Copyright | (c) K. Luettich Rene Wagner Uni Bremen 2002-2005 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | non-portable (imports HTk) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Utilities on top of HTk
- data LBGoalView = LBGoalView {
- statIndicator :: LBStatusIndicator
- goalDescription :: String
- data LBStatusIndicator
- data EnableWid = forall wid.HasEnable wid => EnW wid
- type GUIMVar = MVar (Maybe Toplevel)
- listBox :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Int)
- errorMess :: String -> IO ()
- confirmMess :: String -> IO Bool
- messageMess :: String -> IO ()
- askFileNameAndSave :: String -> String -> IO ()
- createTextSaveDisplay :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
- newFileDialogStr :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Event (Maybe FilePath))
- fileDialogStr :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Event (Maybe FilePath))
- displayTheoryWithWarning :: String -> String -> String -> G_theory -> IO ()
- populateGoalsListBox :: ListBox String -> [LBGoalView] -> IO ()
- indicatorFromProofStatus :: ProofStatus a -> LBStatusIndicator
- indicatorFromBasicProof :: BasicProof -> LBStatusIndicator
- indicatorString :: LBStatusIndicator -> String
- enableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO ()
- disableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO ()
- enableWidsUponSelection :: ListBox String -> [EnableWid] -> IO ()
- when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
- try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)
- forever :: Applicative f => f a -> f b
- unless :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
- newtype Event a = Event (Toggle -> (IO a -> IO ()) -> IO Result)
- class Destroyable o where
- destroy :: o -> IO ()
- class Destroyable o => Destructible o where
- data Result
- = Immediate
- | Awaiting (IO ())
- | AwaitingAlways (IO ())
- class HasConfig option configuration where
- ($$) :: option -> configuration -> configuration
- configUsed :: option -> configuration -> Bool
- data Channel a
- data WithError a
- toWithError :: Either String a -> WithError a
- newChannel :: IO (Channel a)
- (+>) :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a
- (>>>) :: Event a -> IO b -> Event b
- (>>>=) :: Event a -> (a -> IO b) -> Event b
- allowWhile :: Event () -> Event a -> Event a
- always :: IO a -> Event a
- choose :: [Event a] -> Event a
- computeEvent :: IO (Event a) -> Event a
- doRequest :: Request a b -> a -> IO (Event b, IO ())
- doneEvent :: a -> Event a
- getAllQueued :: Event a -> IO [a]
- never :: Event a
- noWait :: Event a -> Event ()
- poll :: Event a -> IO (Maybe a)
- receiveIO :: HasReceive chan => chan a -> IO a
- request :: Request a b -> a -> IO b
- sendIO :: HasSend chan => chan a -> a -> IO ()
- spawnEvent :: Event () -> IO (IO ())
- sync :: Event a -> IO a
- syncNoWait :: Event a -> IO ()
- thenEvent :: Event a -> Event b -> Event b
- thenGetEvent :: Event a -> (a -> Event b) -> Event b
- tryEV :: Event a -> Event (Either SomeException a)
- wrapAbort :: IO (Event a, IO ()) -> Event a
- spawn :: IO () -> IO (IO ())
- createArc :: Canvas -> [Config Arc] -> IO Arc
- extent :: Degree -> Config Arc
- getExtent :: Arc -> IO Degree
- getStart :: Arc -> IO Degree
- start :: Degree -> Config Arc
- createBitMapItem :: Canvas -> [Config BitMapItem] -> IO BitMapItem
- declVar :: CanvasTagOrID -> TclScript
- declVarList :: CanvasTagOrID -> TclCmd
- itemsNotOnSameCanvas :: IOError
- lowerItem :: (CanvasItem ci, CanvasItem w) => ci -> w -> IO ()
- moveItem :: (Synchronized w, CanvasItem w) => w -> Distance -> Distance -> IO ()
- putItemAtBottom :: CanvasItem ci => ci -> IO ()
- putItemOnTop :: CanvasItem w => w -> IO ()
- raiseItem :: (CanvasItem ci, CanvasItem w) => ci -> w -> IO ()
- scaleItem :: (Synchronized w, CanvasItem w) => w -> Distance -> Distance -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
- (&#&) :: CanvasTag -> CanvasTag -> IO CanvasTag
- (^#) :: CanvasTag -> CanvasTag -> IO CanvasTag
- aboveItem :: CanvasItem item => item -> SearchSpec
- addCanvasTag :: SearchSpec -> CanvasTag -> IO ()
- allItems :: SearchSpec
- belowItem :: CanvasItem item => item -> SearchSpec
- closest :: Position -> SearchSpec
- createCanvasTag :: Canvas -> [Config CanvasTag] -> IO CanvasTag
- enclosed :: Position -> Position -> SearchSpec
- overlapping :: Position -> Position -> SearchSpec
- removeCanvasTag :: CanvasItem i => i -> CanvasTag -> IO ()
- tagNot :: CanvasTag -> IO CanvasTag
- withTag :: CanvasItem item => item -> SearchSpec
- (|#|) :: CanvasTag -> CanvasTag -> IO CanvasTag
- createEmbeddedCanvasWin :: Widget w => Canvas -> w -> [Config EmbeddedCanvasWin] -> IO EmbeddedCanvasWin
- createImageItem :: Canvas -> [Config ImageItem] -> IO ImageItem
- arrowshape :: ArrowShape -> Config Line
- arrowstyle :: ArrowHead -> Config Line
- capstyle :: CapStyle -> Config Line
- createLine :: Canvas -> [Config Line] -> IO Line
- getArrowshape :: Line -> IO ArrowShape
- getArrowstyle :: Line -> IO ArrowHead
- getCapstyle :: Line -> IO CapStyle
- getJoinstyle :: Line -> IO JoinStyle
- joinstyle :: JoinStyle -> Config Line
- createOval :: Canvas -> [Config Oval] -> IO Oval
- createPolygon :: Canvas -> [Config Polygon] -> IO Polygon
- createRectangle :: Canvas -> [Config Rectangle] -> IO Rectangle
- createTextItem :: Canvas -> [Config TextItem] -> IO TextItem
- errmap :: BitMapHandle
- getBitMapHandle :: GUIObject w => w -> ConfigID -> IO BitMapHandle
- gray25 :: BitMapHandle
- gray50 :: BitMapHandle
- hourglass :: BitMapHandle
- info :: BitMapHandle
- newBitMap :: [Config BitMap] -> IO BitMap
- questhead :: BitMapHandle
- question :: BitMapHandle
- setBitMapHandle :: GUIObject w => w -> ConfigID -> BitMapHandle -> Bool -> IO w
- stringToBitMapHandle :: String -> IO BitMapHandle
- warning :: BitMapHandle
- focusModel :: Window w => FocusModel -> Config w
- forceFocus :: Widget w => w -> IO ()
- getCurrentGrab :: IO (Maybe CurrentGrab)
- getFocus :: Window w => w -> IO (Maybe CurrentFocus)
- getFocusModel :: Window w => w -> IO FocusModel
- getGrabStatus :: Widget w => w -> IO (Maybe GrabStatus)
- getRecentFocus :: Window w => w -> IO (Maybe CurrentFocus)
- grabGlobal :: Widget w => w -> IO ()
- grabLocal :: Widget w => w -> IO ()
- releaseGrab :: Widget w => w -> IO ()
- returnGrab :: Maybe CurrentGrab -> IO ()
- setFocus :: Widget w => w -> IO ()
- getIconMask :: Window w => Icon w -> IO BitMapHandle
- iconMask :: (Window w, BitMapDesignator h) => h -> Config (Icon w)
- imageToInt :: Image -> IO Int
- imgData :: Format -> String -> Config Image
- imgGamma :: Double -> Config Image
- imgPalette :: PaletteSpec p => p -> Config Image
- intToImage :: Int -> IO (Maybe Image)
- newImage :: [Config Image] -> IO Image
- newBox :: Container par => par -> Flexibility -> [Config Box] -> IO Box
- newHBox :: Container par => par -> [Config Box] -> IO Box
- newHFBox :: Container par => par -> [Config Box] -> IO Box
- newVBox :: Container par => par -> [Config Box] -> IO Box
- newVFBox :: Container par => par -> [Config Box] -> IO Box
- newFrame :: Container par => par -> [Config Frame] -> IO Frame
- createToplevel :: [Config Toplevel] -> IO Toplevel
- tkGetToplevelConfig :: ObjectName -> ConfigID -> TclScript
- tkSetToplevelConfigs :: ObjectName -> [ConfigOption] -> TclScript
- getMaxSize :: Window w => w -> IO Size
- getMinSize :: Window w => w -> IO Size
- isWMConfig :: ConfigID -> Bool
- lowerWin :: (Window w1, Window w2) => w1 -> w2 -> IO ()
- maxSize :: Window w => Size -> Config w
- minSize :: Window w => Size -> Config w
- raiseWin :: (Window w1, Window w2) => w1 -> w2 -> IO ()
- bell :: IO ()
- ringBell :: Window w => Maybe w -> IO ()
- colourmode :: ColourMode -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pageAnchor :: Anchor -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pageheight :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pagewidth :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pagex :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pagey :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript
- psfile :: String -> CreationConfig PostScript
- psheight :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pssize :: Size -> CreationConfig PostScript
- pswidth :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript
- rotate :: Bool -> CreationConfig PostScript
- getScreenHeight :: Window a => Screen a -> IO Distance
- getScreenManager :: Window a => Screen a -> IO String
- getScreenVisual :: Window a => Screen a -> IO VisualClass
- getScreenWidth :: Window a => Screen a -> IO Distance
- buttonColours :: HasColour w => w -> ConfigID -> Bool
- activeBackground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- activeForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- background :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- bg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- disabledForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- fg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- foreground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w
- getActiveBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour
- getActiveForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour
- getBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour
- getDisabledForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour
- getForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour
- hasBackGroundColour :: HasColour w => w -> ConfigID -> Bool
- hasForeGroundColour :: HasColour w => w -> ConfigID -> Bool
- bind :: GUIObject wid => wid -> [WishEvent] -> IO (Event EventInfo, IO ())
- bindPath :: Widget wid => wid -> [WishEvent] -> IO (Event EventInfo, IO ())
- bindPathSimple :: Widget wid => wid -> WishEventType -> IO (Event (), IO ())
- bindSimple :: GUIObject wid => wid -> WishEventType -> IO (Event (), IO ())
- arrow :: Cursor
- circle :: Cursor
- clock :: Cursor
- diamondCross :: Cursor
- dot :: Cursor
- drapedBox :: Cursor
- exchange :: Cursor
- fleur :: Cursor
- gobbler :: Cursor
- gumby :: Cursor
- hand1 :: Cursor
- hand2 :: Cursor
- pencil :: Cursor
- plus :: Cursor
- spraycan :: Cursor
- tcross :: Cursor
- watch :: Cursor
- xterm :: Cursor
- addEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet -> [EventParameter] -> EventInfoSet
- defaultEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet
- delEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet -> [EventParameter] -> EventInfoSet
- emptyEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet
- epFromChar :: Char -> EventParameter
- epToChar :: EventParameter -> Char
- listEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet -> [EventParameter]
- mkEventInfo :: [(EventParameter, String)] -> EventInfo
- mkEventInfoSet :: [EventParameter] -> EventInfoSet
- xfont :: XFont
- creadTk :: GUIValue a => String -> IO a
- delimitString :: String -> String
- escapeString :: String -> String
- illegalGUIValue :: IOError
- toTkString :: String -> String
- cm :: Double -> Distance
- ic :: Double -> Distance
- mm :: Double -> Distance
- pp :: Double -> Distance
- tocm :: Distance -> Double
- toinch :: Distance -> Double
- showGridPackOptions :: [GridPackOption] -> String
- showPackOptions :: [PackOption] -> String
- grid :: Widget w => w -> [GridPackOption] -> IO ()
- pack :: Widget w => w -> [PackOption] -> IO ()
- showCreationConfigs :: [CreationConfig a] -> IO String
- toggle :: Toggle -> Toggle
- createTkVariable :: GUIValue a => a -> IO (TkVariable a)
- readTkVariable :: GUIValue a => TkVariable a -> IO a
- setTkVariable :: GUIValue a => TkVariable a -> a -> IO ()
- cleanupWish :: IO ()
- delayWish :: IO a -> IO a
- forgetPackage :: String -> IO ()
- isPackageAvailable :: String -> IO Bool
- isTixAvailable :: IO Bool
- requirePackage :: String -> IO Bool
- createMenu :: GUIObject par => par -> Bool -> [Config Menu] -> IO Menu
- popup :: GUIObject i => Menu -> Position -> Maybe i -> IO ()
- post :: Menu -> Position -> IO ()
- unpost :: Menu -> IO ()
- createMenuCascade :: Menu -> [Config MenuCascade] -> IO MenuCascade
- createPulldownMenu :: Menu -> [Config MenuCascade] -> IO Menu
- createMenuCheckButton :: Menu -> [Config MenuCheckButton] -> IO MenuCheckButton
- createMenuCommand :: Menu -> [Config MenuCommand] -> IO MenuCommand
- createMenuRadioButton :: Menu -> [Config MenuRadioButton] -> IO MenuRadioButton
- createMenuSeparator :: Menu -> [Config MenuSeparator] -> IO MenuSeparator
- createEmbeddedTextWin :: (HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex, Widget w) => Editor -> i -> w -> [Config EmbeddedTextWin] -> IO EmbeddedTextWin
- getStretch :: EmbeddedTextWin -> IO Toggle
- stretch :: Toggle -> Config EmbeddedTextWin
- createMark :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> String -> i -> IO Mark
- getCurrentMarks :: Editor -> IO [Mark]
- setMark :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Mark -> i -> IO ()
- setMarkGravity :: Mark -> Gravity -> IO ()
- unsetMark :: Mark -> IO ()
- addTextTag :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => TextTag -> i1 -> i2 -> IO ()
- bgstipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config TextTag
- createTextTag :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> i1 -> i2 -> [Config TextTag] -> IO TextTag
- fgstipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config TextTag
- getBgstipple :: TextTag -> IO BitMapHandle
- getFgstipple :: TextTag -> IO BitMapHandle
- getLmargin1 :: TextTag -> IO Distance
- getLmargin2 :: TextTag -> IO Distance
- getOffset :: TextTag -> IO Distance
- getOverstrike :: TextTag -> IO Toggle
- getRmargin :: TextTag -> IO Distance
- getUnderlined :: TextTag -> IO Toggle
- lmargin1 :: Distance -> Config TextTag
- lmargin2 :: Distance -> Config TextTag
- lowerTextTag :: TextTag -> IO ()
- offset :: Distance -> Config TextTag
- overstrike :: Toggle -> Config TextTag
- raiseTextTag :: TextTag -> IO ()
- removeTextTag :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => TextTag -> i1 -> i2 -> IO ()
- rmargin :: Distance -> Config TextTag
- underlined :: Toggle -> Config TextTag
- getLabelSide :: LabelFrame -> IO LabelSide
- labelSide :: LabelSide -> Config LabelFrame
- newLabelFrame :: Container par => par -> [Config LabelFrame] -> IO LabelFrame
- createNoteBookPage :: NoteBook -> String -> [Config NoteBookPage] -> IO NoteBookPage
- newNoteBook :: Container par => par -> [Config NoteBook] -> IO NoteBook
- after :: Pane -> CreationConfig Pane
- at :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane
- before :: Pane -> CreationConfig Pane
- createPane :: PanedWindow -> [CreationConfig Pane] -> [Config Pane] -> IO Pane
- expand :: Double -> CreationConfig Pane
- initsize :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane
- maxsize :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane
- minsize :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane
- newPanedWindow :: Container par => par -> Orientation -> [Config PanedWindow] -> IO PanedWindow
- finishHTk :: IO ()
- getHTk :: IO HTk
- initHTk :: [Config HTk] -> IO HTk
- resourceFile :: String -> Config HTk
- updateAllTasks :: IO ()
- updateIdleTasks :: IO ()
- withdrawMainWin :: Config HTk
- withdrawWish :: IO ()
- newButton :: Container par => par -> [Config Button] -> IO Button
- closeEnough :: Double -> Canvas -> IO Canvas
- confine :: Bool -> Canvas -> IO Canvas
- getCloseEnough :: Canvas -> IO Double
- getConfine :: Canvas -> IO Bool
- getScrollRegion :: Canvas -> IO ScrollRegion
- newCanvas :: Container par => par -> [Config Canvas] -> IO Canvas
- screenToCanvasCoord :: Canvas -> Orientation -> Distance -> Maybe Distance -> IO Distance
- scrollIncrement :: Orientation -> Distance -> Canvas -> IO Canvas
- scrollRegion :: ScrollRegion -> Canvas -> IO Canvas
- newCheckButton :: Container par => par -> [Config (CheckButton a)] -> IO (CheckButton a)
- entrySubwidget :: GUIValue a => ComboBox a -> Entry a
- listBoxSubwidget :: GUIValue a => ComboBox a -> ListBox a
- newComboBox :: (GUIValue a, Container par) => par -> Bool -> [Config (ComboBox a)] -> IO (ComboBox a)
- pick :: GUIValue a => Int -> Config (ComboBox a)
- adjustViewTo :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> i -> IO ()
- appendText :: Editor -> String -> IO ()
- compareIndices :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> String -> i1 -> i2 -> IO Bool
- deleteText :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> i -> IO ()
- deleteTextRange :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> i1 -> i2 -> IO ()
- getIndexPosition :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> i -> IO Position
- getTextLine :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> i -> IO String
- getTextRange :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> i1 -> i2 -> IO String
- getWrapMode :: Editor -> IO WrapMode
- insertNewline :: Editor -> IO ()
- insertText :: (HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex, GUIValue a) => Editor -> i -> a -> IO ()
- newEditor :: Container par => par -> [Config Editor] -> IO Editor
- readTextFromFile :: Editor -> FilePath -> IO ()
- scanDragTo :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> i -> IO ()
- scanMark :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> i -> IO ()
- search :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> SearchSwitch -> String -> i -> IO (Maybe BaseIndex)
- wrap :: WrapMode -> Config Editor
- writeTextToFile :: Editor -> FilePath -> IO ()
- getShowText :: GUIValue a => Entry a -> IO Char
- newEntry :: (Container par, GUIValue a) => par -> [Config (Entry a)] -> IO (Entry a)
- showText :: GUIValue a => Char -> Entry a -> IO (Entry a)
- newLabel :: Container par => par -> [Config Label] -> IO Label
- activateElem :: HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => ListBox a -> i -> IO ()
- elemNotFound :: IOError
- getSelectMode :: GUIValue a => ListBox a -> IO SelectMode
- newListBox :: (Container par, GUIValue a) => par -> [Config (ListBox a)] -> IO (ListBox a)
- selectMode :: GUIValue a => SelectMode -> ListBox a -> IO (ListBox a)
- selectionAnchor :: HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => ListBox a -> i -> IO ()
- newMenuButton :: Container par => par -> [Config MenuButton] -> IO MenuButton
- aspect :: Int -> Config Message
- getAspect :: Message -> IO Int
- newMessage :: Container par => par -> [Config Message] -> IO Message
- newOptionMenu :: (Container par, GUIValue a) => par -> [a] -> [Config (OptionMenu a)] -> IO (OptionMenu a)
- newRadioButton :: Container par => par -> [Config (RadioButton a)] -> IO (RadioButton a)
- bigIncrement :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Slider (Scale a))
- digits :: Int -> Config (Scale a)
- getBigIncrement :: ScaleValue a => Slider (Scale a) -> IO a
- getDigits :: Scale a -> IO Int
- getInterval :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO (a, a)
- getIntervalFrom :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO a
- getIntervalTo :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO a
- getShowValue :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO Toggle
- interval :: ScaleValue a => (a, a) -> Config (Scale a)
- intervalFrom :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Scale a)
- intervalTo :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Scale a)
- newScale :: (GUIValue a, ScaleValue a, Container par) => par -> [Config (Scale a)] -> IO (Scale a)
- showValue :: Toggle -> Config (Slider (Scale a))
- activateScrollBarElem :: ScrollBar -> ScrollBarElem -> IO ()
- fraction :: ScrollBar -> Position -> IO Fraction
- getActivatedElem :: ScrollBar -> IO (Maybe ScrollBarElem)
- identify :: ScrollBar -> Position -> IO (Maybe ScrollBarElem)
- newScrollBar :: Container par => par -> [Config ScrollBar] -> IO ScrollBar
- setView :: ScrollBar -> Fraction -> Fraction -> IO ()
- (#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
- coerceWithError :: WithError a -> a
- coerceWithErrorIO :: WithError a -> IO a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreak :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreakIO :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreakIOPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO a
- coerceWithErrorOrBreakPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> a
- coerceWithErrorStringIO :: String -> WithError a -> IO a
- concatWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a]
- config :: IO () -> Config w
- configure :: w -> [Config w] -> IO w
- done :: Monad m => m ()
- exceptionToError :: Exception e => (e -> Maybe String) -> IO a -> IO (WithError a)
- foreach :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
- foreverUntil :: Monad m => m Bool -> m ()
- fromWithError :: WithError a -> Either String a
- fromWithError1 :: a -> WithError a -> a
- hasError :: String -> WithError a
- hasValue :: a -> WithError a
- incase :: Maybe a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO ()
- isError :: WithError a -> Bool
- listWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a]
- mapWithError :: (a -> b) -> WithError a -> WithError b
- mapWithError' :: (a -> WithError b) -> WithError a -> WithError b
- mapWithErrorIO :: (a -> IO b) -> WithError a -> IO (WithError b)
- mapWithErrorIO' :: (a -> IO (WithError b)) -> WithError a -> IO (WithError b)
- monadifyWithError :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => WithError a -> MonadWithError m a
- pairWithError :: WithError a -> WithError b -> WithError (a, b)
- propagate :: Answer a -> IO a
- raise :: IOError -> IO a
- swapIOWithError :: WithError (IO a) -> IO (WithError a)
- toMonadWithError :: Monad m => m a -> MonadWithError m a
- tryUntilOK :: IO a -> IO a
- while :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> m a
- class HasEvent (eventType :: Type -> Type) where
- class HasReceive (chan :: Type -> Type) where
- class HasSend (chan :: Type -> Type) where
- data Request a b = Request (a -> IO (Event b, IO ()))
- class Synchronized a where
- synchronize :: a -> IO b -> IO b
- data Arc
- data BitMapItem
- class GUIObject w => CanvasItem w
- class CanvasItem w => FilledCanvasItem w where
- filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config w
- getFilling :: w -> IO Colour
- outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config w
- getOutline :: w -> IO Colour
- stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config w
- getStipple :: w -> IO BitMapHandle
- outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config w
- getOutlineWidth :: w -> IO Distance
- class HasCoords w where
- class CanvasItem w => SegmentedCanvasItem w where
- splinesteps :: Int -> Config w
- getSplinesteps :: w -> IO Int
- smooth :: Bool -> Config w
- getSmooth :: w -> IO Bool
- data CanvasTag
- data SearchSpec
- class CanvasItem w => TaggedCanvasItem w where
- data EmbeddedCanvasWin
- data ImageItem
- data ArrowHead
- data CapStyle
- data JoinStyle
- data Line
- data Oval
- data Polygon
- data Rectangle
- data TextItem
- data BitMap
- class BitMapDesignator d where
- toBitMap :: d -> BitMapHandle
- data BitMapHandle
- = Predefined String
- | BitMapHandle BitMap
- | BitMapFile String
- class GUIObject w => HasBitMap w where
- bitmap :: BitMapDesignator d => d -> Config w
- getBitMap :: w -> IO BitMapHandle
- data CurrentFocus
- data CurrentGrab = CurrentGrab GUIOBJECT
- data FocusModel
- data GrabStatus
- data Window w => Icon w = Icon w
- data Format
- class GUIObject w => HasPhoto w where
- data Image
- data BaseIndex
- data EndOfText = EndOfText
- data First = First
- class HasIndex w i b where
- getBaseIndex :: w -> i -> IO b
- data Last = Last
- data Pixels = Pixels Distance Distance
- class GUIObject w => HasSelection w where
