Copyright | (c) Sonja Groening Christian Maeder Uni Bremen 2004-2006 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
- boolean constants strings
- quantor strings
- Strings of binary ops
- some stuff for Isabelle
- some stuff for HasCASL
- strings for HOLCF lifting functions
- Predefined CLASSES
- predefined SORTS
- predefined types
- predefinded HOLCF types
- term construction
- binary junctors
- terms for HOL-HOLCF
- Boolean constants
- UNTYPED terms
- constant names
- VNames of binary operators
- keywords in theory files from the Isar Reference Manual 2005
constants for Isabelle
- topSort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- liftDep :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
- getTypeIds :: Typ -> Set TName
- deDepOn :: DomainEntry -> DomainEntry -> Bool
- ordDoms :: DomainTab -> DomainTab
- cTrue :: String
- cFalse :: String
- cNot :: String
- allS :: String
- exS :: String
- ex1S :: String
- conj :: String
- disj :: String
- impl :: String
- eq :: String
- neq :: String
- plusS :: String
- minusS :: String
- timesS :: String
- divS :: String
- modS :: String
- consS :: String
- lconsS :: String
- appendS :: String
- compS :: String
- pairC :: String
- eqvSimS :: String
- unionS :: String
- membershipS :: String
- imageS :: String
- rangeS :: String
- pcpoS :: String
- prodS :: TName
- sProdS :: TName
- funS :: TName
- cFunS :: TName
- lFunS :: TName
- sSumS :: TName
- lProdS :: TName
- lSumS :: TName
- aptS :: String
- appS :: String
- pAppS :: String
- defOpS :: String
- someS :: String
- lliftbinS :: String
- fliftbinS :: String
- flift2S :: String
- pcpo :: IsaClass
- isaTerm :: IsaClass
- holType :: Sort
- dom :: Sort
- sortT :: Continuity -> Sort
- mkSTypeT :: Continuity -> String -> Typ
- listT :: Continuity -> Typ -> Typ
- charT :: Continuity -> Typ
- ratT :: Continuity -> Typ
- fracT :: Continuity -> Typ
- integerT :: Continuity -> Typ
- boolT :: Continuity -> Typ
- orderingT :: Continuity -> Typ
- intT :: Continuity -> Typ
- prodT :: Continuity -> Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- funT :: Continuity -> Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- curryFunT :: Continuity -> [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
- mkSType :: String -> Typ
- noTypeT :: Typ
- noType :: DTyp
- noTypeC :: DTyp
- hideNN :: Typ -> DTyp
- hideCN :: Typ -> DTyp
- dispNN :: Typ -> DTyp
- dispMN :: Typ -> DTyp
- boolType :: Typ
- mkListType :: Typ -> Typ
- mkOptionType :: Typ -> Typ
- prodType :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- mkFunType :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- mkCurryFunType :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
- mkSDomType :: String -> Typ
- voidDom :: Typ
- flatDom :: Typ
- tLift :: Typ -> Typ
- mkBinDomType :: String -> Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- mkContFun :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- mkStrictProduct :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- mkContProduct :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- mkCurryContFun :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
- mkStrictSum :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
- maxPrio :: Int
- lowPrio :: Int
- isaEqPrio :: Int
- mkConstVD :: String -> Typ -> Term
- mkConstV :: String -> DTyp -> Term
- mkConstD :: VName -> Typ -> Term
- mkConst :: VName -> DTyp -> Term
- mkFree :: String -> Term
- con :: VName -> Term
- conC :: VName -> Term
- conDouble :: String -> Term
- conDoubleC :: String -> Term
- binVNameAppl :: VName -> Term -> Term -> Term
- binConj :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binDisj :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binImpl :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binEqv :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binEq :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binEqvSim :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binUnion :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binMembership :: Term -> Term -> Term
- binImageOp :: Term -> Term -> Term
- rangeOp :: Term -> Term
- termAppl :: Term -> Term -> Term
- andPT :: Continuity -> Term
- orPT :: Continuity -> Term
- notPT :: Continuity -> Term
- bottomPT :: Continuity -> Term
- nilPT :: Continuity -> Term
- consPT :: Continuity -> Term
- truePT :: Continuity -> Term
- falsePT :: Continuity -> Term
- headPT :: Continuity -> Term
- tailPT :: Continuity -> Term
- unitPT :: Continuity -> Term
- fstPT :: Continuity -> Term
- sndPT :: Continuity -> Term
- pairPT :: Continuity -> Term
- nothingPT :: Continuity -> Term
- justPT :: Continuity -> Term
- leftPT :: Continuity -> Term
- rightPT :: Continuity -> Term
- compPT :: Term
