Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Hets is the main analysis tool for the specification language heterogeneous CASL. Heterogeneous CASL (HetCASL, see http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/forschung/formal_methods/CoFI/HetCASL/index_e.htm) combines the specification language CASL with CASL extensions and sublanguages, as well as completely different logics and even programming languages such as Haskell, including its module system. Hets provides parsing, static analysis and proof management (via development graphs), as well as many other functionalities. Hets is written in Haskell (see http://www.haskell.org and http://trac.informatik.uni-bremen.de:8080/hets/wiki/HetsForDevelopers)
The general background of Hets is explained in /Heterogeneous specification and the heterogeneous tool set/ (http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~till/papers/habil.ps). A short introduction is given in http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~till/papers/hets-tacas.pdf.
The Hets modules are grouped using hierarchical modules (where modules can be grouped into folders); we here only discuss the top view on this hierarchy. For a more details, look at the descriptions of the folders or the individual modules.
The folder Logic contains the infrastructure needed for presenting a logic to Hets. This is complemented by folders working at the heterogeneous level --- the code in modules in these folders is parameterized over an arbitrary but fixed logic graph. Existential types are used for implementing the heterogeneity, see http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Existential_type. The folder Syntax (see Syntax.ADoc) provides abstract syntax and parsing of heterogeneous structured specifications. Static is for the static analysis, based on the verification static semantics for Heterogeneous CASL. Static.DevGraph contains the data structures for heterogeneous development graphs, including proof management. Finally, the folder Proofs contains an implementation of the proof calculus for heterogeneous development graphs.
The folders CASL, CoCASL, HasCASL,
Haskell, CspCASL, Modal, Isabelle
contain different instances of the type class Logic
of the
module Logic.Logic. These instances always are contained in
a module named Logic_xxx, where xxx is the name of
the language at hand. Since the integration of a new logic into Hets
requires writing a new instantiation of the type class Logic
it is advisable to consult the module Logic_xxx (and the modules
imported there) for some logic that is in some sense similar to the new
logic to be integrated.
In particular, we have
implemented the CASL logic in such a way that much of the folder
CASL can be re-used for CASL extensions as well; this is
achieved via holes (realized via polymorphic variables) in the
types for signatures, morphisms, abstract syntax etc. This eases
integration of CASL extensions and keeps the effort quite moderate.
The folder Comorphisms contains various comorphisms and other translations that constitute the logic graph. Note that these modules can be compiled independently of the logic independent heterogeneous modules listed above. The module Comorphisms.LogicList assembles all the logics into one (heterogeneous) list, while Comorphisms.LogicGraph builds up the logic graph, i.e. it assembles all the (co)morphisms among the logics, and also specifies which ones are standard inclusions. This module also provides a partial union for logics, which is crucial for the static analysis of unions of specifications (which may occur explicitly or implicitly).
Last but not least, there are general purpose folders. The most important one is the folder Common. It contains general purpose libraries, e.g. for relations, and for parsing and pretty printing. Common.Result provides a monad for error handling and error messages that is used at many places throughout Hets.
The folder ATC is for conversion from and to shared ATerms http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aterm. The utils folder contains tools like DriFT.
The command line interface is contained in Driver, the graphical interface in GUI. The latter is based on the UniForM Workbench that provides an event system and encapsulations of TclTk http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/htk/ and uDraw(Graph) http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/uDrawGraph/en/index.html, http://hackage.haskell.org/package/uni-uDrawGraph.
Hets is also based on the following third-party libraries:
- expat for fast XML parsing, see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hexpat
- The combinator parser library Parsec, see http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Parsec, http://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsec1 and Propositional.Parse_AS_Basic for a sample use
- finite sets and maps, see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers
- finite graphs from the functional graph library (fgl), see http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/fgl/haskell/ and http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fgl
- the xml light package, see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xml
Visit Driver.Version for the date of this documentation.
- ATC shared ATerm conversion instances
- ATC.AS_Annotation generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.AS_Architecture generated ShATermLG instances
- ATC.AS_Library generated ShATermLG instances
- ATC.AS_Structured generated ShATermLG instances
- ATC.Consistency generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.DefaultMorphism generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.DevGraph generated ShATermLG instances
- ATC.DgUtils generated ShATermLG instances
- ATC.ExtSign generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.GlobalAnnotations generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.Graph generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.Grothendieck manually created ShATermConvertible instances
- ATC.IRI generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.Id generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.LibName generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.OrderedMap generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.ProofTree generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.Prover generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.Result generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ATC.Sml_cats conversions to and from old SML aterm format
- ATC.XGraph generated ShATermLG instances
- Adl
- Adl.ATC_Adl generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Adl.As abstract ADL syntax
- Adl.Logic_Adl the Logic instance for ADL
- Adl.Parse ADL syntax parser
- Adl.Print pretty printing ADL syntax
- Adl.Sign ADL signature and sentences
- Adl.StatAna static ADL analysis
- CASL basics of the common algebraic specification language
- CASL.AS_Basic_CASL Abstract syntax of CASL basic specifications
- CASL.ATC_CASL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CASL.AlphaConvert alpha-conversion (renaming of bound variables) for CASL formulas
- CASL.Amalgamability Amalgamability analysis for CASL.
- CASL.CCC.FreeTypes consistency checking of free types
- CASL.CCC.OnePoint Check for truth in one-point model
- CASL.CCC.TermFormula auxiliary functions on terms and formulas
- CASL.CCC.TerminationProof termination proofs for equation systems, using AProVE
- CASL.ColimSign CASL signatures colimits
- CompositionTable
- CASL.CompositionTable.CompositionTable composition tables of qualitative calculi
- CASL.CompositionTable.ComputeTable Compute the composition table of a relational algebra
- CASL.CompositionTable.Keywords keywords for composition tables
- CASL.CompositionTable.ModelChecker checks validity of models regarding a composition table
- CASL.CompositionTable.ModelFormula intermediate calculus formula
- CASL.CompositionTable.ModelTable intermediate calculus table
- CASL.CompositionTable.ParseSparQ parsing SparQ CompositionTables
- CASL.CompositionTable.ParseTable2 parsing SparQ CompositionTables
- CASL.CompositionTable.Pretty2 pretty output for composition tables
- CASL.CompositionTable.ToXml XML output for composition tables of qualitative calculi
- CASL.Cycle removing sort cycles
- CASL.Disambiguate disambiguate all names
- CASL.Fold folding functions for CASL terms and formulas
- CASL.Formula Parser for CASL terms and formulae
- CASL.Freeness Computation of the constraints needed for free definition links.
- CASL.Induction Derive induction schemes from sort generation constraints
- CASL.Inject Replace Sorted_term(s) with explicit injection functions.