- clearSelection :: w -> IO ()
- class HasSelectionBaseIndex w i where
- getSelection :: w -> IO (Maybe i)
- class HasSelectionIndex w i => HasSelectionBaseIndexRange w i where
- getSelectionStart :: w -> IO (Maybe i)
- getSelectionEnd :: w -> IO (Maybe i)
- getSelectionRange :: w -> IO (Maybe (i, i))
- class HasSelectionIndex w i where
- selection :: i -> Config w
- isSelected :: w -> i -> IO Bool
- class HasSelectionIndexRange w i1 i2 where
- selectionRange :: i1 -> i2 -> Config w
- newtype Selection w = Selection w
- class Widget w => HasSlider w where
- repeatInterval :: Int -> Config (Slider w)
- getRepeatInterval :: Slider w -> IO Int
- repeatDelay :: Int -> Config (Slider w)
- getRepeatDelay :: Slider w -> IO Int
- newtype Slider w = Slider w
- data Box
- data Frame
- newtype Toplevel = Toplevel GUIOBJECT
- data AspectRatio
- type Display = String
- data Whom
- class GUIObject w => Window w where
- iconify :: w -> IO ()
- deiconify :: w -> IO ()
- withdraw :: w -> IO ()
- putWinOnTop :: w -> IO ()
- putWinAtBottom :: w -> IO ()
- screen :: Display -> Config w
- getScreen :: w -> IO Display
- getClassName :: w -> IO String
- getWindowState :: w -> IO WindowState
- aspectRatio :: AspectRatio -> Config w
- getAspectRatio :: w -> IO AspectRatio
- positionFrom :: Whom -> Config w
- getPositionFrom :: w -> IO Whom
- sizeFrom :: Whom -> Config w
- getSizeFrom :: w -> IO Whom
- data WindowState
- data ColourMode
- class GUIObject w => HasPostscript w where
- postscript :: w -> [CreationConfig PostScript] -> IO ()
- data PostScript
- newtype Screen w = Screen w
- data VisualClass
- class GUIObject w => Widget w where
- cursor :: CursorDesignator ch => ch -> Config w
- getCursor :: w -> IO Cursor
- takeFocus :: Bool -> Config w
- getTakeFocus :: w -> IO Bool
- class Widget w => ButtonWidget w where
- newtype Colour = Colour String
- class ColourDesignator c where
- class GUIObject w => HasAlign w where
- class GUIObject w => HasAnchor w where
- class GUIObject w => HasBBox w i where
- class GUIObject w => HasBorder w where
- borderwidth :: Distance -> Config w
- getBorderwidth :: w -> IO Distance
- relief :: Relief -> Config w
- getRelief :: w -> IO Relief
- class GUIObject w => HasCanvAnchor w where
- canvAnchor :: Anchor -> Config w
- getCanvAnchor :: w -> IO Anchor
- class GUIObject w => HasColour w where
- legalColourID :: w -> ConfigID -> Bool
- setColour :: w -> ConfigID -> Colour -> IO w
- getColour :: w -> ConfigID -> IO Colour
- class GUIObject w => HasEnable w where
- class GUIObject w => HasFile w where
- filename :: String -> Config w
- getFileName :: w -> IO String
- class GUIObject w => HasFont w where
- font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config w
- getFont :: w -> IO Font
- class (HasSize w, HasPosition w) => HasGeometry w where
- geometry :: Geometry -> Config w
- getGeometry :: w -> IO Geometry
- class GUIObject w => HasGrid w where
- class HasIncrement w a where
- increment :: a -> Config w
- getIncrement :: w -> IO a
- class GUIObject w => HasJustify w where
- justify :: Justify -> Config w
- getJustify :: w -> IO Justify
- class GUIObject w => HasOrientation w where
- orient :: Orientation -> Config w
- getOrient :: w -> IO Orientation
- class GUIObject w => HasPosition w where
- position :: Position -> Config w
- getPosition :: w -> IO Position
- class GUIObject w => HasSize w where
- class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasText w v where
- class GUIObject w => HasUnderline w where
- underline :: Int -> Config w
- getUnderline :: w -> IO Int
- wraplength :: Int -> Config w
- getWraplength :: w -> IO Int
- class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasValue w v where
- class GUIObject w => HasCommand w where
- data BCursor = BCursor String (Maybe String) Colour (Maybe Colour)
- newtype Cursor = Cursor String
- class CursorDesignator ch where
- data XCursor = XCursor String (Maybe Colour) (Maybe Colour)
- data EventInfo = EventInfo Distance Distance Distance Distance Int
- data EventInfoSet
- data EventParameter
- newtype Font = Font String
- class FontDesignator fh where
- data FontFamily
- data FontSlant
- data FontSpacing
- data FontWeight
- = NormalWeight
- | Medium
- | Bold
- data FontWidth
- data XFont
- = XFont { }
- | XFontAlias String
- data GUIVALUE = GUIVALUE Generator String
- class (Show a, Read a) => GUIValue a where
- cdefault :: a
- toGUIValue :: a -> GUIVALUE
- maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe a
- fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> a
- data Generator
- newtype RawData = RawData String
- newtype TkCommand = TkCommand String
- type Coord = [Position]
- newtype Distance = Distance Int
- type Geometry = (Distance, Distance, Distance, Distance)
- type Position = (Distance, Distance)
- type Size = (Distance, Distance)
- data GridPackOption
- data StickyKind
- data FillSpec
- data PackOption
- data SideSpec
- data AbstractWidget = NONE
- class GUIObject a => Container a
- data Alignment
- data Anchor
- type CreationConfig w = IO String
- data Flexibility
- data Justify
- data Orientation
- data Relief
- data State
- data Toggle
- class GUIObject w => HasVariable w where
- variable :: TkVariable v -> Config w
- newtype GUIValue a => TkVariable a = TkVariable ObjectID
- class GUIObject w => HasTooltip w where
- tooltip :: String -> w -> IO w
- destroyTooltip :: w -> IO ()
- newtype KeySym = KeySym String
- data WishEvent = WishEvent [WishEventModifier] WishEventType
- data WishEventModifier
- data WishEventType
- = Activate
- | ButtonPress (Maybe BNo)
- | ButtonRelease (Maybe BNo)
- | Circulate
- | Colormap
- | Configure
- | Deactivate
- | Destroy
- | Enter
- | Expose
- | FocusIn
- | FocusOut
- | Gravity
- | KeyPress (Maybe KeySym)
- | KeyRelease (Maybe KeySym)
- | Motion
- | Leave
- | Map
- | Property
- | Reparent
- | Unmap
- | Visibility
- class GUIObject w => HasMenu w where
- data Menu = Menu GUIOBJECT (Ref Int)
- data MenuCascade
- data MenuCheckButton
- data MenuCommand
- data MenuRadioButton
- data MenuSeparator
- data EmbeddedTextWin
- data Gravity
- data Mark = Mark Editor String
- data TextTag
- data LabelFrame
- data LabelSide
- data NoteBook
- data NoteBookPage
- data Pane
- data PanedWindow
- data HTk
- data Button
- data Canvas
- type ScrollRegion = (Position, Position)
- data CheckButton a
- data GUIValue a => ComboBox a
- data Editor
- class GUIObject w => HasLineSpacing w where
- spaceAbove :: Distance -> Config w
- getSpaceAbove :: w -> IO Distance
- spaceWrap :: Distance -> Config w
- getSpaceWrap :: w -> IO Distance
- spaceBelow :: Distance -> Config w
- getSpaceBelow :: w -> IO Distance
- class GUIObject w => HasTabulators w where
- data IndexModifier
- = ForwardChars Int
- | BackwardChars Int
- | ForwardLines Int
- | BackwardLines Int
- | LineStart
- | LineEnd
- | WordStart
- | WordEnd
- newtype IndexModifiers = IndexModifiers [IndexModifier]
- data SearchDirection
- data SearchMode
- data SearchSwitch = SearchSwitch {
- searchdirection :: SearchDirection
- searchmode :: SearchMode
- rexexp :: Bool
- data WrapMode
- data Entry a
- data XCoord = XCoord Distance
- data Label
- data ListBox a
- data Eq a => ListBoxElem a = ListBoxElem a
- data SelectMode
- data MenuButton
- data Message
- data OptionMenu a
- data RadioButton a
- data Scale a
- class (Num a, GUIValue a) => ScaleValue a where
- toDouble :: a -> Double
- fromDouble :: Double -> a
- type Fraction = Double
- class Widget w => HasScroller w where
- isWfOrientation :: w -> Orientation -> Bool
- scrollbar :: Orientation -> ScrollBar -> Config w
- moveto :: Orientation -> w -> Fraction -> IO ()
- scroll :: Orientation -> w -> Int -> ScrollUnit -> IO ()
- view :: Orientation -> w -> IO (Fraction, Fraction)
- data ScrollBar
- data ScrollBarElem
- data ScrollUnit
- type Answer a = Either SomeException a
- type Config w = w -> IO w
- newtype MonadWithError (m :: Type -> Type) a = MonadWithError (m (WithError a))
- getScrollBars :: HasScroller a => ScrollBox a -> [ScrollBar]
- getScrolledWidget :: (Widget a, HasScroller a) => ScrollBox a -> a
- newScrollBox :: (Widget wid, HasScroller wid, Container par) => par -> (Frame -> IO wid) -> [Config (ScrollBox wid)] -> IO (ScrollBox wid, wid)
- data ScrollBox a = ScrollBox {
- fScrollFrame :: Frame
- fPadFrames :: [Frame]
- fScrollBars :: [ScrollBar]
- fScrolledWidget :: a
- (//) :: Form value1 -> Form value2 -> Form (value1, value2)
- (\\) :: Form x -> Form y -> Form (x, y)
- column :: [Form value] -> Form [value]
- doForm :: String -> Form value -> IO (Maybe value)
- doFormList :: String -> [(Form x, String)] -> IO (Event (WithError x), IO ())
- doFormMust :: String -> Form value -> IO value
- editableTextForm :: [Config Editor] -> Form String
- editableTextForm0 :: [Config Editor] -> Form String
- emptyForm :: Form ()
- guardForm :: (x -> Bool) -> String -> Form x -> Form x
- guardFormIO :: (x -> IO Bool) -> String -> Form x -> Form x
- guardNothing :: String -> Form (Maybe x) -> Form x
- mapForm :: (x -> WithError y) -> Form x -> Form y
- mapFormIO :: (x -> IO (WithError y)) -> Form x -> Form y
- mapMakeFormEntry :: FormValue value2 => (value1 -> value2) -> (value2 -> value1) -> Frame -> value1 -> IO (EnteredForm value1)
- newFormEntry :: (FormLabel label, FormValue value) => label -> value -> Form value
- newFormMenu :: FormLabel label => label -> HTkMenu value -> Form (Maybe value)
- newFormOptionMenu :: GUIValue a => [a] -> Form a
- newFormOptionMenu2 :: (Eq a, GUIValue a) => [(a, b)] -> Form b
- nullForm :: FormLabel label => label -> Form ()
- row :: [Form value] -> Form [value]
- data EmptyLabel = EmptyLabel
- data Form value
- class FormLabel label where
- class FormTextField value where
- makeFormString :: value -> String
- readFormString :: String -> WithError value
- class FormTextFieldIO value where
- makeFormStringIO :: value -> IO String
- readFormStringIO :: String -> IO (WithError value)
- class FormValue value where
- makeFormEntry :: Frame -> value -> IO (EnteredForm value)
- class HasConfigRadioButton value where
- configRadioButton :: value -> Config (RadioButton Int)
- newtype Password value = Password value
- data Radio x
- data WrappedFormLabel = FormLabel label => WrappedFormLabel label
- createTextDisplay :: String -> String -> [Config Editor] -> IO ()
- createTextDisplayExt :: String -> String -> [Config Editor] -> IO () -> IO (Toplevel, Editor)
data LBGoalView Source #
Represents a goal in a ListBox
that uses populateGoalsListBox
LBGoalView | |
data LBStatusIndicator Source #
existential type for widgets that can be enabled and disabled
listBox :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Int) Source #
create a window with title and list of options, return selected option
confirmMess :: String -> IO Bool #
messageMess :: String -> IO () #
:: String | default filename for saving the text |
-> String | text to be saved |
-> IO () |
createTextSaveDisplay Source #
:: String | title of the window |
-> String | default filename for saving the text |
-> String | text to be displayed |
-> IO () |
Display some (longish) text in an uneditable, scrollable editor. Simplified version of createTextSaveDisplayExt
newFileDialogStr :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Event (Maybe FilePath)) #
fileDialogStr :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Event (Maybe FilePath)) #
displayTheoryWithWarning Source #
:: String | kind of theory |
-> String | name of theory |
-> String | warning text |
-> G_theory | to be shown theory |
-> IO () |
returns a window displaying the given theory and the given warning text.
:: ListBox String | listbox |
-> [LBGoalView] | list of goals length must remain constant after the first call |
-> IO () |
Populates a ListBox
with goals. After the initial call to this function
the number of goals is assumed to remain constant in ensuing calls.
