Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Copyright(c) DFKI GmbH 2012
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Portabilitynon-portable(derive Typeable instances)
Safe HaskellNone



Automatic derivation of instances via DrIFT-rule ShATermConvertible, Json for the type(s): ThmStatus Theory TacticScript Reason GoalStatus ProofStatus ProverKind FreeDefMorphism TheoryMorphism CCStatus

Orphan instances

Generic ProverKind Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep ProverKind :: Type -> Type


from :: ProverKind -> Rep ProverKind x

to :: Rep ProverKind x -> ProverKind

Generic GoalStatus Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep GoalStatus :: Type -> Type


from :: GoalStatus -> Rep GoalStatus x

to :: Rep GoalStatus x -> GoalStatus

Generic Reason Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep Reason :: Type -> Type


from :: Reason -> Rep Reason x

to :: Rep Reason x -> Reason

Generic TacticScript Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep TacticScript :: Type -> Type

FromJSON ProverKind Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ProverKind

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ProverKind]

FromJSON GoalStatus Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser GoalStatus

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [GoalStatus]

FromJSON Reason Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Reason

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Reason]

FromJSON TacticScript Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser TacticScript

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [TacticScript]

ToJSON ProverKind Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: ProverKind -> Value

toEncoding :: ProverKind -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [ProverKind] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [ProverKind] -> Encoding

ToJSON GoalStatus Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: GoalStatus -> Value

toEncoding :: GoalStatus -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [GoalStatus] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [GoalStatus] -> Encoding

ToJSON Reason Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: Reason -> Value

toEncoding :: Reason -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [Reason] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [Reason] -> Encoding

ToJSON TacticScript Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: TacticScript -> Value

toEncoding :: TacticScript -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [TacticScript] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [TacticScript] -> Encoding

ShATermConvertible ProverKind Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> ProverKind -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [ProverKind] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, ProverKind)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [ProverKind])

ShATermConvertible GoalStatus Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> GoalStatus -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [GoalStatus] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, GoalStatus)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [GoalStatus])

ShATermConvertible Reason Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> Reason -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [Reason] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Reason)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [Reason])

ShATermConvertible TacticScript Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> TacticScript -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [TacticScript] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, TacticScript)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [TacticScript])

Generic (CCStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep (CCStatus proof_tree) :: Type -> Type


from :: CCStatus proof_tree -> Rep (CCStatus proof_tree) x

to :: Rep (CCStatus proof_tree) x -> CCStatus proof_tree

Generic (ProofStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep (ProofStatus proof_tree) :: Type -> Type


from :: ProofStatus proof_tree -> Rep (ProofStatus proof_tree) x

to :: Rep (ProofStatus proof_tree) x -> ProofStatus proof_tree

Generic (ThmStatus a) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep (ThmStatus a) :: Type -> Type


from :: ThmStatus a -> Rep (ThmStatus a) x

to :: Rep (ThmStatus a) x -> ThmStatus a

FromJSON proof_tree => FromJSON (CCStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (CCStatus proof_tree)

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [CCStatus proof_tree]

FromJSON proof_tree => FromJSON (ProofStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (ProofStatus proof_tree)

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ProofStatus proof_tree]

FromJSON a => FromJSON (ThmStatus a) Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (ThmStatus a)

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ThmStatus a]

ToJSON proof_tree => ToJSON (CCStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: CCStatus proof_tree -> Value

toEncoding :: CCStatus proof_tree -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [CCStatus proof_tree] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [CCStatus proof_tree] -> Encoding

ToJSON proof_tree => ToJSON (ProofStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: ProofStatus proof_tree -> Value

toEncoding :: ProofStatus proof_tree -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [ProofStatus proof_tree] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [ProofStatus proof_tree] -> Encoding

ToJSON a => ToJSON (ThmStatus a) Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: ThmStatus a -> Value

toEncoding :: ThmStatus a -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [ThmStatus a] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [ThmStatus a] -> Encoding

ShATermConvertible proof_tree => ShATermConvertible (CCStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> CCStatus proof_tree -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [CCStatus proof_tree] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, CCStatus proof_tree)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [CCStatus proof_tree])

ShATermConvertible proof_tree => ShATermConvertible (ProofStatus proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> ProofStatus proof_tree -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [ProofStatus proof_tree] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, ProofStatus proof_tree)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [ProofStatus proof_tree])

ShATermConvertible a => ShATermConvertible (ThmStatus a) Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> ThmStatus a -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [ThmStatus a] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, ThmStatus a)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [ThmStatus a])

Generic (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) :: Type -> Type


from :: FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism -> Rep (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) x

to :: Rep (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) x -> FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism

(FromJSON sentence, FromJSON morphism) => FromJSON (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism)

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]

(ToJSON sentence, ToJSON morphism) => ToJSON (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism -> Value

toEncoding :: FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism] -> Encoding

(ShATermConvertible sentence, ShATermConvertible morphism) => ShATermConvertible (FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism) Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism])

Generic (Theory sign sen proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep (Theory sign sen proof_tree) :: Type -> Type


from :: Theory sign sen proof_tree -> Rep (Theory sign sen proof_tree) x

to :: Rep (Theory sign sen proof_tree) x -> Theory sign sen proof_tree

(FromJSON sign, FromJSON sen, FromJSON proof_tree) => FromJSON (Theory sign sen proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Theory sign sen proof_tree)

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Theory sign sen proof_tree]

(ToJSON sign, ToJSON sen, ToJSON proof_tree) => ToJSON (Theory sign sen proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: Theory sign sen proof_tree -> Value

toEncoding :: Theory sign sen proof_tree -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [Theory sign sen proof_tree] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [Theory sign sen proof_tree] -> Encoding

(ShATermConvertible sign, ShATermConvertible sen, ShATermConvertible proof_tree) => ShATermConvertible (Theory sign sen proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> Theory sign sen proof_tree -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [Theory sign sen proof_tree] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Theory sign sen proof_tree)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [Theory sign sen proof_tree])

Generic (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type Rep (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) :: Type -> Type


from :: TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree -> Rep (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) x

to :: Rep (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) x -> TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree

(FromJSON sign, FromJSON sen, FromJSON mor, FromJSON proof_tree) => FromJSON (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree)

parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree]

(ToJSON sign, ToJSON sen, ToJSON mor, ToJSON proof_tree) => ToJSON (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toJSON :: TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree -> Value

toEncoding :: TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree] -> Encoding

(ShATermConvertible sign, ShATermConvertible sen, ShATermConvertible mor, ShATermConvertible proof_tree) => ShATermConvertible (TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree) Source # 
Instance details


toShATermAux :: ATermTable -> TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

toShATermList' :: ATermTable -> [TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree] -> IO (ATermTable, Int)

fromShATermAux :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree)

fromShATermList' :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, [TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree])