Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Copyright(c) Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach
Swansea University 2009
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Safe HaskellNone



Utilities for CspCASLProver related to Isabelle. The functions here typically manipulate Isabelle signatures.



addConst :: String -> Typ -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Add a single constant to the signature of an Isabelle theory

addDef :: String -> Term -> Term -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Function to add a def command to an Isabelle theory

addInstanceOf :: String -> [Sort] -> Sort -> [(String, Term)] -> IsaProof -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Function to add an instance of command to an Isabelle theory. The sort parameters here are basically strings.

addLemmasCollection :: String -> [String] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Add a lemmas sentence (definition) that allow us to group large collections of lemmas in to a single lemma. This cuts down on the repreated addition of lemmas in the proofs.

addPrimRec :: String -> Typ -> [Term] -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Add a constant with a primrec defintion to the sentences of an Isabelle theory. Parameters: constant name, type, primrec defintions and isabelle theory to be added to.

addTheoremWithProof :: String -> [Term] -> Term -> IsaProof -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Add a theorem with proof to an Isabelle theory

updateDomainTab :: DomainEntry -> IsaTheory -> IsaTheory Source #

Add a DomainEntry to the domain tab of an Isabelle signature.

writeIsaTheory :: String -> Theory Sign Sentence () -> IO () Source #

Write out an Isabelle Theory. The theory should just run through in Isabelle without any user interactions. This is based heavily off Isabelle.IsaProve.isaProve