indicatorFromProofStatus :: ProofStatus a -> LBStatusIndicator Source #
Converts a ProofStatus
into a LBStatusIndicator
indicatorFromBasicProof :: BasicProof -> LBStatusIndicator Source #
Converts a BasicProof
into a LBStatusIndicator
indicatorString :: LBStatusIndicator -> String Source #
Converts a LBStatusIndicator
into a short String
representing it in
a ListBox
enableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO () Source #
disableWids :: [EnableWid] -> IO () Source #
enableWidsUponSelection :: ListBox String -> [EnableWid] -> IO () Source #
enables widgets only if at least one entry is selected in the listbox, otherwise the widgets are disabled
Monad Event | |
Functor Event | |
MonadFail Event | |
Defined in Events.Events | |
Applicative Event | |
HasEvent Event | |
Defined in Events.Events |
class Destroyable o where #
class Destroyable o => Destructible o where #
Destructible DaVinciGraph | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph | |
Destructible Context | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Basic | |
GraphAll graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms arc arcType arcTypeParms => Destructible (Graph graph graphParms node nodeType nodeTypeParms arc arcType arcTypeParms) | |
Defined in Graphs.GraphDisp |
Immediate | |
Awaiting (IO ()) | |
AwaitingAlways (IO ()) |
class HasConfig option configuration where #
($$) :: option -> configuration -> configuration #
configUsed :: option -> configuration -> Bool #
GraphConfig graphConfig => HasConfig graphConfig DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: graphConfig -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: graphConfig -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig GlobalMenu DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: GlobalMenu -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: GlobalMenu -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig GraphTitle DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: GraphTitle -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: GraphTitle -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig Delayer DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: Delayer -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: Delayer -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig Orientation DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: Orientation -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: Orientation -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig ActionWrapper DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: ActionWrapper -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: ActionWrapper -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig AllowClose DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: AllowClose -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: AllowClose -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig AllowDragging DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: AllowDragging -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: AllowDragging -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig FileMenuAct DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: FileMenuAct -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: FileMenuAct -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig GraphGesture DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: GraphGesture -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: GraphGesture -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig OptimiseLayout DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: OptimiseLayout -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: OptimiseLayout -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig SurveyView DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: SurveyView -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: SurveyView -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig (SimpleSource GraphTitle) DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: SimpleSource GraphTitle -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: SimpleSource GraphTitle -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # | |
HasConfig (FileMenuOption, Maybe (DaVinciGraph -> IO ())) DaVinciGraphParms | |
Defined in UDrawGraph.Graph Methods ($$) :: (FileMenuOption, Maybe (DaVinciGraph -> IO ())) -> DaVinciGraphParms -> DaVinciGraphParms # configUsed :: (FileMenuOption, Maybe (DaVinciGraph -> IO ())) -> DaVinciGraphParms -> Bool # |
HasReceive Channel | |
Defined in Events.Channels | |
HasSend Channel | |
Defined in Events.Channels |
Monad WithError | |
Functor WithError | |
MonadFail WithError | |
Defined in Util.Computation | |
Applicative WithError | |
toWithError :: Either String a -> WithError a #
newChannel :: IO (Channel a) #
allowWhile :: Event () -> Event a -> Event a #
computeEvent :: IO (Event a) -> Event a #
getAllQueued :: Event a -> IO [a] #
receiveIO :: HasReceive chan => chan a -> IO a #
spawnEvent :: Event () -> IO (IO ()) #
syncNoWait :: Event a -> IO () #
thenGetEvent :: Event a -> (a -> Event b) -> Event b #
createBitMapItem :: Canvas -> [Config BitMapItem] -> IO BitMapItem #
declVarList :: CanvasTagOrID -> TclCmd #
itemsNotOnSameCanvas :: IOError #
lowerItem :: (CanvasItem ci, CanvasItem w) => ci -> w -> IO () #
moveItem :: (Synchronized w, CanvasItem w) => w -> Distance -> Distance -> IO () #
putItemAtBottom :: CanvasItem ci => ci -> IO () #
putItemOnTop :: CanvasItem w => w -> IO () #
raiseItem :: (CanvasItem ci, CanvasItem w) => ci -> w -> IO () #
scaleItem :: (Synchronized w, CanvasItem w) => w -> Distance -> Distance -> Double -> Double -> IO () #
aboveItem :: CanvasItem item => item -> SearchSpec #
addCanvasTag :: SearchSpec -> CanvasTag -> IO () #
allItems :: SearchSpec #
belowItem :: CanvasItem item => item -> SearchSpec #
closest :: Position -> SearchSpec #
enclosed :: Position -> Position -> SearchSpec #
overlapping :: Position -> Position -> SearchSpec #
removeCanvasTag :: CanvasItem i => i -> CanvasTag -> IO () #
withTag :: CanvasItem item => item -> SearchSpec #
createEmbeddedCanvasWin :: Widget w => Canvas -> w -> [Config EmbeddedCanvasWin] -> IO EmbeddedCanvasWin #
arrowshape :: ArrowShape -> Config Line #
arrowstyle :: ArrowHead -> Config Line #
getArrowshape :: Line -> IO ArrowShape #
getArrowstyle :: Line -> IO ArrowHead #
getCapstyle :: Line -> IO CapStyle #
getJoinstyle :: Line -> IO JoinStyle #
errmap :: BitMapHandle #
getBitMapHandle :: GUIObject w => w -> ConfigID -> IO BitMapHandle #
gray25 :: BitMapHandle #
gray50 :: BitMapHandle #
info :: BitMapHandle #
setBitMapHandle :: GUIObject w => w -> ConfigID -> BitMapHandle -> Bool -> IO w #
stringToBitMapHandle :: String -> IO BitMapHandle #
warning :: BitMapHandle #
focusModel :: Window w => FocusModel -> Config w #
forceFocus :: Widget w => w -> IO () #
getCurrentGrab :: IO (Maybe CurrentGrab) #
getFocus :: Window w => w -> IO (Maybe CurrentFocus) #
getFocusModel :: Window w => w -> IO FocusModel #
getGrabStatus :: Widget w => w -> IO (Maybe GrabStatus) #
getRecentFocus :: Window w => w -> IO (Maybe CurrentFocus) #
grabGlobal :: Widget w => w -> IO () #
releaseGrab :: Widget w => w -> IO () #
returnGrab :: Maybe CurrentGrab -> IO () #
getIconMask :: Window w => Icon w -> IO BitMapHandle #
imageToInt :: Image -> IO Int #
imgPalette :: PaletteSpec p => p -> Config Image #
intToImage :: Int -> IO (Maybe Image) #
createToplevel :: [Config Toplevel] -> IO Toplevel #
tkGetToplevelConfig :: ObjectName -> ConfigID -> TclScript #
tkSetToplevelConfigs :: ObjectName -> [ConfigOption] -> TclScript #
getMaxSize :: Window w => w -> IO Size #
getMinSize :: Window w => w -> IO Size #
isWMConfig :: ConfigID -> Bool #
pagex :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript #
pagey :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript #
psfile :: String -> CreationConfig PostScript #
pssize :: Size -> CreationConfig PostScript #
pswidth :: Distance -> CreationConfig PostScript #
rotate :: Bool -> CreationConfig PostScript #
getScreenHeight :: Window a => Screen a -> IO Distance #
getScreenManager :: Window a => Screen a -> IO String #
getScreenVisual :: Window a => Screen a -> IO VisualClass #
getScreenWidth :: Window a => Screen a -> IO Distance #
buttonColours :: HasColour w => w -> ConfigID -> Bool #
activeBackground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
activeForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
background :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
bg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
disabledForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
fg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
foreground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config w #
getActiveBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour #
getActiveForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour #
getBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour #
getDisabledForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour #
getForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO Colour #
hasBackGroundColour :: HasColour w => w -> ConfigID -> Bool #
hasForeGroundColour :: HasColour w => w -> ConfigID -> Bool #
bindPathSimple :: Widget wid => wid -> WishEventType -> IO (Event (), IO ()) #
bindSimple :: GUIObject wid => wid -> WishEventType -> IO (Event (), IO ()) #
diamondCross :: Cursor #
addEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet -> [EventParameter] -> EventInfoSet #
delEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet -> [EventParameter] -> EventInfoSet #
epFromChar :: Char -> EventParameter #
epToChar :: EventParameter -> Char #
listEventInfoSet :: EventInfoSet -> [EventParameter] #
mkEventInfo :: [(EventParameter, String)] -> EventInfo #
mkEventInfoSet :: [EventParameter] -> EventInfoSet #
delimitString :: String -> String #
escapeString :: String -> String #
illegalGUIValue :: IOError #
toTkString :: String -> String #
showGridPackOptions :: [GridPackOption] -> String #
showPackOptions :: [PackOption] -> String #
grid :: Widget w => w -> [GridPackOption] -> IO () #
pack :: Widget w => w -> [PackOption] -> IO () #
showCreationConfigs :: [CreationConfig a] -> IO String #
createTkVariable :: GUIValue a => a -> IO (TkVariable a) #
readTkVariable :: GUIValue a => TkVariable a -> IO a #
setTkVariable :: GUIValue a => TkVariable a -> a -> IO () #
cleanupWish :: IO () #
forgetPackage :: String -> IO () #
isPackageAvailable :: String -> IO Bool #
isTixAvailable :: IO Bool #
requirePackage :: String -> IO Bool #
createMenu :: GUIObject par => par -> Bool -> [Config Menu] -> IO Menu #
createMenuCascade :: Menu -> [Config MenuCascade] -> IO MenuCascade #
createPulldownMenu :: Menu -> [Config MenuCascade] -> IO Menu #
createMenuCheckButton :: Menu -> [Config MenuCheckButton] -> IO MenuCheckButton #
createMenuCommand :: Menu -> [Config MenuCommand] -> IO MenuCommand #
createMenuRadioButton :: Menu -> [Config MenuRadioButton] -> IO MenuRadioButton #
createMenuSeparator :: Menu -> [Config MenuSeparator] -> IO MenuSeparator #
createEmbeddedTextWin :: (HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex, Widget w) => Editor -> i -> w -> [Config EmbeddedTextWin] -> IO EmbeddedTextWin #
getStretch :: EmbeddedTextWin -> IO Toggle #
stretch :: Toggle -> Config EmbeddedTextWin #
getCurrentMarks :: Editor -> IO [Mark] #
setMarkGravity :: Mark -> Gravity -> IO () #
addTextTag :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => TextTag -> i1 -> i2 -> IO () #
bgstipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config TextTag #
createTextTag :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> i1 -> i2 -> [Config TextTag] -> IO TextTag #
fgstipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config TextTag #
getBgstipple :: TextTag -> IO BitMapHandle #
getFgstipple :: TextTag -> IO BitMapHandle #
getLmargin1 :: TextTag -> IO Distance #
getLmargin2 :: TextTag -> IO Distance #
getOverstrike :: TextTag -> IO Toggle #
getRmargin :: TextTag -> IO Distance #
getUnderlined :: TextTag -> IO Toggle #
lowerTextTag :: TextTag -> IO () #
overstrike :: Toggle -> Config TextTag #
raiseTextTag :: TextTag -> IO () #
removeTextTag :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => TextTag -> i1 -> i2 -> IO () #
underlined :: Toggle -> Config TextTag #
getLabelSide :: LabelFrame -> IO LabelSide #
labelSide :: LabelSide -> Config LabelFrame #
newLabelFrame :: Container par => par -> [Config LabelFrame] -> IO LabelFrame #
createNoteBookPage :: NoteBook -> String -> [Config NoteBookPage] -> IO NoteBookPage #
after :: Pane -> CreationConfig Pane #
at :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane #
before :: Pane -> CreationConfig Pane #
createPane :: PanedWindow -> [CreationConfig Pane] -> [Config Pane] -> IO Pane #
expand :: Double -> CreationConfig Pane #
initsize :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane #
maxsize :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane #
minsize :: Int -> CreationConfig Pane #
newPanedWindow :: Container par => par -> Orientation -> [Config PanedWindow] -> IO PanedWindow #
resourceFile :: String -> Config HTk #
updateAllTasks :: IO () #
updateIdleTasks :: IO () #
withdrawWish :: IO () #
closeEnough :: Double -> Canvas -> IO Canvas #
getCloseEnough :: Canvas -> IO Double #
getConfine :: Canvas -> IO Bool #
getScrollRegion :: Canvas -> IO ScrollRegion #
screenToCanvasCoord :: Canvas -> Orientation -> Distance -> Maybe Distance -> IO Distance #
scrollIncrement :: Orientation -> Distance -> Canvas -> IO Canvas #
scrollRegion :: ScrollRegion -> Canvas -> IO Canvas #
newCheckButton :: Container par => par -> [Config (CheckButton a)] -> IO (CheckButton a) #
entrySubwidget :: GUIValue a => ComboBox a -> Entry a #
listBoxSubwidget :: GUIValue a => ComboBox a -> ListBox a #
newComboBox :: (GUIValue a, Container par) => par -> Bool -> [Config (ComboBox a)] -> IO (ComboBox a) #
appendText :: Editor -> String -> IO () #
compareIndices :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> String -> i1 -> i2 -> IO Bool #
deleteTextRange :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> i1 -> i2 -> IO () #
getTextRange :: (HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => Editor -> i1 -> i2 -> IO String #
getWrapMode :: Editor -> IO WrapMode #
insertNewline :: Editor -> IO () #
readTextFromFile :: Editor -> FilePath -> IO () #
search :: HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => Editor -> SearchSwitch -> String -> i -> IO (Maybe BaseIndex) #
writeTextToFile :: Editor -> FilePath -> IO () #
getShowText :: GUIValue a => Entry a -> IO Char #
activateElem :: HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => ListBox a -> i -> IO () #
elemNotFound :: IOError #
getSelectMode :: GUIValue a => ListBox a -> IO SelectMode #
selectMode :: GUIValue a => SelectMode -> ListBox a -> IO (ListBox a) #
selectionAnchor :: HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => ListBox a -> i -> IO () #
newMenuButton :: Container par => par -> [Config MenuButton] -> IO MenuButton #
newOptionMenu :: (Container par, GUIValue a) => par -> [a] -> [Config (OptionMenu a)] -> IO (OptionMenu a) #
newRadioButton :: Container par => par -> [Config (RadioButton a)] -> IO (RadioButton a) #
bigIncrement :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Slider (Scale a)) #
getBigIncrement :: ScaleValue a => Slider (Scale a) -> IO a #
getInterval :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO (a, a) #
getIntervalFrom :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO a #
getIntervalTo :: ScaleValue a => Scale a -> IO a #
getShowValue :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO Toggle #
interval :: ScaleValue a => (a, a) -> Config (Scale a) #
intervalFrom :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Scale a) #
intervalTo :: ScaleValue a => a -> Config (Scale a) #
newScale :: (GUIValue a, ScaleValue a, Container par) => par -> [Config (Scale a)] -> IO (Scale a) #
activateScrollBarElem :: ScrollBar -> ScrollBarElem -> IO () #
getActivatedElem :: ScrollBar -> IO (Maybe ScrollBarElem) #
identify :: ScrollBar -> Position -> IO (Maybe ScrollBarElem) #
coerceWithError :: WithError a -> a #
coerceWithErrorIO :: WithError a -> IO a #
coerceWithErrorOrBreak :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> a #
coerceWithErrorOrBreakIO :: (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO a #
coerceWithErrorOrBreakIOPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> IO a #
coerceWithErrorOrBreakPrefix :: String -> (String -> a) -> WithError a -> a #
coerceWithErrorStringIO :: String -> WithError a -> IO a #
concatWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a] #
exceptionToError :: Exception e => (e -> Maybe String) -> IO a -> IO (WithError a) #
foreverUntil :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () #
fromWithError :: WithError a -> Either String a #
fromWithError1 :: a -> WithError a -> a #
listWithError :: [WithError a] -> WithError [a] #
mapWithError :: (a -> b) -> WithError a -> WithError b #
mapWithError' :: (a -> WithError b) -> WithError a -> WithError b #
mapWithErrorIO :: (a -> IO b) -> WithError a -> IO (WithError b) #
mapWithErrorIO' :: (a -> IO (WithError b)) -> WithError a -> IO (WithError b) #
monadifyWithError :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Monad m => WithError a -> MonadWithError m a #
pairWithError :: WithError a -> WithError b -> WithError (a, b) #
swapIOWithError :: WithError (IO a) -> IO (WithError a) #
toMonadWithError :: Monad m => m a -> MonadWithError m a #
tryUntilOK :: IO a -> IO a #
class HasReceive (chan :: Type -> Type) where #
HasReceive Channel | |
Defined in Events.Channels |
class Synchronized a where #
synchronize :: a -> IO b -> IO b #
Eq Arc | |
Destroyable Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
