULA -> FORMULA -> Range -> FORMULA
Equivalence FORMULA
b' Range
c') }}}
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, FORMULA)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.FORMULA" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_ITEMS where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> BASIC_ITEMS -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: BASIC_ITEMS
xv = case BASIC_ITEMS
xv of
Pred_decl a :: PRED_ITEM
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> PRED_ITEM -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Pred_decl" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
Axiom_items a :: [Annoted FORMULA]
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [Annoted FORMULA] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [Annoted FORMULA]
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Axiom_items" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, BASIC_ITEMS)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Pred_decl" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, PRED_ITEM)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: PRED_ITEM
a') ->
Pred_decl PRED_ITEM
a') }
ShAAppl "Axiom_items" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [Annoted FORMULA])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [Annoted FORMULA]
a') ->
att1, [Annoted FORMULA] -> BASIC_ITEMS
Axiom_items [Annoted FORMULA]
a') }
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, BASIC_ITEMS)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_ITEMS" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_SPEC where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> BASIC_SPEC -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: BASIC_SPEC
xv = case BASIC_SPEC
xv of
Basic_spec a :: [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS]
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS]
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Basic_spec" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, BASIC_SPEC)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Basic_spec" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS]
a') ->
att1, [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS] -> BASIC_SPEC
Basic_spec [Annoted BASIC_ITEMS]
a') }
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, BASIC_SPEC)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.BASIC_SPEC" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.PRED_ITEM where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> PRED_ITEM -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: PRED_ITEM
xv = case PRED_ITEM
xv of
Pred_item a :: [Token]
a b :: Range
b -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> [Token] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 [Token]
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Range -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Range
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Pred_item" [Int
a', Int
b'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, PRED_ITEM)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Pred_item" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [Token])
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: [Token]
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Range)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Range
b') ->
att2, [Token] -> Range -> PRED_ITEM
Pred_item [Token]
a' Range
b') }}
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, PRED_ITEM)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional.PRED_ITEM" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.Morphism.Morphism where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> Morphism -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: Morphism
xv = case Morphism
xv of
Morphism a :: Sign
a b :: Sign
b c :: Map Id Id
c -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Sign -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Sign
(att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Int
b') <- ATermTable -> Sign -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att1 Sign
(att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Int
c') <- ATermTable -> Map Id Id -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att2 Map Id Id
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Morphism" [Int
a', Int
b', Int
c'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Morphism)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Morphism" [a :: Int
a, b :: Int
b, c :: Int
c] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Sign)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Sign
a') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Sign)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
b ATermTable
att1 of
{ (att2 :: ATermTable
att2, b' :: Sign
b') ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Map Id Id)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
c ATermTable
att2 of
{ (att3 :: ATermTable
att3, c' :: Map Id Id
c') ->
att3, Sign -> Sign -> Map Id Id -> Morphism
Morphism Sign
a' Sign
b' Map Id Id
c') }}}
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, Morphism)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.Morphism.Morphism" ShATerm
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.Morphism.Morphism
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.Morphism.Morphism where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.Morphism.Morphism where
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.Sign.Sign where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> Sign -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: Sign
xv = case Sign
xv of
Sign a :: Set Id
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Set Id -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Set Id
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Sign" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Sign)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Sign" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Set Id)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Set Id
a') ->
att1, Set Id -> Sign
Sign Set Id
a') }
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, Sign)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.Sign.Sign" ShATerm
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.Sign.Sign
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.Sign.Sign where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.Sign.Sign where
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.Sublogic.PropFormulae where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> PropFormulae -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: PropFormulae
xv = case PropFormulae
xv of
PlainFormula -> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "PlainFormula" [] []) ATermTable
HornClause -> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "HornClause" [] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, PropFormulae)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "PlainFormula" [] _ -> (ATermTable
att0, PropFormulae
ShAAppl "HornClause" [] _ -> (ATermTable
att0, PropFormulae
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, PropFormulae)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.Sublogic.PropFormulae" ShATerm
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.Sublogic.PropSL where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> PropSL -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: PropSL
xv = case PropSL
xv of
PropSL a :: PropFormulae
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> PropFormulae -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 PropFormulae
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "PropSL" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, PropSL)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "PropSL" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, PropFormulae)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: PropFormulae
a') ->
att1, PropFormulae -> PropSL
PropSL PropFormulae
a') }
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, PropSL)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.Sublogic.PropSL" ShATerm
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.Sublogic.PropFormulae
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.Sublogic.PropFormulae where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.Sublogic.PropFormulae where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.Sublogic.PropSL
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.Sublogic.PropSL where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.Sublogic.PropSL where
deriving instance GHC.Generics.Generic Propositional.Symbol.Symbol
instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON Propositional.Symbol.Symbol where
instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON Propositional.Symbol.Symbol where
instance ShATermConvertible Propositional.Symbol.Symbol where
toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> Symbol -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermAux att0 :: ATermTable
att0 xv :: Symbol
xv = case Symbol
xv of
Symbol a :: Id
a -> do
(att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Int
a') <- ATermTable -> Id -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
ATermTable -> t -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATerm' ATermTable
att0 Id
(ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int))
-> (ATermTable, Int) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ShATerm -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Int)
addATerm (String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> ShATerm
ShAAppl "Symbol" [Int
a'] []) ATermTable
fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Symbol)
fromShATermAux ix :: Int
ix att0 :: ATermTable
att0 = case Int -> ATermTable -> ShATerm
getShATerm Int
ix ATermTable
att0 of
ShAAppl "Symbol" [a :: Int
a] _ ->
case Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Id)
forall t.
ShATermConvertible t =>
Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, t)
fromShATerm' Int
a ATermTable
att0 of
{ (att1 :: ATermTable
att1, a' :: Id
a') ->
att1, Id -> Symbol
Symbol Id
a') }
u :: ShATerm
u -> String -> ShATerm -> (ATermTable, Symbol)
forall a. String -> ShATerm -> a
fromShATermError "Propositional.Symbol.Symbol" ShATerm