Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
CopyrightFelix Gabriel Mance
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Safe HaskellNone



Static analysis for RDF


URI Resolution

Axiom extraction

expandPOList2 :: Triples -> [Triples] Source #

this assumes exactly one subject and one predicate

expandPOList :: Triples -> [Triples] Source #

converts a triple to a list of triples with one predicate and one object

expandObject1 :: Int -> Triples -> (Int, [Triples]) Source #

this assumes exactly one subject, one predicate and one object

expandObject2 :: Int -> [Triples] -> (Int, [Triples]) Source #

this assumes each triple has one subject, one predicate and one object

expandObject :: Int -> Triples -> (Int, [Triples]) Source #

expandSubject :: Int -> Triples -> (Int, [Triples]) Source #

expandTriple :: Int -> Triples -> (Int, [Triples]) Source #

expandTripleList :: Int -> [Triples] -> (Int, [Triples]) Source #

modEntity :: (Term -> Set Term -> Set Term) -> RDFEntity -> State Sign () Source #

takes an entity and modifies the sign according to the given function

addEntity :: RDFEntity -> State Sign () Source #

adding entities to the signature

createSign :: TurtleDocument -> State Sign () Source #

collects all entites from the axioms

basicRDFAnalysis :: (TurtleDocument, Sign, GlobalAnnos) -> Result (TurtleDocument, ExtSign Sign RDFEntity, [Named Axiom]) Source #

static analysis of document with incoming sign.