Synchronized Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc Methods synchronize :: Arc -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
FilledCanvasItem Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc Methods filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Arc # getFilling :: Arc -> IO Colour # outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Arc # getOutline :: Arc -> IO Colour # stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config Arc # getStipple :: Arc -> IO BitMapHandle # outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config Arc # getOutlineWidth :: Arc -> IO Distance # | |
TaggedCanvasItem Arc | |
HasGeometry Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
HasPosition Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
HasSize Arc | |
GUIObject Arc | |
data BitMapItem #
class GUIObject w => CanvasItem w #
CanvasItem Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
CanvasItem BitMapItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.BitMapItem | |
CanvasItem CanvasTag | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasTag | |
CanvasItem EmbeddedCanvasWin | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.EmbeddedCanvasWin | |
CanvasItem ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
CanvasItem Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
CanvasItem Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
CanvasItem Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon | |
CanvasItem Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle | |
CanvasItem TextItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.TextItem |
class CanvasItem w => FilledCanvasItem w where #
Minimal complete definition
filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config w #
getFilling :: w -> IO Colour #
outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config w #
getOutline :: w -> IO Colour #
stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config w #
getStipple :: w -> IO BitMapHandle #
outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config w #
getOutlineWidth :: w -> IO Distance #
CanvasItem w => HasCoords w | |
class CanvasItem w => SegmentedCanvasItem w where #
Minimal complete definition
SegmentedCanvasItem Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
SegmentedCanvasItem Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon |
Eq CanvasTag | |
Destroyable CanvasTag | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasTag | |
Synchronized CanvasTag | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasTag Methods synchronize :: CanvasTag -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem CanvasTag | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.CanvasTag | |
GUIObject CanvasTag | |
data SearchSpec #
class CanvasItem w => TaggedCanvasItem w where #
Minimal complete definition
data EmbeddedCanvasWin #
Eq ImageItem | |
Destroyable ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
Synchronized ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem Methods synchronize :: ImageItem -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
TaggedCanvasItem ImageItem | |
HasPhoto ImageItem | |
HasCanvAnchor ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
HasPosition ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
GUIObject ImageItem | |
Enum ArrowHead | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Eq ArrowHead | |
Ord ArrowHead | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Read ArrowHead | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Show ArrowHead | |
GUIValue ArrowHead | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line Methods toGUIValue :: ArrowHead -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe ArrowHead # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> ArrowHead # |
CapRound | |
CapProjecting | |
CapButt |
Enum CapStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Eq CapStyle | |
Ord CapStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Read CapStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Show CapStyle | |
GUIValue CapStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line Methods toGUIValue :: CapStyle -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe CapStyle # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> CapStyle # |
Enum JoinStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Eq JoinStyle | |
Ord JoinStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Read JoinStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Show JoinStyle | |
GUIValue JoinStyle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line Methods toGUIValue :: JoinStyle -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe JoinStyle # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> JoinStyle # |
Eq Line | |
Destroyable Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
Synchronized Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line Methods synchronize :: Line -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
FilledCanvasItem Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line Methods filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Line # getFilling :: Line -> IO Colour # outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Line # getOutline :: Line -> IO Colour # stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config Line # getStipple :: Line -> IO BitMapHandle # outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config Line # getOutlineWidth :: Line -> IO Distance # | |
SegmentedCanvasItem Line | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Line | |
TaggedCanvasItem Line | |
HasSize Line | |
GUIObject Line | |
Eq Oval | |
Destroyable Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
Synchronized Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval Methods synchronize :: Oval -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
FilledCanvasItem Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval Methods filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Oval # getFilling :: Oval -> IO Colour # outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Oval # getOutline :: Oval -> IO Colour # stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config Oval # getStipple :: Oval -> IO BitMapHandle # outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config Oval # getOutlineWidth :: Oval -> IO Distance # | |
TaggedCanvasItem Oval | |
HasGeometry Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
HasPosition Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
HasSize Oval | |
GUIObject Oval | |
Eq Polygon | |
Destroyable Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon | |
Synchronized Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon Methods synchronize :: Polygon -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon | |
FilledCanvasItem Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon Methods filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Polygon # getFilling :: Polygon -> IO Colour # outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Polygon # getOutline :: Polygon -> IO Colour # stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config Polygon # getStipple :: Polygon -> IO BitMapHandle # outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config Polygon # getOutlineWidth :: Polygon -> IO Distance # | |
SegmentedCanvasItem Polygon | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Polygon | |
TaggedCanvasItem Polygon | |
GUIObject Polygon | |
Eq Rectangle | |
Destroyable Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle | |
Synchronized Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle Methods synchronize :: Rectangle -> IO b -> IO b # | |
CanvasItem Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle | |
FilledCanvasItem Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle Methods filling :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Rectangle # getFilling :: Rectangle -> IO Colour # outline :: ColourDesignator c => c -> Config Rectangle # getOutline :: Rectangle -> IO Colour # stipple :: BitMapHandle -> Config Rectangle # getStipple :: Rectangle -> IO BitMapHandle # outlinewidth :: Distance -> Config Rectangle # getOutlineWidth :: Rectangle -> IO Distance # | |
TaggedCanvasItem Rectangle | |
HasGeometry Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle | |
HasPosition Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle | |
HasSize Rectangle | |
GUIObject Rectangle | |
Eq BitMap | |
Destroyable BitMap | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap | |
Synchronized BitMap | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap Methods synchronize :: BitMap -> IO b -> IO b # | |
BitMapDesignator BitMap | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap Methods toBitMap :: BitMap -> BitMapHandle # | |
Widget BitMap | |
HasBorder BitMap | |
HasColour BitMap | |
HasFile BitMap | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap | |
HasSize BitMap | |
GUIObject BitMap | |
class BitMapDesignator d where #
toBitMap :: d -> BitMapHandle #
BitMapDesignator BitMap | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap Methods toBitMap :: BitMap -> BitMapHandle # | |
BitMapDesignator BitMapHandle | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap Methods toBitMap :: BitMapHandle -> BitMapHandle # | |
BitMapDesignator [Char] | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap Methods toBitMap :: [Char] -> BitMapHandle # |
data BitMapHandle #
Predefined String | |
BitMapHandle BitMap | |
BitMapFile String |
BitMapDesignator BitMapHandle | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap Methods toBitMap :: BitMapHandle -> BitMapHandle # |
class GUIObject w => HasBitMap w where #
Minimal complete definition
data CurrentFocus #
Object CurrentFocus | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus Methods objectID :: CurrentFocus -> ObjectID | |
Widget CurrentFocus | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus Methods cursor :: CursorDesignator ch => ch -> Config CurrentFocus # getCursor :: CurrentFocus -> IO Cursor # takeFocus :: Bool -> Config CurrentFocus # getTakeFocus :: CurrentFocus -> IO Bool # | |
GUIObject CurrentFocus | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus Methods toGUIObject :: CurrentFocus -> GUIOBJECT cname :: CurrentFocus -> String cset :: GUIValue a => CurrentFocus -> ConfigID -> a -> IO CurrentFocus cget :: GUIValue a => CurrentFocus -> ConfigID -> IO a |
data CurrentGrab #
CurrentGrab GUIOBJECT |
Eq CurrentGrab | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus | |
Object CurrentGrab | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus Methods objectID :: CurrentGrab -> ObjectID | |
Widget CurrentGrab | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus Methods cursor :: CursorDesignator ch => ch -> Config CurrentGrab # getCursor :: CurrentGrab -> IO Cursor # takeFocus :: Bool -> Config CurrentGrab # getTakeFocus :: CurrentGrab -> IO Bool # | |
GUIObject CurrentGrab | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Focus Methods toGUIObject :: CurrentGrab -> GUIOBJECT cname :: CurrentGrab -> String cset :: GUIValue a => CurrentGrab -> ConfigID -> a -> IO CurrentGrab cget :: GUIValue a => CurrentGrab -> ConfigID -> IO a |
data FocusModel #
ActiveFocus | |
PassiveFocus |
data GrabStatus #
Icon w |
(Window w, Eq w) => Eq (Icon w) | |
(Window w, Ord w) => Ord (Icon w) | |
Window w => Synchronized (Icon w) | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Icon Methods synchronize :: Icon w -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Window w => HasBitMap (Icon w) | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Icon Methods bitmap :: BitMapDesignator d => d -> Config (Icon w) # getBitMap :: Icon w -> IO BitMapHandle # | |
Window w => HasPosition (Icon w) | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Icon | |
Window w => GUIObject (Icon w) | |
(Window w, GUIValue v) => HasText (Icon w) v | |
class GUIObject w => HasPhoto w where #
Minimal complete definition
HasPhoto ImageItem | |
HasPhoto MenuCascade | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCascade | |
HasPhoto MenuCheckButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCheckButton | |
HasPhoto MenuCommand | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCommand | |
HasPhoto MenuRadioButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuRadioButton | |
HasPhoto Button | |
HasPhoto Label | |
HasPhoto MenuButton | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton | |
HasPhoto (CheckButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton | |
HasPhoto (RadioButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton | |
HasPhoto (Dialog a) | |
Eq Image | |
Destroyable Image | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Image | |
Synchronized Image | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Image Methods synchronize :: Image -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget Image | |
HasBorder Image | |
HasColour Image | |
HasFile Image | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Image | |
HasSize Image | |
GUIObject Image | |
FormLabel Image | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm |
EndOfText |
Eq EndOfText | |
Read EndOfText | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Index | |
Show EndOfText | |
GUIValue EndOfText | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Index Methods toGUIValue :: EndOfText -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe EndOfText # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> EndOfText # | |
HasIndex Editor EndOfText BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods getBaseIndex :: Editor -> EndOfText -> IO BaseIndex # | |
HasIndex (Entry a) EndOfText BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry Methods getBaseIndex :: Entry a -> EndOfText -> IO BaseIndex # | |
HasIndex (ListBox a) EndOfText Int | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods getBaseIndex :: ListBox a -> EndOfText -> IO Int # |
First |
getBaseIndex :: w -> i -> IO b #
Last |
Show Pixels | |
HasIndex Editor Pixels BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods getBaseIndex :: Editor -> Pixels -> IO BaseIndex # | |
HasIndex (ListBox a) Pixels Int | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods getBaseIndex :: ListBox a -> Pixels -> IO Int # |
class GUIObject w => HasSelection w where #
clearSelection :: w -> IO () #
HasSelection Editor | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods clearSelection :: Editor -> IO () # | |
HasSelection (Entry a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry Methods clearSelection :: Entry a -> IO () # | |
HasSelection (ListBox a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods clearSelection :: ListBox a -> IO () # |
class HasSelectionBaseIndex w i where #
getSelection :: w -> IO (Maybe i) #
HasSelectionBaseIndex Editor ((Distance, Distance), (Distance, Distance)) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
HasSelectionBaseIndex (ListBox a) [Int] | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods getSelection :: ListBox a -> IO (Maybe [Int]) # | |
HasSelectionBaseIndex (Entry a) (Int, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry Methods getSelection :: Entry a -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int)) # |
class HasSelectionIndex w i => HasSelectionBaseIndexRange w i where #
Minimal complete definition
getSelectionStart :: w -> IO (Maybe i) #
getSelectionEnd :: w -> IO (Maybe i) #
getSelectionRange :: w -> IO (Maybe (i, i)) #
HasSelectionBaseIndexRange Editor (Distance, Distance) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
HasSelectionBaseIndexRange (Entry a) Int | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry Methods getSelectionStart :: Entry a -> IO (Maybe Int) # getSelectionEnd :: Entry a -> IO (Maybe Int) # getSelectionRange :: Entry a -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int)) # | |
HasSelectionBaseIndexRange (ListBox a) Int | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods getSelectionStart :: ListBox a -> IO (Maybe Int) # getSelectionEnd :: ListBox a -> IO (Maybe Int) # getSelectionRange :: ListBox a -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int)) # |
class HasSelectionIndex w i where #
HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasSelectionIndex Editor i | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
HasIndex (Entry a) i BaseIndex => HasSelectionIndex (Entry a) i | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry | |
HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => HasSelectionIndex (ListBox a) i | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox |
class HasSelectionIndexRange w i1 i2 where #
selectionRange :: i1 -> i2 -> Config w #
(HasIndex Editor i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex Editor i2 BaseIndex) => HasSelectionIndexRange Editor i1 i2 | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods selectionRange :: i1 -> i2 -> Config Editor # | |
(HasIndex (Entry a) i1 BaseIndex, HasIndex (Entry a) i2 BaseIndex) => HasSelectionIndexRange (Entry a) i1 i2 | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry Methods selectionRange :: i1 -> i2 -> Config (Entry a) # | |
(HasIndex (ListBox a) i1 Int, HasIndex (ListBox a) i2 Int) => HasSelectionIndexRange (ListBox a) i1 i2 | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods selectionRange :: i1 -> i2 -> Config (ListBox a) # |
Selection w |
(HasSelection w, Widget w) => HasBorder (Selection w) | |
(HasSelection w, Widget w) => HasColour (Selection w) | |
GUIObject w => GUIObject (Selection w) | |
HasIndex (Entry a) (Selection (Entry a), First) BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry | |
HasIndex (Entry a) (Selection (Entry a), Last) BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry |
class Widget w => HasSlider w where #
Minimal complete definition
repeatInterval :: Int -> Config (Slider w) #
getRepeatInterval :: Slider w -> IO Int #
