Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Safe HaskellSafe




data FrameIdValue Source #


Instances details
Eq FrameIdValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS


(==) :: FrameIdValue -> FrameIdValue -> Bool

(/=) :: FrameIdValue -> FrameIdValue -> Bool

Ord FrameIdValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS

Show FrameIdValue Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS


showsPrec :: Int -> FrameIdValue -> ShowS

show :: FrameIdValue -> String

showList :: [FrameIdValue] -> ShowS

data FrameType Source #


Instances details
Bounded FrameType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS

Enum FrameType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS

Eq FrameType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS


(==) :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Bool

(/=) :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Bool

Ord FrameType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS


compare :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Ordering

(<) :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Bool

(<=) :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Bool

(>) :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Bool

(>=) :: FrameType -> FrameType -> Bool

max :: FrameType -> FrameType -> FrameType

min :: FrameType -> FrameType -> FrameType

Show FrameType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in OWL2.PrintMS


showsPrec :: Int -> FrameType -> ShowS

show :: FrameType -> String

showList :: [FrameType] -> ShowS

obPropExprToIRI :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> IRI Source #

function to extract IRI from ObjectInverseOf

tabs :: Int -> Doc Source #

tAxioms :: [Axiom] -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Axioms

tAxiom :: Axiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Axiom

tDeclaration :: Axiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Declaration

tEntity :: Entity -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Entity

tDataPropertyAxiom :: DataPropertyAxiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform DataProperty axioms

tClassAxiom :: ClassAxiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Class axiom

tDatatypeDefinition :: Axiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform DatatypeDefinition axiom

tHasKey :: Axiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform HasKey axiom

tAssertion :: Assertion -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Assertion axioms

tAnnotationAxiom :: AnnotationAxiom -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform AnnotationAxiom axioms

tAnnotations :: [Annotation] -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Annotations

tAnnotationProperty :: IRI -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform AnnotationProperty

tClassExpressions :: [ClassExpression] -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform ClassExpression

tObjectPropertyExpressions :: Bool -> [ObjectPropertyExpression] -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform ObjectPropertyExpression

tDataRange :: DataRange -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform DataRange

tDatatype :: Datatype -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Datatype

tLiteral :: Literal -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Literal

tIndividuals :: [Individual] -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Individual

tAtoms :: [Atom] -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform Atoms

tDataArg :: DataArg -> MnchstrSntx -> MnchstrSntx Source #

transform DataArg

printMS :: PrefixMap -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Manchester Syntax

printOPFs :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Object Property Frames

printOPF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> FrameId -> Map FrameSectionType [Axiom] -> Doc Source #

print Object Property Frame

printDPFs :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Data Property Frames

printDPF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> FrameId -> Map FrameSectionType [Axiom] -> Doc Source #

print Data Property Frame

printAPFs :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Annotation Property Frames

printAPF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> FrameId -> Map FrameSectionType [Axiom] -> Doc Source #

print Annotation Property Frame

printDFs :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Datatype Frames

printDF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> FrameId -> Map FrameSectionType [Axiom] -> Doc Source #

print Datatype Frame

printCFs :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Class Frames

printCF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> FrameId -> Map FrameSectionType [Axiom] -> Doc Source #

print Class Frame

printHasKeyAxiom :: PrefixMap -> Int -> Axiom -> Doc Source #

print HasKey axiom

printClassAxiomsVer :: PrefixMap -> Int -> [ClassAxiom] -> Doc Source #

print ClassAxioms

printIFs :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Individual Frames

printIF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> FrameId -> Map FrameSectionType [Axiom] -> Doc Source #

print Individual Frame

printMF :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Misc Frame

printRules :: PrefixMap -> Int -> MnchstrSntx -> Doc Source #

print Rules

printIRI :: PrefixMap -> IRI -> Doc Source #

print IRI

printLiteral :: PrefixMap -> Literal -> Doc Source #

print Literal

printUntypedLiteral :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc Source #

escapeString :: String -> String Source #