- CASL.Kif Parsing lists of lists with SUMO .kif files
- CASL.Kif2CASL Parser for SUMO (suggested upper merged ontology) .kif files
- CASL.Logic_CASL Instance of class Logic for the CASL logic
- CASL.MapSentence rename symbols of sentences according to a signature morphisms
- CASL.MixfixParser Mixfix analysis of terms
- CASL.Monoton monotonicities of the overload relation
- CASL.Morphism Symbols and signature morphisms for the CASL logic
- CASL.OMDoc CASL specific OMDoc constants
- CASL.OMDocExport CASL-to-OMDoc conversion
- CASL.OMDocImport OMDoc-to-CASL conversion
- CASL.OpItem Parser for OP-ITEMs (operation declarations and definitions)
- CASL.Overload Overload resolution
- CASL.Project replace casts with explicit projection functions
- CASL.Qualify Code out overloading and qualify all names
- CASL.Quantification Free variables; getting rid of superfluous quantifications
- CASL.QuickCheck QuickCheck model checker for CASL.CFOL
- CASL.ShowMixfix uniquely show mixfix terms with sufficient parenthesis
- CASL.Sign CASL signatures and local environments for basic analysis
- CASL.Simplify resolve empty conjunctions and other trivial cases
- CASL.SimplifySen simplification of formulas and terms for output after analysis
- CASL.SortItem parser for SORT-ITEMs
- CASL.StaticAna CASL static analysis for basic specifications
- CASL.Sublogic sublogic analysis for CASL
- CASL.SymbolMapAnalysis symbol map analysis for the CASL logic.
- CASL.SymbolParser Parser for symbols in translations and reductions
- CASL.Taxonomy converters for theories to MMiSSOntology (subsorting and concept taxonomies)
- CASL.ToDoc pretty printing data types of BASIC_SPEC
- CASL.ToItem extracted annotated items as strings from BASIC_SPEC
- CASL.ToSExpr translate CASL to S-Expressions
- CASL.ToTIP represent CASL in TIP format
- CASL.Utils Utilities for CASL and its comorphisms
- CASL.World adding a parameter to ops and preds
- CASL.Zipperposition Zipperposition prover for CASL
- CASL_DL Description logic in CASL notation
- CASL_DL.AS_CASL_DL abstract syntax for CASL_DL logic extension of CASL
- CASL_DL.ATC_CASL_DL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CASL_DL.Logic_CASL_DL Instance of class Logic for CASL DL
- CASL_DL.Parse_AS Parser for CASL_DL
- CASL_DL.PredefinedCASLAxioms with inlined axioms
- CASL_DL.Print_AS
- CASL_DL.Sign Signatures for DL logics, as extension of CASL signatures
- CASL_DL.StatAna static analysis of DL parts
- CASL_DL.Sublogics sublogic analysis for CASL_DL
- CMDL Hets shell (command interpreter)
- CMDL.Commands list of all commands of CMDL interface
- CMDL.ConsCommands CMDL interface commands
- CMDL.DataTypes Internal data types of the CMDL interface
- CMDL.DataTypesUtils utilitary functions used throughout the CMDL interface
- CMDL.DgCommands CMDL interface development graph commands
- CMDL.InfoCommands CMDL interface commands
- CMDL.Interface The definition of CMDL interface for standard input and file input
- CMDL.ParseProofScript parse a heterogeneous proof script
- CMDL.ProcessScript process script commands
- CMDL.ProveCommands CMDL interface commands
- CMDL.ProveConsistency CMDL interface commands
- CMDL.Shell shell related functions
- CMDL.UndoRedo description of undo and redo functions
- CMDL.Utils utilitary functions used throughout the CMDL interface
- COL Constructor-based observational logic (unfinished)
- COL.AS_COL Abstract syntax for COL extension of CASL
- COL.ATC_COL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- COL.COLSign Signatures of COL as extension of CASL signatures
- COL.Logic_COL COL instance of class Logic
- COL.Parse_AS Parser for COL
- COL.Print_AS Pretty printing for COL
- COL.StatAna Static analysis for COL
- CSL logic CSL for computer algebra systems
- CSL.ASUtils Utils for the abstract syntax of EnCL
- CSL.AS_BASIC_CSL Abstract syntax for EnCL
- CSL.ATC_CSL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CSL.Analysis Static Analysis for EnCL
- CSL.Fold folding functions for CSL terms and commands
- CSL.Keywords String constants for CSL keywords to be used for parsing and printing
- CSL.Lemma_Export Generation of Lemmata for CMDs
- CSL.Logic_CSL Instance of class Logic for CSL
- CSL.Morphism Abstract syntax for reduce
- CSL.Parse_AS_Basic Parser for basic specs
- CSL.Print_AS Printer for abstract syntax of CSL
- CSL.ReduceProve interface to Reduce CAS
- CSL.Reduce_Interface interface to Reduce CAS
- CSL.Sign Signatures for the EnCL logic
- CSL.Symbol symbols for CSL
- CSL.Tools Abstract syntax for reduce
- CSL.TreePO Handling of tree-like partial ordering relations
- CSMOF OMG's Meta object facility
- CSMOF.ATC_CSMOF generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CSMOF.As abstract CSMOF syntax
- CSMOF.Logic_CSMOF Instance of class Logic for the CSMOF logic
- CSMOF.ParseXmiAsLibDefn CSMOF XMI parser
- CSMOF.Parser CSMOF XMI parser
- CSMOF.Print pretty printing for CSMOF
- CSMOF.Sign CSMOF signature and sentences
- CSMOF.StatAna Static CSMOF analysis
- CSMOF.XMLKeywords keywords used for XML conversion
- CoCASL Co-algebraic CASL extension
- CoCASL.AS_CoCASL Abstract syntax for CoCASL
- CoCASL.ATC_CoCASL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CoCASL.CoCASLSign Signatures for CoCASL, as extension of CASL signatures
- CoCASL.Logic_CoCASL Instance of class Logic for CoCASL
- CoCASL.Parse_AS Parser for CoCASL
- CoCASL.Print_AS pretty print abstract syntax of CoCASL
- CoCASL.StatAna static analysis for CoCASL
- CoCASL.Sublogic sublogic analysis for CoCASL
- Common commonly used modules
- Common.AS_Annotation datastructures for annotations of (Het)CASL.
