Copyright | (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
This module contains a document data type Doc
for displaying
(heterogenous) CASL specifications at least as plain text and latex
(and maybe html as well)
Inspired by John Hughes's and Simon Peyton Jones's Pretty Printer Combinators in Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ, Thomas Hallgren's PrettyDoc within programatica, Daan Leijen's PPrint: A prettier printer 2001, and Olaf Chiti's Pretty printing with lazy Dequeues 2003
The main combinators are those of HughesPJ except
nest, hang and $$. Instead of $$ $+$
must be used that always forces a
line break. Indentation must be constructed using <>
or <+>
, i.e.
"spec" <+>
Also char, ptext, int, integer, float, double and rational do not
exist. These can all be simulated using text
(and show
). There's
an instance for Int
in Common.DocUtils.
Furthermore, documents can no longer be tested with isEmpty. empty
documents are silently ignored (as by HughesPJ) and
often it is more natural (or even necessary anyway) to test the
original data structure for emptiness.
Putting a document into braces should be done using specBraces
a function braces is also exported), ensuring that opening and closing
braces are in the same column if the whole document does not fit on a
single line.
Rendering of documents is achieved by translations to the old
Common.Lib.Pretty. For plain text simply show
can be
used. Any document can be translated to LaTeX via toLatex
and then
processed further by Common.PrintLaTeX. If you like the output is a
different question, but the result should be legal LaTeX in
conjunction with the hetcasl.sty file.
For nicer looking LaTeX the predefined symbol constants should be
used! There is a difference between bullet
and dot
that is not
visible in plain text.
There are also three kinds of keywords, a plain keyword
, a
having the width of "preds", and a topKey
having the
width of "view". In plain text only inserted spaces are visible.
Strings in small caps are created by structId
. The latter puts the string also into a LaTeX index.
In order to avoid considering display annotations and precedences,
documents can be constructed using annoDoc
, idDoc
, and idApplDoc
Currently only a few annotations (i.e. labels and %implied) are
printed flushRight
. This function is problematic as it does not
prevent something to be appended using <>
or <+>
. Furthermore
flushed parts are currently only visible in plain text, if they don't
fit on the same line (as nest is used for indenting).
Further functions are documented in Common.DocUtils.
Examples can be produced using: hets -v2 -o pp.dol,pp.tex
- data Doc
- newtype Label = MkLabel Bool
- newtype StripComment = StripComment Bool
- renderHtml :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String
- renderExtHtml :: StripComment -> Label -> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String
- renderText :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String
- renderExtText :: StripComment -> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String
- empty :: Doc
- space :: Doc
- semi :: Doc
- comma :: Doc
- colon :: Doc
- quMarkD :: Doc
- equals :: Doc
- lparen :: Doc
- rparen :: Doc
- lbrack :: Doc
- rbrack :: Doc
- lbrace :: Doc
- rbrace :: Doc
- plainText :: String -> Doc
- text :: String -> Doc
- codeToken :: String -> Doc
- commentText :: String -> Doc
- keyword :: String -> Doc
- topSigKey :: String -> Doc
- topKey :: String -> Doc
- indexed :: String -> Doc
- structId :: String -> Doc
- parens :: Doc -> Doc
- brackets :: Doc -> Doc
- braces :: Doc -> Doc
- specBraces :: Doc -> Doc
- quotes :: Doc -> Doc
- doubleQuotes :: Doc -> Doc
- (<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
- hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
- ($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- ($++$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
- vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
- vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
- sep :: [Doc] -> Doc
- cat :: [Doc] -> Doc
- fsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
- fcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
- punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
- sepByCommas :: [Doc] -> Doc
- sepBySemis :: [Doc] -> Doc
- dot :: Doc
- bullet :: Doc
- defn :: Doc
- less :: Doc
- greater :: Doc
- lambda :: Doc
- mapsto :: Doc
- funArrow :: Doc
- pfun :: Doc
- cfun :: Doc
- pcfun :: Doc
- exequal :: Doc
- forallDoc :: Doc
- exists :: Doc
- unique :: Doc
- cross :: Doc
- bar :: Doc
- notDoc :: Doc
- inDoc :: Doc
- andDoc :: Doc
- orDoc :: Doc
- implies :: Doc
- equiv :: Doc
- prefix_proc :: Doc
- sequential :: Doc
- interleave :: Doc
- synchronous :: Doc
- genpar_open :: Doc
- genpar_close :: Doc
- alpar_open :: Doc
- alpar_sep :: Doc
- alpar_close :: Doc
- external_choice :: Doc
- internal_choice :: Doc
- hiding_proc :: Doc
- ren_proc_open :: Doc
- ren_proc_close :: Doc
- dagger :: Doc
- vdash :: Doc
- dashv :: Doc
- breve :: Doc
- prettyAt :: Doc
- prettyHere :: Doc
- prettyBind :: Doc
- prettyUniv :: Doc
- prettyExist :: Doc
- annoDoc :: Annotation -> Doc
- idDoc :: Id -> Doc
- idLabelDoc :: Id -> Doc
- predIdApplDoc :: Id -> [Doc] -> Doc
- idApplDoc :: Id -> [Doc] -> Doc
- toLatex :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Doc
- toLatexAux :: StripComment -> Label -> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Doc
- flushRight :: Doc -> Doc
- changeGlobalAnnos :: (GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos) -> Doc -> Doc
- rmTopKey :: Doc -> Doc
- showRaw :: Doc -> String
the document type
an abstract data type
newtype StripComment Source #
StripComment Bool |
renderHtml :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String Source #
renderExtHtml :: StripComment -> Label -> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String Source #
renderText :: GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String Source #
renderExtText :: StripComment -> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> String Source #
primitive documents
converting strings into documents
commentText :: String -> Doc Source #
wrapping documents in delimiters
combining documents
sepByCommas :: [Doc] -> Doc Source #
sepBySemis :: [Doc] -> Doc Source #
symbols possibly rendered differently for Text or LaTeX
prefix_proc :: Doc Source #
sequential :: Doc Source #
interleave :: Doc Source #
synchronous :: Doc Source #
genpar_open :: Doc Source #
genpar_close :: Doc Source #
alpar_open :: Doc Source #
alpar_close :: Doc Source #
hiding_proc :: Doc Source #
ren_proc_open :: Doc Source #
ren_proc_close :: Doc Source #
for Hybrid casl
prettyHere :: Doc Source #
prettyBind :: Doc Source #
prettyUniv :: Doc Source #
prettyExist :: Doc Source #
docifying annotations and ids
annoDoc :: Annotation -> Doc Source #
we know how to print annotations
idLabelDoc :: Id -> Doc Source #
for newly declared ids
idApplDoc :: Id -> [Doc] -> Doc Source #
for mixfix applications and literal terms (may print "" for empty)
transforming to existing formats
toLatexAux :: StripComment -> Label -> GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> Doc Source #
manipulating documents
flushRight :: Doc -> Doc Source #
put document as far to the right as fits (for annotations)
changeGlobalAnnos :: (GlobalAnnos -> GlobalAnnos) -> Doc -> Doc Source #
add global annotations for proper mixfix printing