Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Copyright(c) Till Mossakowski C. Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Safe HaskellNone



Symbol map analysis for the CASL logic. Follows Sect. III:4.1 of the CASL Reference Manual.



inducedFromMorphism :: (Pretty e, Show f) => m -> RawSymbolMap -> Sign f e -> Result (Morphism f e m) Source #

function and preds in the overloading relation are mapped in the same way thus preserving the overload-relation

inducedFromToMorphism Source #


:: (Eq e, Show f, Pretty e, Pretty m) 
=> m

extended morphism

-> (e -> e -> Bool)

subsignature test of extensions

-> (e -> e -> e)

difference of extensions

-> RawSymbolMap 
-> ExtSign (Sign f e) Symbol 
-> ExtSign (Sign f e) Symbol 
-> Result (Morphism f e m) 

inducedFromMorphismExt :: (Pretty e, Show f) => InducedSign f e m e -> InducedMorphism e m -> RawSymbolMap -> Sign f e -> Result (Morphism f e m) Source #

inducedFromToMorphismExt Source #


:: (Eq e, Show f, Pretty e, Pretty m) 
=> InducedSign f e m e 
-> InducedMorphism e m

compute extended morphism

-> (Morphism f e m -> Morphism f e m -> Result m)

composition of extensions

-> (e -> e -> Bool)

subsignature test of extensions

-> (e -> e -> e)

difference of extensions

-> RawSymbolMap 
-> ExtSign (Sign f e) Symbol 
-> ExtSign (Sign f e) Symbol 
-> Result (Morphism f e m) 

generatedSign :: m -> SymbolSet -> Sign f e -> Result (Morphism f e m) Source #

finalUnion Source #


:: (e -> e -> e)

join signature extensions

-> Sign f e 
-> Sign f e 
-> Result (Sign f e) 

constMorphExt :: m -> InducedMorphism e m Source #

revealSym :: Symbol -> Sign f e -> Sign f e Source #