Hets - the Heterogeneous Tool Set
Copyright(c) Jorina Freya Gerken Till Mossakowski Uni Bremen 2002-2006
LicenseGPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Portabilitynon-portable (imports Logic)
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides functions for all the menus in the Hets GUI. These are then assembled to the GUI in GUI.GraphMenu.



undo :: GInfo -> Bool -> IO () Source #

Undo one step of the History

updateGraph :: GInfo -> [DGChange] -> IO () Source #

openProofStatus :: GInfo -> FilePath -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc -> IO () Source #

implementation of open menu, read in a proof status

saveProofStatus :: GInfo -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

proofMenu :: GInfo -> Command -> (LibEnv -> IO (Result LibEnv)) -> IO () Source #

apply a rule of the development graph calculus

showDGraph :: GInfo -> LibName -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc -> IO () Source #

show development graph for library

showReferencedLibrary :: Int -> GInfo -> ConvFunc -> LibFunc -> IO () Source #

show library referened by a DGRef node (=node drawn as a box)

getTheoryOfNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO () Source #

outputs the theory of a node in a window; used by the node menu

translateTheoryOfNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO () Source #

translate the theory of a node in a window; used by the node menu

displaySubsortGraph :: String -> G_theory -> IO () Source #

displayConceptGraph :: String -> G_theory -> IO () Source #

showProofStatusOfNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO () Source #

Show proof status of a node

proveAtNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO () Source #

start local theorem proving or consistency checking at a node

ensureLockAtNode :: GInfo -> Int -> DGraph -> IO (Maybe (DGraph, DGNodeLab, LibEnv)) Source #

showNodeInfo :: Int -> DGraph -> IO () Source #

showDiagMessAux :: Int -> [Diagnosis] -> IO () Source #

showEdgeInfo :: Int -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO () Source #

print the id, origin, type, proof-status and morphism of the edge

checkconservativityOfEdge :: Int -> GInfo -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab) -> IO () Source #

check conservativity of the edge

toggleHideNames :: GInfo -> IO () Source #

Toggles to display internal node names

translateGraph :: GInfo -> IO (Maybe LibEnv) Source #

display a window of translated graph with maximal sublogic.

runAndLock :: GInfo -> IO () -> IO () Source #

Locks the global lock and runs function

saveUDGraph :: GInfo -> Map DGNodeType (Shape value, String) -> Map DGEdgeType (EdgePattern EdgeValue, String) -> IO () Source #

saves the uDrawGraph graph to a file

focusNode :: GInfo -> IO () Source #

Let the user select a Node to focus