- ATerm
- Common.ATerm.ConvInstances special ShATermConvertible instances
- Common.Amalgamate data types for amalgamability options and analysis
- Common.AnalyseAnnos analyse annotations and add them to global ones
- Common.AnnoParser parsers for annotations and annoted items
- Common.AnnoState parsing of interspersed annotations
- Common.AutoProofUtils Utils for automatic proving procedure of multiple nodes
- Common.Consistency data types for consistency aka conservativity
- Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos convert global annotations to a list of annotations
- Common.ConvertLiteral generic conversion of literals
- Common.ConvertMixfixToken generic conversion of mixfix tokens
- Common.Data generate output from Data instances
- Common.DebugParser A Parser for the TPTP Syntax v6.4.0.11
- Common.DefaultMorphism supply a default morphism for a given signature type
- Common.Doc document data type Doc for (pretty) printing in various formats
- Common.DocUtils Pretty class for pretty printing with instances plus utilities
- Common.Earley generic mixfix analysis, using an Earley parser
- Common.ExtSign signatures with symbol sets
- Common.FileType checking the file type
- Common.GlobalAnnotations data structures for global annotations
- Common.GraphAlgo Algorithms on Graphs
- Common.GtkGoal
- Common.Http wrapper for simple http
- Common.IO wrapper module for changed IO handling since ghc-6.12.1
- Common.IRI
- Common.Id positions, simple and mixfix identifiers
- Common.InjMap injective maps
- Common.Item positions, simple and mixfix identifiers
- Common.JSONOrXML
- Common.Json Json utilities
- Common.Keywords String constants for CASL keywords to be used for parsing and printing
- Common.LaTeX_funs auxiliary functions for LaTeX printing
- Common.LaTeX_maps several tables needed for LaTeX formatting
- Common.Lattice lattice classes
- Common.Lexer scanner for Casl tokens using Parsec
- Lib
- Common.Lib.Graph Tree-based implementation of
using Data.Map - Common.Lib.MapSet Maps of sets
- Common.Lib.Maybe MaybeT monad transformer without the non-portable features
- Common.Lib.Pretty
- Common.Lib.Rel Relations, based on maps
- Common.Lib.SizedList lists with their size similar to Data.Edison.Seq.SizedSeq
- Common.Lib.State State type from Control.Monad.State but no class MonadState
- Common.Lib.Tabular parts of the tabular package
- Common.Lib.Graph Tree-based implementation of
- Common.LibName library names for DOL and development graphs
- Common.LogicT colimit of an arbitrary diagram in Set
- Common.OrderedMap ordered maps (these keep insertion order)
- Common.Parsec Parsec extensions
- Common.Partial support for partial orders
- Common.Percent precent encode and decode
- Common.Prec precedence checking
- Common.PrintLaTeX functions for LaTeX pretty printing
- Common.ProofTree a simple proof tree
- Common.ProofUtils functions useful for all prover connections in Hets
- Common.ProverTools Check for availability of provers
- Common.Result Result monad for accumulating Diagnosis messages
- Common.ResultT ResultT type and a monadic transformer instance
- Common.SAX A few helper functions to work with the sax parser
- Common.SExpr S-Expressions as intermediate output format
- Common.SFKT
- Common.SZSOntology The SZS ontology for TPTP prover results
- Common.SetColimit colimit of an arbitrary diagram in Set
- Common.Taxonomy type for selecting different kinds of taxonomy graphs
- Common.Timing utility module for measuring execution time
- Common.ToXml xml utilities
- Common.Token parser for CASL
s based on Common.Lexer - Common.Unlit unlit a source string
- Common.Utils utility functions that can't be found in the libraries
- Common.XPath XPath utilities
- Common.XUpdate analyse xml update input
- Common.XmlDiff compute xml diffs
- Common.XmlParser Interface to the Xml Parsing Facility
- CommonLogic logic for Common Logic
- CommonLogic.AS_CommonLogic Abstract syntax for common logic
- CommonLogic.ATC_CommonLogic generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CommonLogic.Analysis Basic analysis for common logic
- CommonLogic.ExpandCurie Expansion of abbreviated IRI to full IRI
- CommonLogic.Lexer_CLIF Parser of common logic interchange format
- CommonLogic.Lexer_KIF Parser of the Knowledge Interchange Format
- CommonLogic.Logic_CommonLogic Instance of class Logic for common logic
- CommonLogic.ModuleElimination Module elimination in CommonLogic
- CommonLogic.Morphism Morphism of Common Logic
- CommonLogic.OMDoc Common Logic specific OMDoc constants
- CommonLogic.OMDocExport CommonLogic-to-OMDoc conversion
- CommonLogic.OMDocImport OMDoc-to-CommonLogic conversion
- CommonLogic.ParseCLAsLibDefn
- CommonLogic.Parse_CLIF Parser of common logic interchange format
- CommonLogic.Parse_KIF Parser of the Knowledge Interchange Format
- CommonLogic.PredefinedCASLAxioms Central datastructures for development graphs
- CommonLogic.Print_KIF Pretty Printer for KIF
- CommonLogic.Sign Signature for common logic
- CommonLogic.Sublogic Sublogics for CommonLogic
- CommonLogic.Symbol Symbols of common logic
- CommonLogic.Tools Tools for CommonLogic static analysis
- Comorphisms various encodings
- Comorphisms.Adl2CASL Coding a description language into CASL
- Comorphisms.CASL2CoCASL embedding from CASL to CoCASL
- Comorphisms.CASL2CspCASL
- Comorphisms.CASL2ExtModal embedding from CASL to ExtModal
- Comorphisms.CASL2HasCASL embedding CASL into HasCASL
- Comorphisms.CASL2Hybrid
- Comorphisms.CASL2Modal embedding from CASL to ModalCASL
- Comorphisms.CASL2NNF negation normal form
- Comorphisms.CASL2PCFOL coding out subsorting
- Comorphisms.CASL2Prenex prenex normal form for sentences of a CASL theory
- Comorphisms.CASL2Prop Coding of a CASL sublogic to Propositional
- Comorphisms.CASL2Skolem skolemization as an institution comorphism
- Comorphisms.CASL2SubCFOL coding out partiality
- Comorphisms.CASL2TopSort
- Comorphisms.CASL2VSE embedding from CASL to VSE
- Comorphisms.CASL2VSEImport embedding from CASL to VSE, plus wrapping procedures with default implementations
- Comorphisms.CASL2VSERefine VSE refinement as comorphism
- Comorphisms.CASL_DL2CASL Inclusion of CASL_DL into CASL
- Comorphisms.CFOL2IsabelleHOL embedding from CASL (CFOL) to Isabelle-HOL
- Comorphisms.CSMOF2CASL Coding CSMOF into CASL
- Comorphisms.CoCASL2CoPCFOL Extension of CASL2PCFOL to CoCASL
- Comorphisms.CoCASL2CoSubCFOL Extension of CASL2SubCFOL to CoCASL
- Comorphisms.CoCFOL2IsabelleHOL Extension of CFOL2IsabelleHOL to CoCASL
- Comorphisms.CommonLogic2CASL Comorphism from CommonLogic to CASL
- Comorphisms.CommonLogic2IsabelleHOL direct comorphism from CommonLogic to Isabelle-HOL
- Comorphisms.CommonLogicModuleElimination Comorphism from CommonLogic to CommonLogic
- Comorphisms.CspCASL2Modal
- Comorphisms.DFOL2CASL Translation of first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL) to CASL
- Comorphisms.DynLogicList Automatically modified file, includes the user-defined logics in the Hets logic list. Do not change.