repeatDelay :: Int -> Config (Slider w) #
getRepeatDelay :: Slider w -> IO Int #
HasSlider ScrollBar | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar Methods repeatInterval :: Int -> Config (Slider ScrollBar) # getRepeatInterval :: Slider ScrollBar -> IO Int # repeatDelay :: Int -> Config (Slider ScrollBar) # getRepeatDelay :: Slider ScrollBar -> IO Int # | |
HasSlider (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale Methods repeatInterval :: Int -> Config (Slider (Scale a)) # getRepeatInterval :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO Int # repeatDelay :: Int -> Config (Slider (Scale a)) # getRepeatDelay :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO Int # |
Slider w |
(HasSlider w, GUIObject w) => HasColour (Slider w) | |
HasSize (Slider (Scale a)) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
GUIObject w => GUIObject (Slider w) | |
ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Slider (Scale a)) a | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale |
Eq Box | |
Destroyable Box | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Box | |
Synchronized Box | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Box Methods synchronize :: Box -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget Box | |
HasBorder Box | |
HasColour Box | |
HasOrientation Box | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Box | |
HasSize Box | |
Container Box | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Box | |
GUIObject Box | |
Eq Frame | |
Destroyable Frame | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Frame | |
Synchronized Frame | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Frame Methods synchronize :: Frame -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget Frame | |
HasBorder Frame | |
HasColour Frame | |
HasSize Frame | |
Container Frame | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Frame | |
GUIObject Frame | |
Toplevel GUIOBJECT |
Eq Toplevel | |
Destroyable Toplevel | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Toplevel | |
Synchronized Toplevel | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Toplevel Methods synchronize :: Toplevel -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Window Toplevel | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Toplevel Methods iconify :: Toplevel -> IO () # deiconify :: Toplevel -> IO () # withdraw :: Toplevel -> IO () # putWinOnTop :: Toplevel -> IO () # putWinAtBottom :: Toplevel -> IO () # screen :: Display -> Config Toplevel # getScreen :: Toplevel -> IO Display # getClassName :: Toplevel -> IO String # getWindowState :: Toplevel -> IO WindowState # aspectRatio :: AspectRatio -> Config Toplevel # getAspectRatio :: Toplevel -> IO AspectRatio # positionFrom :: Whom -> Config Toplevel # getPositionFrom :: Toplevel -> IO Whom # sizeFrom :: Whom -> Config Toplevel # getSizeFrom :: Toplevel -> IO Whom # | |
Widget Toplevel | |
Container Toplevel | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Toplevel | |
GUIObject Toplevel | |
data AspectRatio #
Eq AspectRatio | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Window | |
Read AspectRatio | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Window Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS AspectRatio readList :: ReadS [AspectRatio] readPrec :: ReadPrec AspectRatio readListPrec :: ReadPrec [AspectRatio] | |
Show AspectRatio | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Window Methods showsPrec :: Int -> AspectRatio -> ShowS show :: AspectRatio -> String showList :: [AspectRatio] -> ShowS | |
GUIValue AspectRatio | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Window Methods cdefault :: AspectRatio # toGUIValue :: AspectRatio -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe AspectRatio # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> AspectRatio # |
Enum Whom | |
Eq Whom | |
Ord Whom | |
Read Whom | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Window | |
Show Whom | |
GUIValue Whom | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Window Methods toGUIValue :: Whom -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Whom # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Whom # |
class GUIObject w => Window w where #
Minimal complete definition
putWinOnTop :: w -> IO () #
putWinAtBottom :: w -> IO () #
screen :: Display -> Config w #
getScreen :: w -> IO Display #
getClassName :: w -> IO String #
getWindowState :: w -> IO WindowState #
aspectRatio :: AspectRatio -> Config w #
getAspectRatio :: w -> IO AspectRatio #
positionFrom :: Whom -> Config w #
getPositionFrom :: w -> IO Whom #
sizeFrom :: Whom -> Config w #
getSizeFrom :: w -> IO Whom #
data WindowState #
Deiconified | |
Iconified | |
Withdrawn |
data ColourMode #
FullColourMode | |
GrayScaleMode | |
MonoChromeMode |
class GUIObject w => HasPostscript w where #
Minimal complete definition
postscript :: w -> [CreationConfig PostScript] -> IO () #
HasPostscript Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas Methods postscript :: Canvas -> [CreationConfig PostScript] -> IO () # |
data PostScript #
data VisualClass #
DirectColour | |
GrayScale | |
PseudoColour | |
StaticColour | |
StaticGray | |
TrueColour |
class GUIObject w => Widget w where #
Minimal complete definition
cursor :: CursorDesignator ch => ch -> Config w #
takeFocus :: Bool -> Config w #
getTakeFocus :: w -> IO Bool #
class Widget w => ButtonWidget w where #
Minimal complete definition
ButtonWidget Button | |
ButtonWidget MenuButton | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton | |
ButtonWidget (CheckButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton | |
ButtonWidget (RadioButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton |
Colour String |
Read Colour | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour | |
Show Colour | |
ColourDesignator Colour | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour | |
GUIValue Colour | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour Methods toGUIValue :: Colour -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Colour # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Colour # | |
CursorDesignator (String, Colour) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
CursorDesignator (String, Colour, Colour) | |
CursorDesignator ([Char], [Char], Colour, Colour) | |
class ColourDesignator c where #
ColourDesignator Colour | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour | |
ColourDesignator [Char] | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour | |
ColourDesignator (Double, Double, Double) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour | |
ColourDesignator (Int, Int, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Colour |
class GUIObject w => HasAnchor w where #
Minimal complete definition
HasAnchor TextItem | |
HasAnchor Button | |
HasAnchor Label | |
HasAnchor MenuButton | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton | |
HasAnchor Message | |
HasAnchor (CheckButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton | |
GUIValue a => HasAnchor (ComboBox a) | |
HasAnchor (OptionMenu a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.OptionMenu |
class GUIObject w => HasBorder w where #
Minimal complete definition
borderwidth :: Distance -> Config w #
getBorderwidth :: w -> IO Distance #
class GUIObject w => HasCanvAnchor w where #
HasCanvAnchor BitMapItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.BitMapItem | |
HasCanvAnchor EmbeddedCanvasWin | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.EmbeddedCanvasWin Methods canvAnchor :: Anchor -> Config EmbeddedCanvasWin # getCanvAnchor :: EmbeddedCanvasWin -> IO Anchor # | |
HasCanvAnchor ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
HasCanvAnchor TextItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.TextItem |
class GUIObject w => HasColour w where #
Minimal complete definition
class GUIObject w => HasEnable w where #
Minimal complete definition
class GUIObject w => HasFile w where #
HasFile BitMap | |
Defined in HTk.Components.BitMap | |
HasFile Image | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Image |
class GUIObject w => HasFont w where #
Minimal complete definition
class (HasSize w, HasPosition w) => HasGeometry w where #
HasGeometry Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
HasGeometry Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
HasGeometry Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle |
class HasIncrement w a where #
ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Slider (Scale a)) a | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Scale a) a | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale |
class GUIObject w => HasJustify w where #
Minimal complete definition
HasJustify TextItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.TextItem | |
HasJustify MenuCascade | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCascade | |
HasJustify MenuCheckButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCheckButton | |
HasJustify MenuCommand | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCommand | |
HasJustify MenuRadioButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuRadioButton | |
HasJustify TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
HasJustify Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
HasJustify Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label | |
HasJustify MenuButton | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton | |
HasJustify Message | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Message | |
HasJustify (CheckButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton | |
HasJustify (Entry a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry | |
HasJustify (RadioButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton |
class GUIObject w => HasOrientation w where #
Minimal complete definition
HasOrientation Box | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Box | |
HasOrientation MenuSeparator | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuSeparator Methods orient :: Orientation -> Config MenuSeparator # getOrient :: MenuSeparator -> IO Orientation # | |
HasOrientation ScrollBar | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar | |
HasOrientation (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale |
class GUIObject w => HasPosition w where #
HasPosition Arc | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Arc | |
HasPosition BitMapItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.BitMapItem | |
HasPosition EmbeddedCanvasWin | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.EmbeddedCanvasWin Methods position :: Position -> Config EmbeddedCanvasWin # getPosition :: EmbeddedCanvasWin -> IO Position # | |
HasPosition ImageItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.ImageItem | |
HasPosition Oval | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Oval | |
HasPosition Rectangle | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.Rectangle | |
HasPosition TextItem | |
Defined in HTk.Canvasitems.TextItem | |
Window w => HasPosition (Icon w) | |
Defined in HTk.Components.Icon |
class GUIObject w => HasSize w where #
Minimal complete definition
width :: Distance -> Config w #
getWidth :: w -> IO Distance #
height :: Distance -> Config w #
class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasText w v where #
Minimal complete definition
GUIValue b => HasText TextItem b | |
GUIValue v => HasText MenuCascade v | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCascade | |
GUIValue v => HasText MenuCheckButton v | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCheckButton | |
GUIValue v => HasText MenuCommand v | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCommand | |
GUIValue v => HasText MenuRadioButton v | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuRadioButton | |
GUIValue v => HasText LabelFrame v | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.LabelFrame | |
GUIValue a => HasText NoteBookPage a | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.NoteBook | |
GUIValue v => HasText Button v | |
GUIValue b => HasText Label b | |
GUIValue v => HasText MenuButton v | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton | |
GUIValue b => HasText Message b | |
(Window w, GUIValue v) => HasText (Icon w) v | |
GUIValue v => HasText (CheckButton a) v | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton | |
GUIValue v => HasText (RadioButton a) v | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton | |
GUIValue v => HasText (Scale a) v | |
GUIValue v => HasText (Dialog a) v | |
class GUIObject w => HasUnderline w where #
Minimal complete definition
underline :: Int -> Config w #
getUnderline :: w -> IO Int #
wraplength :: Int -> Config w #
getWraplength :: w -> IO Int #
class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasValue w v where #
Minimal complete definition
GUIValue v => HasValue MenuCheckButton v | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCheckButton | |
GUIValue v => HasValue MenuRadioButton v | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuRadioButton | |
GUIValue v => HasValue HTk v | |
GUIValue a => HasValue Editor a | |
GUIValue a => HasValue (Entry a) a | |
GUIValue a => HasValue (OptionMenu a) a | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.OptionMenu | |
GUIValue c => HasValue (RadioButton a) c | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton | |
(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ComboBox a) [a] | |
(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ListBox a) [a] | |
class GUIObject w => HasCommand w where #
Minimal complete definition
HasCommand MenuCheckButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCheckButton Methods clicked :: MenuCheckButton -> IO (Event ()) # | |
HasCommand MenuCommand | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCommand Methods clicked :: MenuCommand -> IO (Event ()) # | |
HasCommand MenuRadioButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuRadioButton Methods clicked :: MenuRadioButton -> IO (Event ()) # | |
HasCommand Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
HasCommand MenuButton | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton Methods clicked :: MenuButton -> IO (Event ()) # | |
HasCommand (CheckButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton Methods clicked :: CheckButton a -> IO (Event ()) # | |
HasCommand (RadioButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton Methods clicked :: RadioButton a -> IO (Event ()) # |
Show BCursor | |
CursorDesignator BCursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor |
Cursor String |
Read Cursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
Show Cursor | |
CursorDesignator Cursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
GUIValue Cursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor Methods toGUIValue :: Cursor -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Cursor # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Cursor # |
class CursorDesignator ch where #
CursorDesignator String | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
CursorDesignator BCursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
CursorDesignator Cursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
CursorDesignator XCursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
CursorDesignator (String, Colour) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor | |
CursorDesignator (String, Colour, Colour) | |
CursorDesignator ([Char], [Char], Colour, Colour) | |
Show XCursor | |
CursorDesignator XCursor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Cursor |
data EventInfoSet #
data EventParameter #
Eq EventParameter | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.EventInfo Methods (==) :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Bool (/=) :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Bool | |
Ord EventParameter | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.EventInfo Methods compare :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Ordering (<) :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Bool (<=) :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Bool (>) :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Bool (>=) :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> Bool max :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> EventParameter min :: EventParameter -> EventParameter -> EventParameter | |
Read EventParameter | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.EventInfo Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS EventParameter readList :: ReadS [EventParameter] readPrec :: ReadPrec EventParameter readListPrec :: ReadPrec [EventParameter] | |
Show EventParameter | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.EventInfo Methods showsPrec :: Int -> EventParameter -> ShowS show :: EventParameter -> String showList :: [EventParameter] -> ShowS |
Font String |
Read Font | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
Show Font | |
FontDesignator Font | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
GUIValue Font | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toGUIValue :: Font -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Font # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Font # |
class FontDesignator fh where #
FontDesignator String | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
FontDesignator Font | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
FontDesignator FontFamily | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: FontFamily -> Font # | |
FontDesignator XFont | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, Int) -> Font # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, FontSlant, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, FontSlant, Int) -> Font # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, FontWeight, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, FontWeight, Int) -> Font # |