- eqPT :: Term
- neqPT :: Term
- eqTPT :: Typ -> Term
- neqTPT :: Typ -> Term
- true :: Term
- false :: Term
- defOp :: Term
- notOp :: Term
- conSome :: Term
- liftString :: Term
- lpairTerm :: Term
- notV :: VName
- conjV :: VName
- disjV :: VName
- implV :: VName
- eqV :: VName
- neqV :: VName
- plusV :: VName
- minusV :: VName
- divV :: VName
- modV :: VName
- timesV :: VName
- consV :: VName
- lconsV :: VName
- appendV :: VName
- compV :: VName
- eqvSimV :: VName
- unionV :: VName
- membershipV :: VName
- imageV :: VName
- rangeV :: VName
- vMap' :: Map String VName
- vMap :: Map String VName
- endS :: String
- headerS :: String
- theoryS :: String
- importsS :: String
- usesS :: String
- beginS :: String
- contextS :: String
- axiomsS :: String
- axiomatizationS :: String
- defsS :: String
- oopsS :: String
- mlS :: String
- mlFileS :: String
- andS :: String
- lemmasS :: String
- lemmaS :: String
- corollaryS :: String
- refuteS :: String
- theoremsS :: String
- theoremS :: String
- axclassS :: String
- classesS :: String
- definitionS :: String
- instanceS :: String
- instantiationS :: String
- typedeclS :: String
- typesS :: String
- constsS :: String
- structureS :: String
- constdefsS :: String
- domainS :: String
- datatypeS :: String
- fixrecS :: String
- primrecS :: String
- declareS :: String
- simpS :: String
- applyS :: String
- backS :: String
- deferS :: String
- preferS :: String
- byS :: String
- doneS :: String
- sorryS :: String
- autoS :: String
- inductS :: String
- caseTacS :: String
- insertS :: String
- subgoalTacS :: String
- typedefS :: String
- premiseOpenS :: String
- premiseCloseS :: String
- metaImplS :: String
- usingS :: String
- whereS :: String
- dotDot :: String
- barS :: String
- markups :: [String]
- ignoredKeys :: [String]
- usedTopKeys :: [String]
- isaKeywords :: [String]
- mkVName :: String -> VName
liftDep :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool Source #
extends a dependency relation to lists using any
getTypeIds :: Typ -> Set TName Source #
deDepOn :: DomainEntry -> DomainEntry -> Bool Source #
boolean constants strings
quantor strings
Strings of binary ops
membershipS :: String Source #
some stuff for Isabelle
some stuff for HasCASL
strings for HOLCF lifting functions
Predefined CLASSES
predefined SORTS
sortT :: Continuity -> Sort Source #
mkSTypeT :: Continuity -> String -> Typ Source #
charT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
ratT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
fracT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
integerT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
boolT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
orderingT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
intT :: Continuity -> Typ Source #
predefined types
mkListType :: Typ -> Typ Source #
mkOptionType :: Typ -> Typ Source #
predefinded HOLCF types
mkSDomType :: String -> Typ Source #
term construction
conDoubleC :: String -> Term Source #
binary junctors
terms for HOL-HOLCF
andPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
orPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
notPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
bottomPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
nilPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
consPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
truePT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
falsePT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
headPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
tailPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
unitPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
fstPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
sndPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
pairPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
nothingPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
justPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
leftPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
rightPT :: Continuity -> Term Source #
Boolean constants
liftString :: Term Source #
constant names
VNames of binary operators
membershipV :: VName Source #
keywords in theory files from the Isar Reference Manual 2005
axiomatizationS :: String Source #
corollaryS :: String Source #
definitionS :: String Source #
instantiationS :: String Source #
structureS :: String Source #
constdefsS :: String Source #
subgoalTacS :: String Source #
premiseOpenS :: String Source #
premiseCloseS :: String Source #
ignoredKeys :: [String] Source #
toplevel keys that are currently ignored
usedTopKeys :: [String] Source #
toplevel keywords currently recognized by IsaParse
isaKeywords :: [String] Source #
all Isabelle keywords