- Comorphisms.ExtModal2CASL
- Comorphisms.ExtModal2ExtModalNoSubsorts coding out subsorting
- Comorphisms.ExtModal2ExtModalTotal coding out subsorting
- Comorphisms.ExtModal2HasCASL
- Comorphisms.ExtModal2OWL Comorphism from ExtModal to OWL2
- Comorphisms.HasCASL2HasCASL translating executable formulas to programs
- Comorphisms.HasCASL2IsabelleHOL old translation that is only better for case terms
- Comorphisms.HasCASL2PCoClTyConsHOL coding out subtyping
- Comorphisms.HasCASL2THFP_P Comorphism from HasCASL to THF
- Comorphisms.HetLogicGraph Compute graph with logics and interesting sublogics
- Comorphisms.HolLight2Isabelle translating from HolLight to Isabelle
- Comorphisms.Hybrid2CASL
- Comorphisms.KnownProvers provides a map of provers to their most useful composed comorphisms
- Comorphisms.LogicGraph the logic graph
- Comorphisms.LogicList Assembles all the logics into a list, as a prerequisite for the logic graph
- Comorphisms.Maude2CASL Coding of Maude with preorder semantics into CASL
- Comorphisms.Modal2CASL
- Comorphisms.MonadicHasCASLTranslation translating a HasCASL subset to Isabelle
- Comorphisms.PCoClTyConsHOL2IsabelleHOL translating a HasCASL subset to Isabelle
- Comorphisms.PCoClTyConsHOL2PairsInIsaHOL normalising translation of a HasCASL subset to Isabelle
- Comorphisms.PPolyTyConsHOL2IsaUtils translating a HasCASL subset to Isabelle
- Comorphisms.Prop2CASL Coding of Propositional into CASL
- Comorphisms.Prop2CommonLogic Coding of Propositional into CommonLogic
- Comorphisms.Prop2QBF Comorphism from Propositional to QBF
- Comorphisms.QBF2Prop Comorphism from QBF to Propositional
- Comorphisms.QVTR2CASL Coding QVTR into CASL
- Comorphisms.RelScheme2CASL Comorphism from RelScheme to CASL
- Comorphisms.SoftFOL2CommonLogic Coding of SoftFOL into CommonLogic
- Comorphisms.SuleCFOL2SoftFOL Coding of a CASL subset into SoftFOL
- Comorphisms.SuleCFOL2TPTP Coding of a CASL subset into TPTP
- Comorphisms.THFP2THF0 Comorphism from THFP to THF0
- Comorphisms.THFP_P2HasCASL Comorphism from THFP to HasCASL
- Comorphisms.THFP_P2THFP Comorphism from THFP_P to THFP
- ConstraintCASL experimental logic for the specification of qualitative constraint calculi
- ConstraintCASL.AS_ConstraintCASL
- ConstraintCASL.ATC_ConstraintCASL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ConstraintCASL.Formula
- ConstraintCASL.Logic_ConstraintCASL instance of the class Logic for ConstraintCASL
- ConstraintCASL.Print_AS
- ConstraintCASL.StaticAna static analysis for ConstraintCASL
- CspCASL CspCASL combines the process algebra CSP with CASL
- CspCASL.AS_CspCASL Abstract syntax fo CspCASL
- CspCASL.AS_CspCASL_Process Abstract syntax of CSP-CASL processes
- CspCASL.ATC_CspCASL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- CspCASL.Comorphisms generic CspCASL instance for comorphisms
- CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords CspCASL keywords to be used for parsing and printing
- CspCASL.LocalTop Local top element analysis for CspCASL specifications
- CspCASL.Logic_CspCASL CspCASL instance of type class logic
- CspCASL.Morphism Symbols and signature morphisms for the CspCASL logic
- CspCASL.Parse_CspCASL Parser for CspCASL specifications
- CspCASL.Parse_CspCASL_Process Parser for CspCASL processes
- CspCASL.Print_CspCASL Pretty printing for CspCASL
- CspCASL.SignCSP CspCASL signatures
- CspCASL.SimplifySen simplification of CspCASL sentences for output after analysis
- CspCASL.StatAnaCSP Static analysis of CspCASL
- CspCASL.SymMapAna symbol map analysis for the CspCASL logic.
- CspCASL.SymbItems syntactic csp-casl symbols
- CspCASL.Symbol semantic csp-casl symbols
- CspCASLProver Interface to the CspCASLProver (Isabelle based) theorem prover
- CspCASLProver.Consts Constants and related fucntions for CspCASLProver
- CspCASLProver.CspCASLProver Interface to the CspCASLProver (Isabelle based) theorem prover
- CspCASLProver.CspProverConsts Isabelle Abstract syntax constants for CSP-Prover operations
- CspCASLProver.IsabelleUtils Utilities for CspCASLProver related to Isabelle
- CspCASLProver.TransProcesses Provides transformations from Csp Processes to Isabelle terms
- CspCASLProver.Utils Utilities for CspCASLProver related to the actual construction of Isabelle theories.
- DFOL first-order logic with dependent types
- DFOL.AS_DFOL Abstract syntax for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.ATC_DFOL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- DFOL.Analysis_DFOL Static analysis for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.Colimit Signature colimits for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.Comorphism Helper functions for the DFOL -> CASL translation
- DFOL.Logic_DFOL Instances of classes defined in Logic.hs for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.Morphism Definition of signature morphisms for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.Parse_AS_DFOL A parser for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.Sign Definition of signatures for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DFOL.Symbol Symbol definition for first-order logic with dependent types
- DFOL.Utils Utilities for first-order logic with dependent types (DFOL)
- DMU.Logic_DMU Instance of class Logic for DMU
- Driver Hets command line interface
- Driver.AnaLib wrapper for static analysis of DOL
- Driver.Options Datatypes and functions for options that hets understands.
- Driver.ReadFn reading and parsing ATerms, CASL, DOL files
- Driver.ReadLibDefn reading Lib-Defns
- Driver.ReadMain
- Driver.Version module for the hets version string
- Driver.WriteFn Writing various formats, according to Hets options
- Driver.WriteLibDefn Writing out a DOL library
- ExtModal extended modal logic extension of CASL
- ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
- ExtModal.ATC_ExtModal generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- ExtModal.ExtModalSign
- ExtModal.Keywords Keywords for extended modal logic
- ExtModal.Logic_ExtModal Instance of class Logic for ExtModal
- ExtModal.MorphismExtension Morphism extension for modal signature morphisms
- ExtModal.Parse_AS Parser for extended modal logic
- ExtModal.Print_AS
- ExtModal.StatAna
- ExtModal.Sublogic Sublogics for ExtModal logic
- Fpl
- Fpl.ATC_Fpl generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Fpl.As abstract syntax for FPL
- Fpl.Logic_Fpl logic instance for FPL
- Fpl.Morphism morphism mapping for FPL
- Fpl.Sign signatures for FPL
- Fpl.StatAna static basic analysis for FPL
- Framework syntax and analysis for adding object logics to Hets from their specification in a logical framework
- Framework.AS Abstract syntax for logic definitions
- Framework.ATC_Framework generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Framework.Analysis Analyzes a logic definition
- Framework.Logic_Framework Instances of Logic and other classes for the logic Framework
- Framework.WriteLogicUtils Utility functions for writing object logic instances
- FreeCAD
- FreeCAD.ATC_FreeCAD generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- FreeCAD.As definition of the datatype describing the abstract FreeCAD terms and and a few tools describing simple mathematical operations on those building-blocks (3d vectors, rotation matrices, rotation quaternions)
- FreeCAD.Brep Hets(Haskell) end-point of the interface with the OpenCascade libraries. It reads the ouput of the C++ program Brep_Reader and interprets it in order to generate the data for the basic FreeCAD terms, which are not properly described in the file "Document.xml"
- FreeCAD.Logic_FreeCAD Instance of class Logic for FreeCAD
- FreeCAD.PrintAs print the abstract syntax of FreeCAD terms
- FreeCAD.Translator The main part of the module. Here the parsing, translation of the input xml is handled, as well as the I/O.
