Copyright | (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2005 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
This folder contains general purpose libraries and modules to be shared.
All CASL related logics and the structured part share identifiers and annotations as well as their parsing and printing.
- Common.Amalgamate amalgamation options
- Common.AnalyseAnnos analysis of annotations
- Common.AnnoParser parsing annotations
- Common.AnnoState parser state keeping annotations
- Common.AS_Annotation annotations and named sentences
- Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos print analysed annotations
- Common.ConvertLiteral test and convert applications to literals
- Common.ConvertMixfixToken decompose numbers and strings to applications
- Common.DefaultMorphism just a source and target signature (no mappings)
- Common.Doc new plain text and latex printing documents
- Common.DocUtils further utilities for pretty documents
- Common.Earley the mixfix resolution engine used for CASL and HasCASL
- Common.ExtSign a (signature) data type extended with a symbol set
- Common.GlobalAnnotations analysed list, number and display annotations
- Common.Id simple, mixfix and compound identifiers
- Common.InjMap one-to-one mappings
- Common.Keywords string constants for keywords
- Common.LaTeX_funs latex printing support
- Common.LaTeX_maps latex string size mapping
- Common.Lexer parsing words, signs and nested comments
- Common.LibName library names as keys for development graphs
- Common.OrderedMap reordered maps
- Common.Partial utilities for partial orders
- Common.Prec precedence computations
- Common.PrintLaTeX latex rendering
- Common.ProofUtils naming sentences
- Common.Result a kind of error monad
- Common.ResultT a generalized result monad
- Common.SExor lisp s-expressions as exchange format
- Common.Taxonomy Taxonomy options
- Common.Token parsing identifiers
- Common.Utils some functions for lists
- Common.Lib.Pretty adapted printer for latex
- Common.Lib.Rel relations as special graphs
- Common.Lib.State a portable state monad
- Common.Lib.SizedList lists with a size field