Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Copyright(c) Till Mossakowski Uni Bremen 2002-2007
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Portabilitynon-portable (relies on Logic via DevGraph)
Safe HaskellNone



Interface for graph viewing and abstraction. It is possible to hide sets of nodes and edges. Using a composition table for edge types, paths through hidden nodes can be displayed. Graphs, nodes, and edges are handled via descriptors (here: integers), while node and edge types are handled by user-supplied strings.



type OurGraph = Graph DaVinciGraph DaVinciGraphParms DaVinciNode DaVinciNodeType DaVinciNodeTypeParms DaVinciArc DaVinciArcType DaVinciArcTypeParms Source #

data Result Source #


Result Descr (Maybe String) 

makegraph :: String -> Maybe (IO ()) -> Maybe (IO ()) -> Maybe (IO ()) -> [GlobalMenu] -> [(String, DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String, Descr, Descr))] -> [(String, DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue)] -> CompTable -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

makegraphExt :: String -> Maybe (IO ()) -> Maybe (IO ()) -> Maybe (IO ()) -> IO Bool -> Maybe (IO ()) -> [GlobalMenu] -> [(String, DaVinciNodeTypeParms (String, Descr, Descr))] -> [(String, DaVinciArcTypeParms EdgeValue)] -> CompTable -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

type Descr = Int Source #

data RelationViewSpec Source #


RelViewSpec String Bool Bool 

type NodeMapping = Map Int Descr Source #

addnode :: Descr -> String -> String -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

addlink :: Descr -> String -> String -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

type EdgeValue = (String, Int, Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)) Source #

writeOntoGraph :: Descr -> Gr (String, String, OntoObjectType) String -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

type CompTable = [(String, String, String)] Source #

changeNodeType Source #


:: Descr

the graph id

-> Descr

the id of the to be set node

-> String

the new node type

-> GraphInfo

the enviroment

-> IO Result 

change the node type of the given node in the given graph. it firstly checks if the node exists in the graph and if the given node type is valid, then does the setting.

checkHasHiddenNodes :: Descr -> Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

function to check whether the internal nodes are hidden or not

hideSetOfNodeTypes :: Descr -> [String] -> Bool -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

Direct manipulation of uDrawGraph

layoutImproveAll :: Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

improve the layout of a graph like calling "Layout->Improve All"

showTemporaryMessage Source #


:: Descr 
-> GraphInfo 
-> String

message to be displayed

-> IO Result 

display a message in a uDrawGraph window controlled by AbstractGraphView

deactivateGraphWindow :: Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

deactivate the input of all uDrawGraph windows;

Warning: every deactivate event must be paired an activate event

activateGraphWindow :: Descr -> GraphInfo -> IO Result Source #

activate the input of a uDrawGraph display

Orphan instances

Eq (DaVinciArc EdgeValue) Source # 
Instance details


(==) :: DaVinciArc EdgeValue -> DaVinciArc EdgeValue -> Bool

(/=) :: DaVinciArc EdgeValue -> DaVinciArc EdgeValue -> Bool

Eq (DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int)) Source # 
Instance details


(==) :: DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int) -> DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int) -> Bool

(/=) :: DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int) -> DaVinciNode (String, Int, Int) -> Bool