- FreeCAD.VecTools definition of 3-dimensional vector operations, transformations between rotation matrices and rotation quaternions
- FreeCAD.XMLPrinter XML Printer function for FreeCAD datatypes
- GUI graphical user interface modules
- GUI.GenericATP Generic Prover GUI.
- Glade
- GUI.Glade.GenericATP Glade xmlstring for GenericATP
- GUI.Glade.NodeChecker Glade xmlstring for NodeChecker
- GUI.Glade.ProverGUI Glade xmlstring for ProverGUI
- GUI.Glade.TextField Glade xmlstring for TextField
- GUI.Glade.Utils Glade xmlstring for Utils
- GUI.GraphAbstraction Interface for graph viewing and abstraction
- GUI.GraphDisplay Central GUI for Hets, with display of development graph
- GUI.GraphLogic Logic for manipulating the graph in the Central GUI
- GUI.GraphMenu Menu creation functions for the Graphdisplay
- GUI.GraphTypes Types for the Central GUI of Hets
- GUI.GtkAddSentence Gtk GUI for adding a sentence
- GUI.GtkAutomaticProofs Gtk GUI for automatic proving procedure of multiple nodes
- GUI.GtkConsistencyChecker Gtk GUI for the consistency checker
- GUI.GtkDisprove Gtk Module to enable disproving Theorems
- GUI.GtkGenericATP Gtk Generic Prover GUI.
- GUI.GtkProverGUI Gtk GUI for the prover
- GUI.GtkUtils Access to the .glade files stored as strings inside the binary
- GUI.HTkProofDetails GUI for showing and saving proof details.
- GUI.HTkUtils
- GUI.ProverGUI cpp choice between GUI.ProofManagement and GUI.GtkProverGUI
- GUI.ShowGraph
- GUI.ShowLibGraph
- GUI.ShowLogicGraph
- GUI.ShowRefTree
- GUI.Taxonomy
- GUI.UDGUtils wrapper for uDrawGraph utilities from the uniform workbench
- GUI.Utils cpp choice between GUI.HTkUtils and GUI.ConsoleUtils
- HPAR logic of hybrid partial algebras
- HasCASL higher order CASL extension
- HasCASL.ATC_HasCASL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- HasCASL.As abstract syntax for HasCASL
- HasCASL.AsToLe final static analysis
- HasCASL.AsUtils some utilities for the abstract syntax
- HasCASL.Builtin builtin types and functions
- HasCASL.ClassAna analyse kinds using a class map
- HasCASL.Constrain resolve type constraints
- HasCASL.ConvertTypePattern convert type patterns to type identifier applications
- HasCASL.DataAna analysis of data type declarations
- HasCASL.FoldTerm fold functions for terms and program equations
- HasCASL.FoldType fold functions for types
- HasCASL.HToken parsers for HasCASL tokens
- HasCASL.Le the abstract syntax for analysis and final signature instance
- HasCASL.Logic_HasCASL instance of class Logic
- HasCASL.MapTerm renaming according to signature morphisms
- HasCASL.Merge union of signature parts
- HasCASL.MinType choose a minimal type for overloaded terms
- HasCASL.MixAna mixfix analysis for terms
- HasCASL.Morphism morphisms implementation
- HasCASL.OpDecl analyse operation declarations
- HasCASL.ParseItem parser for HasCASL basic Items
- HasCASL.ParseTerm parser for HasCASL kinds, types, terms, patterns and equations
- HasCASL.PrintAs print the abstract syntax so that it can be re-parsed
- HasCASL.PrintLe pretty printing signatures
- HasCASL.ProgEq convert some formulas to program equations
- HasCASL.RawSym raw symbol functions
- HasCASL.SimplifyTerm simplify terms for prettier printing
- HasCASL.Sublogic HasCASL's sublogics
- HasCASL.SubtypeDecl analysis of subtype declarations
- HasCASL.SymbItem parsing symbol items
- HasCASL.Symbol symbol analysis
- HasCASL.SymbolMapAnalysis analysis of symbol mappings
- HasCASL.ToItem extracted annotated items for xml output from basic specs
- HasCASL.TypeAna infer the kinds of types
- HasCASL.TypeCheck type checking terms and program equations
- HasCASL.TypeDecl analyse type declarations
- HasCASL.TypeMixAna manually resolve mixfix type applications
- HasCASL.TypeRel compute subtype dependencies
- HasCASL.Unify generalized unification of types
- HasCASL.VarDecl analyse var decls
- Haskell
- HetsAPI Exports HETS functionality as a structured API
- HetsAPI.Commands All commands to interact with the HETS API
- HetsAPI.DataTypes Common Datatypes used by the HETS API
- HetsAPI.InfoCommands Commands providing information about the state of the development graph and selected theories
- HetsAPI.ProveCommands All commands to prove or check the consistency of a theory, node or edge
- HetsAPI.Refinement HetsAPIs interface for refinment trees.