data FontFamily #
Read FontFamily | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS FontFamily readList :: ReadS [FontFamily] readPrec :: ReadPrec FontFamily readListPrec :: ReadPrec [FontFamily] | |
Show FontFamily | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FontFamily -> ShowS show :: FontFamily -> String showList :: [FontFamily] -> ShowS | |
FontDesignator FontFamily | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: FontFamily -> Font # | |
GUIValue FontFamily | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods cdefault :: FontFamily # toGUIValue :: FontFamily -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe FontFamily # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> FontFamily # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, Int) -> Font # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, FontSlant, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, FontSlant, Int) -> Font # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, FontWeight, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, FontWeight, Int) -> Font # |
Read FontSlant | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
Show FontSlant | |
GUIValue FontSlant | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toGUIValue :: FontSlant -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe FontSlant # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> FontSlant # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, FontSlant, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, FontSlant, Int) -> Font # |
data FontSpacing #
MonoSpace | |
Proportional |
Read FontSpacing | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS FontSpacing readList :: ReadS [FontSpacing] readPrec :: ReadPrec FontSpacing readListPrec :: ReadPrec [FontSpacing] | |
Show FontSpacing | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FontSpacing -> ShowS show :: FontSpacing -> String showList :: [FontSpacing] -> ShowS | |
GUIValue FontSpacing | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods cdefault :: FontSpacing # toGUIValue :: FontSpacing -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe FontSpacing # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> FontSpacing # |
data FontWeight #
NormalWeight | |
Medium | |
Bold |
Read FontWeight | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS FontWeight readList :: ReadS [FontWeight] readPrec :: ReadPrec FontWeight readListPrec :: ReadPrec [FontWeight] | |
Show FontWeight | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FontWeight -> ShowS show :: FontWeight -> String showList :: [FontWeight] -> ShowS | |
GUIValue FontWeight | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods cdefault :: FontWeight # toGUIValue :: FontWeight -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe FontWeight # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> FontWeight # | |
FontDesignator (FontFamily, FontWeight, Int) | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toFont :: (FontFamily, FontWeight, Int) -> Font # |
NormalWidth | |
Condensed | |
Narrow |
Read FontWidth | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
Show FontWidth | |
GUIValue FontWidth | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toGUIValue :: FontWidth -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe FontWidth # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> FontWidth # |
XFont | |
XFontAlias String |
Read XFont | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
Show XFont | |
FontDesignator XFont | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font | |
GUIValue XFont | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Font Methods toGUIValue :: XFont -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe XFont # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> XFont # |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GUIValue | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GUIValue Methods toGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe GUIVALUE # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> GUIVALUE # |
class (Show a, Read a) => GUIValue a where #
Minimal complete definition
toGUIValue :: a -> GUIVALUE #
maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe a #
fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> a #
RawData String |
Read RawData | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GUIValue | |
Show RawData | |
GUIValue RawData | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GUIValue Methods toGUIValue :: RawData -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe RawData # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> RawData # |
TkCommand String |
Read TkCommand | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GUIValue | |
Show TkCommand | |
GUIValue TkCommand | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GUIValue Methods toGUIValue :: TkCommand -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe TkCommand # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> TkCommand # |
Distance Int |
data GridPackOption #
Column Int | |
Row Int | |
GridPos (Int, Int) | |
Sticky StickyKind | |
Columnspan Int | |
Rowspan Int | |
GridPadX Int | |
GridPadY Int | |
GridIPadX Int | |
GridIPadY Int |
Show GridPackOption | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GridPackOptions Methods showsPrec :: Int -> GridPackOption -> ShowS show :: GridPackOption -> String showList :: [GridPackOption] -> ShowS |
data StickyKind #
Show StickyKind | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.GridPackOptions Methods showsPrec :: Int -> StickyKind -> ShowS show :: StickyKind -> String showList :: [StickyKind] -> ShowS |
data PackOption #
Side SideSpec | |
Fill FillSpec | |
Expand Toggle | |
IPadX Distance | |
IPadY Distance | |
PadX Distance | |
PadY Distance | |
Anchor Anchor |
Show PackOption | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.PackOptions Methods showsPrec :: Int -> PackOption -> ShowS show :: PackOption -> String showList :: [PackOption] -> ShowS |
data AbstractWidget #
Container AbstractWidget | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Packer | |
GUIObject AbstractWidget | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Packer Methods toGUIObject :: AbstractWidget -> GUIOBJECT cname :: AbstractWidget -> String cset :: GUIValue a => AbstractWidget -> ConfigID -> a -> IO AbstractWidget cget :: GUIValue a => AbstractWidget -> ConfigID -> IO a |
class GUIObject a => Container a #
Container Box | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Box | |
Container Frame | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Frame | |
Container Toplevel | |
Defined in HTk.Containers.Toplevel | |
Container AbstractWidget | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Packer | |
Container LabelFrame | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.LabelFrame | |
Container NoteBookPage | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.NoteBook | |
Container Pane | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.PanedWindow | |
Container HTk | |
Defined in HTk.Toplevel.HTk | |
Container Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas | |
Container Editor | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor |
Enum Alignment | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Eq Alignment | |
Ord Alignment | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Read Alignment | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Show Alignment | |
GUIValue Alignment | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources Methods toGUIValue :: Alignment -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Alignment # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Alignment # |
Enum Anchor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Eq Anchor | |
Ord Anchor | |
Read Anchor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Show Anchor | |
GUIValue Anchor | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources Methods toGUIValue :: Anchor -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Anchor # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Anchor # |
type CreationConfig w = IO String #
data Flexibility #
JustLeft | |
JustCenter | |
JustRight |
Enum Justify | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Eq Justify | |
Ord Justify | |
Read Justify | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Show Justify | |
GUIValue Justify | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources Methods toGUIValue :: Justify -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Justify # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Justify # |
data Orientation #
Horizontal | |
Vertical |
Enum Relief | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Eq Relief | |
Ord Relief | |
Read Relief | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Show Relief | |
GUIValue Relief | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources Methods toGUIValue :: Relief -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Relief # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Relief # |
Enum State | |
Eq State | |
Ord State | |
Read State | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Show State | |
GUIValue State | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources Methods toGUIValue :: State -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe State # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> State # |
Eq Toggle | |
Ord Toggle | |
Read Toggle | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources | |
Show Toggle | |
GUIValue Toggle | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Resources Methods toGUIValue :: Toggle -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Toggle # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Toggle # |
class GUIObject w => HasVariable w where #
Minimal complete definition
variable :: TkVariable v -> Config w #
HasVariable MenuCheckButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCheckButton Methods variable :: TkVariable v -> Config MenuCheckButton # | |
HasVariable MenuRadioButton | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuRadioButton Methods variable :: TkVariable v -> Config MenuRadioButton # | |
HasVariable (CheckButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.CheckButton Methods variable :: TkVariable v -> Config (CheckButton a) # | |
HasVariable (Entry a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Entry Methods variable :: TkVariable v -> Config (Entry a) # | |
HasVariable (RadioButton a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.RadioButton Methods variable :: TkVariable v -> Config (RadioButton a) # |
newtype GUIValue a => TkVariable a #
TkVariable ObjectID |
class GUIObject w => HasTooltip w where #
Minimal complete definition
WishEvent [WishEventModifier] WishEventType |
Eq WishEvent | |
Ord WishEvent | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish | |
Show WishEvent | |
data WishEventModifier #
Control | |
Shift | |
Lock | |
CommandKey | |
Meta | |
M | |
Alt | |
Mod1 | |
Mod2 | |
Mod3 | |
Mod4 | |
Mod5 | |
Button1 | |
Button2 | |
Button3 | |
Button4 | |
Button5 | |
Double | |
Triple |
Eq WishEventModifier | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish Methods (==) :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Bool (/=) :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Bool | |
Ord WishEventModifier | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish Methods compare :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Ordering (<) :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Bool (<=) :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Bool (>) :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Bool (>=) :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> Bool max :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier min :: WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier -> WishEventModifier | |
Show WishEventModifier | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish Methods showsPrec :: Int -> WishEventModifier -> ShowS show :: WishEventModifier -> String showList :: [WishEventModifier] -> ShowS |
data WishEventType #
Activate | |
ButtonPress (Maybe BNo) | |
ButtonRelease (Maybe BNo) | |
Circulate | |
Colormap | |
Configure | |
Deactivate | |
Destroy | |
Enter | |
Expose | |
FocusIn | |
FocusOut | |
Gravity | |
KeyPress (Maybe KeySym) | |
KeyRelease (Maybe KeySym) | |
Motion | |
Leave | |
Map | |
Property | |
Reparent | |
Unmap | |
Visibility |
Eq WishEventType | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish | |
Ord WishEventType | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish Methods compare :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> Ordering (<) :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> Bool (<=) :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> Bool (>) :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> Bool (>=) :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> Bool max :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> WishEventType min :: WishEventType -> WishEventType -> WishEventType | |
Show WishEventType | |
Defined in HTk.Kernel.Wish Methods showsPrec :: Int -> WishEventType -> ShowS show :: WishEventType -> String showList :: [WishEventType] -> ShowS |
class GUIObject w => HasMenu w where #
Minimal complete definition
(Window w, GUIObject w) => HasMenu w | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.Menu | |
HasMenu MenuCascade | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.MenuCascade Methods menu :: Menu -> Config MenuCascade # | |
HasMenu MenuButton | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.MenuButton Methods menu :: Menu -> Config MenuButton # |
Menu GUIOBJECT (Ref Int) |
Eq Menu | |
Destroyable Menu | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.Menu | |
Synchronized Menu | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.Menu Methods synchronize :: Menu -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget Menu | |
HasBorder Menu | |
HasColour Menu | |
HasFont Menu | |
Defined in HTk.Menuitems.Menu | |
GUIObject Menu | |
data MenuCascade #
data MenuCheckButton #
data MenuCommand #
data MenuRadioButton #
data MenuSeparator #
data EmbeddedTextWin #
Eq EmbeddedTextWin | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.EmbeddedTextWin Methods (==) :: EmbeddedTextWin -> EmbeddedTextWin -> Bool (/=) :: EmbeddedTextWin -> EmbeddedTextWin -> Bool | |
Destroyable EmbeddedTextWin | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.EmbeddedTextWin Methods destroy :: EmbeddedTextWin -> IO () # | |
Synchronized EmbeddedTextWin | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.EmbeddedTextWin Methods synchronize :: EmbeddedTextWin -> IO b -> IO b # | |
GUIObject EmbeddedTextWin | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.EmbeddedTextWin Methods toGUIObject :: EmbeddedTextWin -> GUIOBJECT cname :: EmbeddedTextWin -> String cset :: GUIValue a => EmbeddedTextWin -> ConfigID -> a -> IO EmbeddedTextWin cget :: GUIValue a => EmbeddedTextWin -> ConfigID -> IO a | |
HasIndex Editor EmbeddedTextWin BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.EmbeddedTextWin Methods getBaseIndex :: Editor -> EmbeddedTextWin -> IO BaseIndex # |
Enum Gravity | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.Mark | |
Eq Gravity | |
Ord Gravity | |
Read Gravity | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.Mark | |
Show Gravity | |
GUIValue Gravity | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.Mark Methods toGUIValue :: Gravity -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe Gravity # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Gravity # |
Eq TextTag | |
Destroyable TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
Synchronized TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag Methods synchronize :: TextTag -> IO b -> IO b # | |
HasBorder TextTag | |
HasColour TextTag | |
HasFont TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
HasJustify TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
HasLineSpacing TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
HasTabulators TextTag | |
GUIObject TextTag | |
HasIndex Editor (TextTag, First) BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
HasIndex Editor (TextTag, Last) BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag |
data LabelFrame #
TopLabel | |
LeftLabel | |
RightLabel | |
BottomLabel | |
NoLabel | |
AcrossTopLabel |
Read LabelSide | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.LabelFrame | |
Show LabelSide | |
GUIValue LabelSide | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.LabelFrame Methods toGUIValue :: LabelSide -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe LabelSide # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> LabelSide # |
Eq NoteBook | |
Destroyable NoteBook | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.NoteBook | |
Synchronized NoteBook | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.NoteBook Methods synchronize :: NoteBook -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget NoteBook | |
HasSize NoteBook | |
GUIObject NoteBook | |
data NoteBookPage #
Eq Pane | |
Destroyable Pane | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.PanedWindow | |
Synchronized Pane | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.PanedWindow Methods synchronize :: Pane -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget Pane | |
HasColour Pane | |
Container Pane | |
Defined in HTk.Tix.PanedWindow | |
GUIObject Pane | |
data PanedWindow #
Eq HTk | |
Destroyable HTk | |
Defined in HTk.Toplevel.HTk | |
Synchronized HTk | |
Defined in HTk.Toplevel.HTk Methods synchronize :: HTk -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Window HTk | |
