Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Copyright(c) Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Safe HaskellNone





getTheoryForSelection :: [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> G_theory -> G_theory Source #

getAvailableComorphisms :: G_theory -> [AnyComorphism] Source #

getAvailableComorphisms theory yields all available comorphisms for theory

getUsableProvers :: G_theory -> IO [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)] Source #

getUsableProvers theory checks for usable provers available on the machine

getUsableConsistencyCheckers :: G_theory -> IO [(G_cons_checker, AnyComorphism)] Source #

getUsableConsistencyCheckers theory checks for usable consistencey checkers for theory available on the machine

proveNode :: TheoryPointer -> ProofOptions -> ResultT IO ProofResult Source #

proveNode theory prover comorphism proves all goals in theory using all all axioms in theory. If prover or comorphism is Nothing the first usable prover or comorphism, respectively, is used.

recordConservativityResult :: LinkPointer -> ConservativityResult -> LibEnv Source #

data ProofOptions Source #




data ConsCheckingOptions Source #




genericProveBatch Source #


:: (Show sentence, Ord sentence, Ord proof_tree) 
=> Bool

True means use tLimit/options from GenericState

-> Int

batch time limit

-> [String]

extra options passed

-> Bool

True means include proved theorems

-> Bool 
-> (Int -> Named sentence -> Maybe (Named sentence) -> (ATPRetval, GenericConfig proof_tree) -> IO Bool)

called after every prover run. return True if you want the prover to continue.

-> (pst -> Named sentence -> pst)

inserts a Namend sentence into a logicalPart

-> RunProver sentence proof_tree pst 
-> String

prover name

-> String

theory name

-> GenericState sentence proof_tree pst 
-> Maybe (MVar (Result [ProofStatus proof_tree]))

empty MVar to be filled after each proof attempt

-> IO [ProofStatus proof_tree]

proof status for each goal

A non-GUI batch mode prover. The list of goals is processed sequentially. Proved goals are inserted as axioms.