- HolLight logic of the HOL light theorem prover
- HolLight.ATC_HolLight generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- HolLight.Helper Helper functions for dealing with terms (mainly for pretty printing which is directly adapted from hollight)
- HolLight.HolLight2DG Import data generated by hol2hets into a DG
- HolLight.Logic_HolLight Instance of class Logic for HolLight
- HolLight.Sentence Sentence for HolLight logic
- HolLight.Sign HolLight signature
- HolLight.Sublogic
- HolLight.Term Tern for HolLight logic
- Hybrid hybrid logic extension of CASL
- Hybrid.AS_Hybrid
- Hybrid.ATC_Hybrid generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Hybrid.HybridSign
- Hybrid.Keywords String constants for HybridCASL keywords to be used for parsing and printing
- Hybrid.Logic_Hybrid Instance of class Logic for Hybrid CASL
- Hybrid.Parse_AS
- Hybrid.Print_AS
- Hybrid.StatAna
- Interfaces datastructures and functions shared between interfaces (PGIP and GUI)
- Interfaces.CmdAction command action associations for all interfaces
- Interfaces.Command development graph commands for all interfaces
- Interfaces.DataTypes Common Data types to be used between interfaces
- Interfaces.GenericATPState Help functions for GUI.GenericATP
- Interfaces.History history management functions
- Interfaces.Utils utilitary functions
- Isabelle logic for the interactive higher order theorem prover Isabelle
- Isabelle.ATC_Isabelle generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Isabelle.CreateTheories creating Isabelle thoeries via translations
- Isabelle.Isa2DG Import data generated by hol2hets into a DG
- Isabelle.IsaConsts constants for Isabelle terms
- Isabelle.IsaExport
- Isabelle.IsaImport
- Isabelle.IsaParse parser for an Isabelle theory
- Isabelle.IsaPrint printing Isabelle entities
- Isabelle.IsaProve interface to the Isabelle theorem prover
- Isabelle.IsaSign abstract Isabelle HOL and HOLCF syntax
- Isabelle.IsaStrings predefined strings of several Isabelle logics
- Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle Isabelle instance of class Logic
- Isabelle.MarkSimp mark certain Isabelle sentenes for the simplifier
- Isabelle.Translate create legal Isabelle mixfix identifier
- LF logic for LF (logical framework)
- LF.AS Abstract syntax for the Edinburgh Logical Framework
- LF.ATC_LF generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- LF.Analysis Static analysis for the Edinburgh Logical Framework
- LF.ComorphFram
- LF.Framework Functions for defining LF as a logical framework
- LF.Logic_LF Instances of classes defined in Logic.hs for the Edinburgh Logical Framework
- LF.MorphParser
- LF.Morphism Definition of signature morphisms for the Edinburgh Logical Framework
- LF.Parse A parser for the Edinburgh Logical Framework
- LF.Sign Definition of signatures for the Edinburgh Logical Framework
- LF.Twelf2DG Conversion of Twelf files to Development Graphs
- LF.Twelf2GR Conversion of Twelf files to LF signatures and morphisms
- Logic infrastructure needed for presenting a logic to Hets
- Logic.Coerce coerce logic entities dynamically
- Logic.Comorphism interface and class for logic translations
- Logic.ExtSign derived functions for signatures with symbol sets
- Logic.Grothendieck Grothendieck logic (flattening of logic graph to a single logic)
- Logic.KnownIris map of the known logics and serializations
- Logic.LGToJson export logic graph information as Json
- Logic.LGToXml export logic graph information as XML
- Logic.Logic central interface (type class) for logics in Hets
- Logic.Modification interface (type class) for comorphism modifications in Hets
- Logic.Morphism interface (type class) for logic projections (morphisms) in Hets
- Logic.PrintLogics Print list of all logics
- Logic.Prover General datastructures for theorem prover interfaces
- MMT MMT structuring mechanisms
- MMT.Hets2mmt interface for MMT jar
- Main main Hets module (providing binary executable)
- Maude logic for Maude (rewriting logic)
- Maude.AS_Maude Abstract Maude Syntax
- Maude.ATC_Maude generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Maude.Language Parsing the Maude Language
- Maude.Logic_Maude Instance of class Logic for Maude
- Maude.Maude2DG Maude Development Graphs
- Maude.Meta Meta information about Maude data types
- Maude.Meta.AsSymbol Viewing Maude data types as Symbols
- Maude.Meta.HasLabels Accessing the Labels of Maude data types
- Maude.Meta.HasName Accessing the names of Maude data types
- Maude.Meta.HasOps Accessing the Operators of Maude data types
- Maude.Meta.HasSorts Accessing the Sorts of Maude data types
- Maude.Morphism Maude Morphisms
- Maude.Parse extract Maude text in structured specs
- Maude.PreComorphism Maude Comorphisms
- Maude.Printing Translation from Haskell to Maude
- Maude.Sentence Maude Sentences
- Maude.Shellout Maude Development Graphs
- Maude.Sign Maude Signatures
- Maude.Symbol Maude Symbols
- Maude.Util Utility Functions
- Modal modal logic extension of CASL
- Modal.AS_Modal
- Modal.ATC_Modal generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Modal.Logic_Modal Instance of class Logic for Modal CASL
- Modal.ModalSign
- Modal.ModalSystems
- Modal.Parse_AS
- Modal.Print_AS
- Modal.StatAna
- Modal.Utils
- Modifications experimental work on institution comorphism modifications
- NeSyPatterns
- NeSyPatterns.AS Abstract syntax for neural-symbolic patterns
- NeSyPatterns.ATC_NeSyPatterns generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- NeSyPatterns.ATC_Relation
- NeSyPatterns.Analysis Basic analysis for propositional logic
- NeSyPatterns.Logic_NeSyPatterns Instance of class Logic for neural-symbolic patterns
- NeSyPatterns.Morphism Morphisms in NeSyPatterns logic
- NeSyPatterns.Parse
- NeSyPatterns.Print
- NeSyPatterns.Sign Signatures for syntax for neural-symbolic patterns
- NeSyPatterns.Symbol Symbols of propositional logic
- NeSyPatterns.Taxonomy Taxonomy extraction for NeSyPatterns
- OMDoc basics of the common algebraic specification language
- OMDoc.ATC_OMDoc generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- OMDoc.DataTypes The OMDoc Data Types
- OMDoc.Export Exports a development graph to an omdoc structure
- OMDoc.Import Transforms an OMDoc file into a development graph
- OMDoc.Logic_OMDoc Rudimentary Logic-instances for OMDoc
- OMDoc.OMDocInterface Handpicked model of OMDoc subset
- OMDoc.XmlInterface OMDoc-XML conversion
- OWL2 Web Ontology Language OWL2
- OWL2.ASKeywords AS string constants for printing
- OWL2.ATC_OWL2 generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- OWL2.CASL2OWL Comorphism from CASL to OWL2
- OWL2.ColimSign OWL signatures colimits
- OWL2.ColonKeywords String constants for OWL colon keywords to be used for parsing and printing
- OWL2.Conservativity
- OWL2.CreateOWL translate theories to OWL2
- OWL2.DMU2OWL2 translating DMU xml to OWL
- OWL2.Extract extraction of the sign from the frames
- OWL2.Function
- OWL2.Keywords OWL reserved keywords and printing
- OWL2.Logic_OWL2 instance of the class Logic for OWL2
- OWL2.ManchesterPrint
- OWL2.Medusa Convert OWL2 ontology to Medusa data structure
- OWL2.MedusaToJson JSON output for Medusa
- OWL2.Morphism OWL Morphisms
- OWL2.OWL22CASL Comorphism from OWL 2 to CASL_Dl
- OWL2.OWL22CommonLogic Comorphism from OWL2 to Common Logic
- OWL2.OWL22NeSyPatterns Inclusion comorphism from OWL 2 to NeSyPatterns
- OWL2.Parse Manchester syntax parser for OWL 2
- OWL2.ParseAS
- OWL2.ParseMS
- OWL2.ParseOWL
- OWL2.ParseOWLAsLibDefn
- OWL2.Pretty
- OWL2.Print
- OWL2.PrintAS
- OWL2.PrintMS
- OWL2.Profiles
- OWL2.ProfilesAndSublogics
- OWL2.Propositional2OWL2 Comorphism from Propostional Logic to OWL 2
- OWL2.ProveFact
- OWL2.ProveHermit Interface to the OWL Ontology prover via Pellett.
- OWL2.ProvePellet Interface to the OWL Ontology prover via Pellett.
- OWL2.ProverState Interface to the OWL Ontology provers.