Defined in HTk.Toplevel.HTk Methods putWinOnTop :: HTk -> IO () # putWinAtBottom :: HTk -> IO () # screen :: Display -> Config HTk # getScreen :: HTk -> IO Display # getClassName :: HTk -> IO String # getWindowState :: HTk -> IO WindowState # aspectRatio :: AspectRatio -> Config HTk # getAspectRatio :: HTk -> IO AspectRatio # positionFrom :: Whom -> Config HTk # getPositionFrom :: HTk -> IO Whom # sizeFrom :: Whom -> Config HTk # getSizeFrom :: HTk -> IO Whom # | |
Container HTk | |
Defined in HTk.Toplevel.HTk | |
GUIObject HTk | |
GUIValue v => HasValue HTk v | |
Eq Button | |
Destroyable Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
Synchronized Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button Methods synchronize :: Button -> IO b -> IO b # | |
HasBitMap Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
HasPhoto Button | |
Widget Button | |
ButtonWidget Button | |
HasAnchor Button | |
HasBorder Button | |
HasColour Button | |
HasEnable Button | |
HasFont Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
HasJustify Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
HasSize Button | |
HasUnderline Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button Methods underline :: Int -> Config Button # getUnderline :: Button -> IO Int # wraplength :: Int -> Config Button # getWraplength :: Button -> IO Int # | |
HasCommand Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
HasTooltip Button | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Button | |
GUIObject Button | |
GUIValue v => HasText Button v | |
Eq Canvas | |
Destroyable Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas | |
Synchronized Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas Methods synchronize :: Canvas -> IO b -> IO b # | |
HasPostscript Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas Methods postscript :: Canvas -> [CreationConfig PostScript] -> IO () # | |
Widget Canvas | |
HasBorder Canvas | |
HasColour Canvas | |
HasEnable Canvas | |
HasSize Canvas | |
Container Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas | |
HasTooltip Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas | |
HasScroller Canvas | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Canvas Methods isWfOrientation :: Canvas -> Orientation -> Bool # scrollbar :: Orientation -> ScrollBar -> Config Canvas # moveto :: Orientation -> Canvas -> Fraction -> IO () # scroll :: Orientation -> Canvas -> Int -> ScrollUnit -> IO () # | |
GUIObject Canvas | |
GUIObject c => HasBBox Canvas c | |
type ScrollRegion = (Position, Position) #
data CheckButton a #
data GUIValue a => ComboBox a #
GUIValue a => Eq (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => Destroyable (ComboBox a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ComboBox | |
GUIValue a => Synchronized (ComboBox a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ComboBox Methods synchronize :: ComboBox a -> IO b -> IO b # | |
GUIValue a => Widget (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => HasAnchor (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => HasBorder (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => HasColour (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => HasEnable (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => HasSize (ComboBox a) | |
GUIValue a => GUIObject (ComboBox a) | |
(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ComboBox a) [a] | |
class GUIObject w => HasLineSpacing w where #
Minimal complete definition
spaceAbove :: Distance -> Config w #
getSpaceAbove :: w -> IO Distance #
spaceWrap :: Distance -> Config w #
getSpaceWrap :: w -> IO Distance #
spaceBelow :: Distance -> Config w #
getSpaceBelow :: w -> IO Distance #
HasLineSpacing TextTag | |
Defined in HTk.Textitems.TextTag | |
HasLineSpacing Editor | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor |
class GUIObject w => HasTabulators w where #
Minimal complete definition
data IndexModifier #
ForwardChars Int | |
BackwardChars Int | |
ForwardLines Int | |
BackwardLines Int | |
LineStart | |
LineEnd | |
WordStart | |
WordEnd |
Show IndexModifier | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods showsPrec :: Int -> IndexModifier -> ShowS show :: IndexModifier -> String showList :: [IndexModifier] -> ShowS | |
HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasIndex Editor (i, [IndexModifier]) BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods getBaseIndex :: Editor -> (i, [IndexModifier]) -> IO BaseIndex # | |
HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasIndex Editor (i, IndexModifier) BaseIndex | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods getBaseIndex :: Editor -> (i, IndexModifier) -> IO BaseIndex # |
newtype IndexModifiers #
IndexModifiers [IndexModifier] |
Show IndexModifiers | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods showsPrec :: Int -> IndexModifiers -> ShowS show :: IndexModifiers -> String showList :: [IndexModifiers] -> ShowS |
data SearchDirection #
data SearchMode #
Enum SearchMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods succ :: SearchMode -> SearchMode pred :: SearchMode -> SearchMode toEnum :: Int -> SearchMode fromEnum :: SearchMode -> Int enumFrom :: SearchMode -> [SearchMode] enumFromThen :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> [SearchMode] enumFromTo :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> [SearchMode] enumFromThenTo :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> SearchMode -> [SearchMode] | |
Eq SearchMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
Ord SearchMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods compare :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> Ordering (<) :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> Bool (<=) :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> Bool (>) :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> Bool (>=) :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> Bool max :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> SearchMode min :: SearchMode -> SearchMode -> SearchMode | |
Show SearchMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SearchMode -> ShowS show :: SearchMode -> String showList :: [SearchMode] -> ShowS |
data SearchSwitch #
SearchSwitch | |
Show SearchSwitch | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SearchSwitch -> ShowS show :: SearchSwitch -> String showList :: [SearchSwitch] -> ShowS |
Enum WrapMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
Eq WrapMode | |
Ord WrapMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
Read WrapMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor | |
Show WrapMode | |
GUIValue WrapMode | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Editor Methods toGUIValue :: WrapMode -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe WrapMode # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> WrapMode # |
Eq Label | |
Destroyable Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label | |
Synchronized Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label Methods synchronize :: Label -> IO b -> IO b # | |
HasBitMap Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label | |
HasPhoto Label | |
Widget Label | |
HasAnchor Label | |
HasBorder Label | |
HasColour Label | |
HasFont Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label | |
HasJustify Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label | |
HasSize Label | |
HasUnderline Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label Methods underline :: Int -> Config Label # getUnderline :: Label -> IO Int # wraplength :: Int -> Config Label # getWraplength :: Label -> IO Int # | |
HasTooltip Label | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Label | |
GUIObject Label | |
GUIValue b => HasText Label b | |
data Eq a => ListBoxElem a #
ListBoxElem a |
Eq a => Eq (ListBoxElem a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox | |
(Eq a, GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasIndex (ListBox a) Int (ListBoxElem a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods getBaseIndex :: ListBox a -> Int -> IO (ListBoxElem a) # | |
(Eq a, GUIValue a) => HasIndex (ListBox [a]) (ListBoxElem a) Int | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ListBox Methods getBaseIndex :: ListBox [a] -> ListBoxElem a -> IO Int # |
data SelectMode #
data MenuButton #
Eq Message | |
Destroyable Message | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Message | |
Synchronized Message | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Message Methods synchronize :: Message -> IO b -> IO b # | |
Widget Message | |
HasAnchor Message | |
HasBorder Message | |
HasColour Message | |
HasFont Message | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Message | |
HasJustify Message | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Message | |
HasSize Message | |
HasTooltip Message | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Message | |
GUIObject Message | |
GUIValue b => HasText Message b | |
data OptionMenu a #
data RadioButton a #
Eq (Scale a) | |
Destroyable (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
Synchronized (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale Methods synchronize :: Scale a -> IO b -> IO b # | |
HasSlider (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale Methods repeatInterval :: Int -> Config (Slider (Scale a)) # getRepeatInterval :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO Int # repeatDelay :: Int -> Config (Slider (Scale a)) # getRepeatDelay :: Slider (Scale a) -> IO Int # | |
Widget (Scale a) | |
HasBorder (Scale a) | |
HasColour (Scale a) | |
HasEnable (Scale a) | |
HasFont (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
HasOrientation (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
HasSize (Slider (Scale a)) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
HasSize (Scale a) | |
HasTooltip (Scale a) | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
GUIObject (Scale a) | |
ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Slider (Scale a)) a | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Scale a) a | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale | |
GUIValue v => HasText (Scale a) v | |
class (Num a, GUIValue a) => ScaleValue a where #
ScaleValue Double | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.Scale |
class Widget w => HasScroller w where #
Minimal complete definition
isWfOrientation :: w -> Orientation -> Bool #
scrollbar :: Orientation -> ScrollBar -> Config w #
moveto :: Orientation -> w -> Fraction -> IO () #
scroll :: Orientation -> w -> Int -> ScrollUnit -> IO () #
view :: Orientation -> w -> IO (Fraction, Fraction) #
Eq ScrollBar | |
Destroyable ScrollBar | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar | |
HasSlider ScrollBar | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar Methods repeatInterval :: Int -> Config (Slider ScrollBar) # getRepeatInterval :: Slider ScrollBar -> IO Int # repeatDelay :: Int -> Config (Slider ScrollBar) # getRepeatDelay :: Slider ScrollBar -> IO Int # | |
Widget ScrollBar | |
HasBorder ScrollBar | |
HasColour ScrollBar | |
HasEnable ScrollBar | |
HasOrientation ScrollBar | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar | |
HasSize ScrollBar | |
HasTooltip ScrollBar | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar | |
GUIObject ScrollBar | |
data ScrollBarElem #
Arrow1 | |
Trough1 | |
ScrollBarSlider | |
Trough2 | |
Arrow2 |
data ScrollUnit #
Read ScrollUnit | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ScrollUnit readList :: ReadS [ScrollUnit] readPrec :: ReadPrec ScrollUnit readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ScrollUnit] | |
Show ScrollUnit | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ScrollUnit -> ShowS show :: ScrollUnit -> String showList :: [ScrollUnit] -> ShowS | |
GUIValue ScrollUnit | |
Defined in HTk.Widgets.ScrollBar Methods cdefault :: ScrollUnit # toGUIValue :: ScrollUnit -> GUIVALUE # maybeGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> Maybe ScrollUnit # fromGUIValue :: GUIVALUE -> ScrollUnit # |
newtype MonadWithError (m :: Type -> Type) a #
MonadWithError (m (WithError a)) |
Monad m => Monad (MonadWithError m) | |
Defined in Util.Computation Methods (>>=) :: MonadWithError m a -> (a -> MonadWithError m b) -> MonadWithError m b (>>) :: MonadWithError m a -> MonadWithError m b -> MonadWithError m b return :: a -> MonadWithError m a | |
Monad m => Functor (MonadWithError m) | |
Defined in Util.Computation Methods fmap :: (a -> b) -> MonadWithError m a -> MonadWithError m b (<$) :: a -> MonadWithError m b -> MonadWithError m a | |
MonadFail m => MonadFail (MonadWithError m) | |
Defined in Util.Computation Methods fail :: String -> MonadWithError m a | |
Monad m => Applicative (MonadWithError m) | |
Defined in Util.Computation Methods pure :: a -> MonadWithError m a (<*>) :: MonadWithError m (a -> b) -> MonadWithError m a -> MonadWithError m b liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MonadWithError m a -> MonadWithError m b -> MonadWithError m c (*>) :: MonadWithError m a -> MonadWithError m b -> MonadWithError m b (<*) :: MonadWithError m a -> MonadWithError m b -> MonadWithError m a |
getScrollBars :: HasScroller a => ScrollBox a -> [ScrollBar] #
getScrolledWidget :: (Widget a, HasScroller a) => ScrollBox a -> a #
newScrollBox :: (Widget wid, HasScroller wid, Container par) => par -> (Frame -> IO wid) -> [Config (ScrollBox wid)] -> IO (ScrollBox wid, wid) #
ScrollBox | |
Eq (ScrollBox a) | |
Destroyable (ScrollBox a) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.ScrollBox | |
Synchronized (ScrollBox a) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.ScrollBox Methods synchronize :: ScrollBox a -> IO b -> IO b # | |
(Widget a, HasScroller a) => Widget (ScrollBox a) | |
HasBorder (ScrollBox a) | |
(HasColour a, HasScroller a) => HasColour (ScrollBox a) | |
HasSize (ScrollBox a) | |
HasScroller a => HasScroller (ScrollBox a) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.ScrollBox Methods isWfOrientation :: ScrollBox a -> Orientation -> Bool # scrollbar :: Orientation -> ScrollBar -> Config (ScrollBox a) # moveto :: Orientation -> ScrollBox a -> Fraction -> IO () # scroll :: Orientation -> ScrollBox a -> Int -> ScrollUnit -> IO () # view :: Orientation -> ScrollBox a -> IO (Fraction, Fraction) # | |
GUIObject (ScrollBox a) | |
doFormList :: String -> [(Form x, String)] -> IO (Event (WithError x), IO ()) #
doFormMust :: String -> Form value -> IO value #
editableTextForm :: [Config Editor] -> Form String #
editableTextForm0 :: [Config Editor] -> Form String #
guardFormIO :: (x -> IO Bool) -> String -> Form x -> Form x #
guardNothing :: String -> Form (Maybe x) -> Form x #
mapMakeFormEntry :: FormValue value2 => (value1 -> value2) -> (value2 -> value1) -> Frame -> value1 -> IO (EnteredForm value1) #
newFormEntry :: (FormLabel label, FormValue value) => label -> value -> Form value #
newFormMenu :: FormLabel label => label -> HTkMenu value -> Form (Maybe value) #
newFormOptionMenu :: GUIValue a => [a] -> Form a #
newFormOptionMenu2 :: (Eq a, GUIValue a) => [(a, b)] -> Form b #
data EmptyLabel #
EmptyLabel |
FormLabel EmptyLabel | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods formLabel :: Frame -> EmptyLabel -> IO (IO ()) # |
FormLabel String | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm | |
FormLabel Image | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm | |
FormLabel EmptyLabel | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods formLabel :: Frame -> EmptyLabel -> IO (IO ()) # | |
FormLabel WrappedFormLabel | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods formLabel :: Frame -> WrappedFormLabel -> IO (IO ()) # |
class FormTextField value where #
(Num a, Show a, Read a) => FormTextField a | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm | |
FormTextField String | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm |
class FormTextFieldIO value where #
FormTextField value => FormTextFieldIO value | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm | |
FormTextFieldIO value => FormTextFieldIO (Maybe value) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormStringIO :: Maybe value -> IO String # readFormStringIO :: String -> IO (WithError (Maybe value)) # |
makeFormEntry :: Frame -> value -> IO (EnteredForm value) #
FormValue Bool | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> Bool -> IO (EnteredForm Bool) # | |
FormValue () | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> () -> IO (EnteredForm ()) # | |
FormTextFieldIO value => FormValue value | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> value -> IO (EnteredForm value) # | |
FormTextFieldIO value => FormValue (Password value) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> Password value -> IO (EnteredForm (Password value)) # | |
(HasConfigRadioButton value, Bounded value, Enum value) => FormValue (Radio value) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> Radio value -> IO (EnteredForm (Radio value)) # |
class HasConfigRadioButton value where #
configRadioButton :: value -> Config (RadioButton Int) #
Password value |
FormTextFieldIO value => FormValue (Password value) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> Password value -> IO (EnteredForm (Password value)) # |
(HasConfigRadioButton value, Bounded value, Enum value) => FormValue (Radio value) | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods makeFormEntry :: Frame -> Radio value -> IO (EnteredForm (Radio value)) # | |
(Monad m, HasBinary x m) => HasBinary (Radio x) m | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm |
data WrappedFormLabel #
FormLabel label => WrappedFormLabel label |
FormLabel WrappedFormLabel | |
Defined in HTk.Toolkit.SimpleForm Methods formLabel :: Frame -> WrappedFormLabel -> IO (IO ()) # |
createTextDisplay :: String -> String -> [Config Editor] -> IO () #