- OWL2.Rename
- OWL2.Sign
- OWL2.StaticAnalysis
- OWL2.Sublogic
- OWL2.Symbols
- OWL2.Taxonomy Taxonomy extraction for OWL
- OWL2.Theorem
- OWL2.Translate translate string to OWL2 valid names
- OWL2.XMLConversion
- OWL2.XMLKeywords
- Omega logic of the theorem prover Omega
- PGIP RESTful interface
- PGIP.GraphQL
- PGIP.GraphQL.Resolver
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Action
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Axiom
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Conjecture
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.ConservativityStatus
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.DGraph
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.DocumentLink
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.FileRange
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.IdReference
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Language
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.LanguageMapping
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Library
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.LocIdReference
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Logic
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.LogicMapping
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Mapping
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.NativeDocument
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.OMS
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.OMSSimple
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.PremiseSelection
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Reasoner
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.ReasonerConfiguration
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.ReasonerOutput
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.ReasoningAttempt
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Sentence
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Serialization
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Signature
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.SignatureMorphism
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.StringReference
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.Symbol
- PGIP.GraphQL.Result.SymbolMapping
- Output
- PGIP.Query hets server queries
- PGIP.ReasoningParameters
- PGIP.RequestCache hets server request cache
- PGIP.Server run hets as server
- PGIP.Shared Provides resources for caching requests to the RESTful interface.
- PGIP.XMLparsing XML processing for the CMDL interface
- PGIP.XMLstate after parsing XML message a list of XMLcommands is produced, containing commands that need to be executed
- PGIP.GraphQL
- Persistence persistence layer for Hets
- Proofs Proofs in development graphs
- Proofs.AbstractState State data structure used by the goal management GUI.
- Proofs.Automatic automatic proofs in the development graph calculus
- Proofs.BatchProcessing Batch processing functions.
- Proofs.Composition Composition rules in the development graphs calculus
- Proofs.ComputeColimit Heterogeneous colimit of the displayed graph
- Proofs.Conservativity conservativity proof rule for development graphs
- Proofs.ConsistencyCheck devGraph rule that calls consistency checker for specific logics
- Proofs.DGFlattening flattening parts of development graphs
- Proofs.EdgeUtils utility functions for edges of development graphs
- Proofs.FreeDefLinks compute ingoing free definition links for provers
- Proofs.Freeness normalization of freeness
- Proofs.Global global proof rules for development graphs
- Proofs.HideTheoremShift hide theorem shift proof rule for development graphs
- Proofs.InferBasic devGraph rule that calls provers for specific logics
- Proofs.Local local proof rules for development graphs
- Proofs.NormalForm compute the normal forms of all nodes in development graphs
- Proofs.QualifyNames qualify all names in the nodes of development graphs
- Proofs.SimpleTheoremHideShift simple version of theorem hide shift proof rule
- Proofs.StatusUtils the proof status with manipulating functions
- Proofs.TheoremHideShift theorem hide shift proof rule for development graphs
- Proofs.TriangleCons apply triangle-cons rule for all edges in development graphs
- Proofs.VSE Interface to send structured theories to the VSE prover
- Propositional Propositional logic
- Propositional.AS_BASIC_Propositional Abstract syntax for propositional logic
- Propositional.ATC_Propositional generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Propositional.Analysis Basic analysis for propositional logic
- Propositional.Conservativity ConservativityChecker for propositional logic
- Propositional.Conversions Helper functions for proofs in propositional logic
- Propositional.Fold folding function for propositional formulas
- Propositional.Logic_Propositional Instance of class Logic for propositional logic
- Propositional.Morphism Morphisms in Propositional logic
- Propositional.Parse_AS_Basic Parser for basic specs
- Propositional.Prop2CASLHelpers Helper functions for Prop2CASL
- Propositional.Prove Provers for propositional logic
- Propositional.ProveMinisat Provers for propositional logic
- Propositional.ProveWithTruthTable Provers for propositional logic
- Propositional.ProverState ProverState for propositional logic
- Propositional.Sign Signature for propositional logic
- Propositional.Sublogic Sublogics for propositional logic
- Propositional.Symbol Symbols of propositional logic
- Propositional.Tools Some additional helper functions
- QBF quantified Boolean logic
- QBF.AS_BASIC_QBF Abstract syntax for propositional logic extended with QBFs
- QBF.ATC_QBF generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- QBF.Analysis Basic analysis for propositional logic extended with QBFs
- QBF.Logic_QBF Instance of class Logic for propositional logic extended with QBFs
- QBF.Morphism Morphisms in Propositional logic extended with QBFs
- QBF.Parse_AS_Basic Parser for basic specs
- QBF.ProveDepQBF Interface to the theorem prover e-krhyper in CASC-mode.
- QBF.ProverState Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
- QBF.Sublogic Sublogics for propositional logic
- QBF.Symbol Symbols of propositional logic
- QBF.Tools folding function for propositional formulas extended with QBFs
- QVTR logic for OMG's queryviewtransformation language
- QVTR.ATC_QVTR generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- QVTR.As abstract QVT-Relational syntax
- QVTR.Logic_QVTR Instance of class Logic for the QVTR logic
- QVTR.ParseQvtAsLibDefn QVTR .qvt parser
- QVTR.Parser QVT-Relational syntax parser
- QVTR.Print pretty printing for QVTR
- QVTR.Sign QVTR signature and sentences
- QVTR.StatAna Static QVTR analysis
- RDF logic RDF (resource description framework)
- RDF.ATC_RDF generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- RDF.Function
- RDF.Logic_RDF instance of the class Logic for RDF
- RDF.Morphism RDF Morphism
- RDF.Parse
- RDF.Print
- RDF.Sign
- RDF.StaticAnalysis
- RDF.Sublogic
- RDF.Symbols
- RelationalScheme Relational database schemes
- RelationalScheme.AS abstract syntax for Relational Schemes
- RelationalScheme.ATC_RelationalScheme generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- RelationalScheme.Keywords Keywords for Relational Schemes
- RelationalScheme.Logic_Rel Instance of class Logic for Rel
- RelationalScheme.ParseRS abstract syntax for Relational Schemes
- RelationalScheme.Sign signaturefor Relational Schemes
- RelationalScheme.StaticAnalysis static analysis for Relational Schemes
- RigidCASL extension of CASL that distinguishes rigid and flexible symbols
- SoftFOL logic for first order provers like SPASS
- SoftFOL.ATC_SoftFOL generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- SoftFOL.Conversions Functions to convert to internal SP* data structures.
- SoftFOL.CreateDFGDoc Generating DFG Doc out of SPASS theories.
- SoftFOL.DFGParser A parser for the SPASS Input Syntax
- SoftFOL.EProver Analyze eprover output
- SoftFOL.Logic_SoftFOL Instance of class Logic for SoftFOL.
- SoftFOL.MathServMapping Maps a MathServResponse into a prover configuration.
- SoftFOL.MathServParsing Functions for parsing MathServ output as a MathServResponse
- SoftFOL.Morphism Symbol related functions for SoftFOL.
- SoftFOL.ParseTPTP A parser for the TPTP Input Syntax
- SoftFOL.Print Pretty printing for SoftFOL problems in DFG.
- SoftFOL.PrintTPTP Pretty printing for SPASS signatures in TPTP syntax.
- SoftFOL.ProveDarwin Interface to the TPTP theorem prover via Darwin.
- SoftFOL.ProveHyperHyper Interface to the theorem prover e-krhyper in CASC-mode.
- SoftFOL.ProveMathServ Interface for the MathServe broker.
- SoftFOL.ProveMetis
- SoftFOL.ProveSPASS Interface for the SPASS theorem prover.
- SoftFOL.ProveVampire Interface to the Vampire theorem prover via MathServe.
- SoftFOL.ProverState Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
- SoftFOL.Sign Data structures representing SPASS signatures.
- SoftFOL.StatAna
- SoftFOL.Translate utility to create valid identifiers for atp provers
- Static
- Static.AnalysisArchitecture static analysis of CASL architectural specifications
- Static.AnalysisLibrary static analysis of DOL documents and CASL specification libraries
- Static.AnalysisStructured static analysis of DOL OMS and heterogeneous structured specifications
- Static.ApplyChanges apply xupdate changes to a development graph
- Static.ArchDiagram Data types and functions for architectural diagrams
- Static.CheckGlobalContext checking consistency of indices
- Static.ComputeTheory compute the theory of a node
- Static.ConsInclusions dump conservative inclusion links
- Static.DGTranslation Translation of development graphs along comorphisms
- Static.DevGraph Central datastructures for development graphs
- Static.DgUtils auxiliary datastructures for development graphs
- Static.DotGraph Display of development graphs using Graphviz/dot
- Static.FromXml xml input for Hets development graphs
- Static.FromXmlUtils theory datastructure for development graphs
- Static.GTheory theory datastructure for development graphs
- Static.History history treatment for development graphs
- Static.PrintDevGraph pretty printing (parts of) a LibEnv
- Static.ToJson json output of Hets development graphs
- Static.ToXml xml output of Hets development graphs
- Static.WACocone heterogeneous signatures colimits approximations
- Static.XGraph xml input for Hets development graphs
- Static.XSimplePath Simplification of XPath-Structure
- Syntax folder description
- Syntax.AS_Architecture abstract syntax of CASL architectural specifications
- Syntax.AS_Library abstract syntax of DOL documents and CASL specification libraries
- Syntax.AS_Structured abstract syntax of DOL OMS and CASL structured specifications
- Syntax.Parse_AS_Architecture parser for CASL architectural specifications
- Syntax.Parse_AS_Library parser for DOL documents and CASL specification librariess
- Syntax.Parse_AS_Structured parser for DOL OMS and CASL (heterogeneous) structured specifications
- Syntax.Print_AS_Architecture pretty printing of CASL architectural specifications
- Syntax.Print_AS_Library pretty printing of CASL specification libaries
- Syntax.Print_AS_Structured pretty printing of CASL structured specifications
- Syntax.ToXml xml output of Hets specification libaries
- THF THF, a variant of TPTP for higher-order logic
- THF.ATC_THF generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- THF.As A abstract syntax for the TPTP-THF Syntax
- THF.Cons A collection of data-structures, functions and instances for the THF modules.
- THF.HasCASL2THF0Buildins create legal THF mixfix identifier
- THF.Logic_THF Instance of class Logic for THF.
- THF.ParseTHF A Parser for the TPTP-THF Syntax
- THF.Poly Helper functions for coding out polymorphism
- THF.Print Seveal Pretty instances.
- THF.PrintTHF A printer for the TPTP-THF Syntax
- THF.ProveIsabelle Interface to the Isabelle theorem prover.
- THF.ProveLeoII Interface to the Leo II theorem prover.
- THF.ProveSatallax Interface to the Satallax theorem prover.
- THF.ProverState Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
- THF.SZSProver General Interface to a prover using SZS status messages
- THF.Sign Signature for THF
- THF.StaticAnalysisTHF Static analysis for THF
- THF.Sublogic Sublogics for THF
- THF.Translate create legal THF mixfix identifier
- THF.Utils A couple helper functions
- TIP.PrintTIP
- Prover
- TIP.Prover.Common useful functions for provers with TIP input
- TIP.Utils utility functions for dealing with TIP objects
- TPTP logic TPTP (standard format for first and higher order provers)
- TPTP.AS Abstract syntax for TPTP v6.4.0.11
- TPTP.ATC_TPTP generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- TPTP.Common Common functions for TPTP handling.
- TPTP.ConsChecker Interface to consistency checkers
- TPTP.Logic_TPTP Instance of class Logic for TPTP.
- TPTP.Morphism Symbol-related functions for TPTP.
- TPTP.Morphism.Sentence Symbol-related functions for TPTP.
- TPTP.ParseAsLibDefn Methods to parse TPTP as a LibDefn
- TPTP.Parser A Parser for the TPTP Syntax v6.4.0.11
- TPTP.Pretty A pretty printer for the TPTP Syntax v6.4.0.7
- TPTP.ProveHyper Interface to the theorem prover e-krhyper in CASC-mode.
- Prover
- TPTP.Prover.CVC4 Interface for the CVC4 theorem prover / SMT solver.
- TPTP.Prover.Common Interface for the E Theorem Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.Darwin Interface for the E Theorem Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.EProver Interface for the E Theorem Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.EProver.ProofParser Parses an EProver proof.
- TPTP.Prover.Geo3 Interface for the Leo-III Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.Isabelle Interface for Isabelle as an ATP.
- TPTP.Prover.Leo2 Interface for the Leo-II Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.ProofParser Parses a TPTP proof.
- TPTP.Prover.ProverState Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
- TPTP.Prover.SPASS Interface for the SPASS theorem prover.
- TPTP.Prover.SPASS.ProofParser Interface for the E Theorem Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.Satallax Interface for the Satallax Prover.
- TPTP.Prover.Vampire Interface for the Vampire theorem prover.
- TPTP.Prover.Vampire.ProofParser Parses a Vampire proof.
- TPTP.Sign Data structures representing TPTP signatures.
- TPTP.StaticAnalysis Static Analysis for TPTP.
- TPTP.Sublogic Data structures representing TPTP sublogics.
- TPTP.Translate utility to create valid identifiers for atp provers
- Taxonomy Visualisation of taxonomies
- Taxonomy.AbstractGraphView Interface for graph viewing and abstraction
- Taxonomy.MMiSSOntology
- Taxonomy.MMiSSOntologyGraph
- Temporal temporal logic
- Temporal.AS_BASIC_Temporal Abstract syntax of temporal basic specifications
- Temporal.ATC_Temporal generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- Temporal.Logic_Temporal Instance of class Logic for temporal logic
- Temporal.Morphism Morphisms in Temporal logic
- Temporal.Sign Signature for propositional logic
- Temporal.Symbol Symbols of propositional logic
- TopHybrid Hybrid Logic with an arbitrary logic below
- TopHybrid.AS_TopHybrid
- TopHybrid.ATC_TopHybrid generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- TopHybrid.Logic_TopHybrid
- TopHybrid.Parse_AS
- TopHybrid.Print_AS
- TopHybrid.StatAna
- TopHybrid.TopHybridSign
- TopHybrid.Utilities List of utilities for Hybridized logic
- UML Unified Modeling Language UML
- VSE logic VSE (verification support environment)
- VSE.ATC_VSE generated ShATermConvertible, Json instances
- VSE.Ana static analysis of VSE parts
- VSE.As abstract syntax of VSE programs and dynamic logic
- VSE.Fold folding functions for VSE progams
- VSE.Logic_VSE the incomplete Logic instance for VSE
- VSE.Parse parsing VSE parts
- VSE.Prove Interface to the VSE prover
- VSE.ToSExpr translate VSE to S-Expressions