module Isabelle.IsaImport where import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (fReadXml, List1 (..)) import Isabelle.IsaExport import qualified Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign import qualified Isabelle.IsaConsts as IsaConsts import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) type IsaData = (String, Maybe String, [String], [String], [String], [IsaSign.Sentence]) importIsaDataIO :: String -> IO [IsaData] importIsaDataIO :: String -> IO [IsaData] importIsaDataIO p :: String p = do Export (NonEmpty thys :: [Thy] thys) <- String -> IO Export forall a. XmlContent a => String -> IO a fReadXml String p [IsaData] -> IO [IsaData] forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a return ([IsaData] -> IO [IsaData]) -> [IsaData] -> IO [IsaData] forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ [Thy] -> [IsaData] importIsaData [Thy] thys importIsaData :: [Thy] -> [IsaData] importIsaData :: [Thy] -> [IsaData] importIsaData = (Thy -> IsaData) -> [Thy] -> [IsaData] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Thy a :: Thy_Attrs a imports :: List1 Import imports keywords :: [Keyword] keywords uses :: [UseFile] uses body :: Body body) -> let imports' :: [String] imports' = (\ (NonEmpty l :: [Import] l) -> (Import -> String) -> [Import] -> [String] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Import -> String importName [Import] l) List1 Import imports keywords' :: [String] keywords' = (Keyword -> String) -> [Keyword] -> [String] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Keyword -> String keywordName [Keyword] keywords uses' :: [String] uses' = (UseFile -> String) -> [UseFile] -> [String] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map UseFile -> String useFileName [UseFile] uses body' :: [Sentence] body' = (Body_ -> Sentence) -> [Body_] -> [Sentence] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Body_ -> Sentence hXmlBody_2IsaSentence ((\ (Body l :: [Body_] l) -> [Body_] l) Body body) in (Thy_Attrs -> String thyName Thy_Attrs a, Thy_Attrs -> Maybe String thyHeader Thy_Attrs a, [String] imports', [String] keywords', [String] uses', [Sentence] body')) hXmlBody_2IsaSentence :: Body_ -> IsaSign.Sentence hXmlBody_2IsaSentence :: Body_ -> Sentence hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Locale (Locale a :: Locale_Attrs a ctxt :: Ctxt ctxt parents :: [Parent] parents body :: Body body)) = Locale :: QName -> Ctxt -> [QName] -> [Sentence] -> Sentence IsaSign.Locale { localeName :: QName IsaSign.localeName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Locale_Attrs -> String localeName Locale_Attrs a, localeContext :: Ctxt IsaSign.localeContext = Ctxt -> Ctxt hXmlCtxt2IsaCtxt Ctxt ctxt, localeParents :: [QName] IsaSign.localeParents = (Parent -> QName) -> [Parent] -> [QName] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> (Parent -> String) -> Parent -> QName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . Parent -> String parentName) [Parent] parents, localeBody :: [Sentence] IsaSign.localeBody = (Body_ -> Sentence) -> [Body_] -> [Sentence] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Body_ -> Sentence hXmlBody_2IsaSentence ((\ (Body l :: [Body_] l) -> [Body_] l) Body body) } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Cls (Cls a :: Cls_Attrs a ctxt :: Ctxt ctxt parents :: [Parent] parents body :: Body body)) = Class :: QName -> Ctxt -> [QName] -> [Sentence] -> Sentence IsaSign.Class { className :: QName IsaSign.className = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Cls_Attrs -> String clsName Cls_Attrs a, classContext :: Ctxt IsaSign.classContext = Ctxt -> Ctxt hXmlCtxt2IsaCtxt Ctxt ctxt, classParents :: [QName] IsaSign.classParents = (Parent -> QName) -> [Parent] -> [QName] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> (Parent -> String) -> Parent -> QName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . Parent -> String parentName) [Parent] parents, classBody :: [Sentence] IsaSign.classBody = (Body_ -> Sentence) -> [Body_] -> [Sentence] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Body_ -> Sentence hXmlBody_2IsaSentence ((\ (Body l :: [Body_] l) -> [Body_] l) Body body) } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_TypeSynonym (TypeSynonym a :: TypeSynonym_Attrs a mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx (Vars vars :: [TFree] vars) tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp)) = QName -> Maybe Mixfix -> [String] -> Typ -> Sentence IsaSign.TypeSynonym (String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ TypeSynonym_Attrs -> String typeSynonymName TypeSynonym_Attrs a) ((Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx) ((TFree -> String) -> [TFree] -> [String] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (TFree a' :: TFree_Attrs a' _ ) -> TFree_Attrs -> String tFreeName TFree_Attrs a') [TFree] vars) (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp) hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Datatypes (Datatypes (NonEmpty dts :: [Datatype] dts))) = [Datatype] -> Sentence IsaSign.Datatypes ((Datatype -> Datatype) -> [Datatype] -> [Datatype] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Datatype -> Datatype hXmlDatatype2IsaDatatype [Datatype] dts) hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Domains (Domains (NonEmpty dts :: [Domain] dts))) = [Domain] -> Sentence IsaSign.Domains ((Domain -> Domain) -> [Domain] -> [Domain] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Domain -> Domain hXmlDomain2IsaDomain [Domain] dts) hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Consts (Consts (NonEmpty consts :: [ConstDef] consts))) = [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] -> Sentence IsaSign.Consts ((ConstDef -> (String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)) -> [ConstDef] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (ConstDef a :: ConstDef_Attrs a m :: Maybe Mixfix m t :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t) -> (ConstDef_Attrs -> String constDefName ConstDef_Attrs a, (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix m, OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t)) [ConstDef] consts) hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Axioms (Axioms (NonEmpty axioms :: [Axiom] axioms))) = [Axiom] -> Sentence IsaSign.Axioms ((Axiom -> Axiom) -> [Axiom] -> [Axiom] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Axiom -> Axiom hXmlAxiom2IsaAxiom [Axiom] axioms) hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Lemma (Lemma a :: Lemma_Attrs a ctxt :: Ctxt ctxt (Proof proof :: String proof) (NonEmpty s :: [Shows] s))) = Lemma :: Maybe QName -> Ctxt -> Maybe String -> [Props] -> Sentence IsaSign.Lemma { lemmaTarget :: Maybe QName IsaSign.lemmaTarget = (String -> QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (Lemma_Attrs -> Maybe String lemmaTarget Lemma_Attrs a), lemmaContext :: Ctxt IsaSign.lemmaContext = Ctxt -> Ctxt hXmlCtxt2IsaCtxt Ctxt ctxt, lemmaProof :: Maybe String IsaSign.lemmaProof = String -> Maybe String forall a. a -> Maybe a Just String proof, lemmaProps :: [Props] IsaSign.lemmaProps = (Shows -> Props) -> [Shows] -> [Props] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Shows a' :: Shows_Attrs a' (NonEmpty tms :: [AShow] tms)) -> Props :: Maybe QName -> Maybe String -> [Prop] -> Props IsaSign.Props { propsName :: Maybe QName IsaSign.propsName = if String -> Bool forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool null (String -> Bool) -> String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Shows_Attrs -> String showsName Shows_Attrs a' then Maybe QName forall a. Maybe a Nothing else QName -> Maybe QName forall a. a -> Maybe a Just (QName -> Maybe QName) -> QName -> Maybe QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Shows_Attrs -> String showsName Shows_Attrs a', propsArgs :: Maybe String IsaSign.propsArgs = Shows_Attrs -> Maybe String showsArgs Shows_Attrs a', props :: [Prop] IsaSign.props = (AShow -> Prop) -> [AShow] -> [Prop] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (AShow (NonEmpty l :: [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] l)) -> case (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm []) [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] l of t :: Term t : tms' :: [Term] tms' -> Prop :: Term -> [Term] -> Prop IsaSign.Prop {prop :: Term IsaSign.prop = Term t, propPats :: [Term] IsaSign.propPats = [Term] tms' } _ -> String -> Prop forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a error "This should not happen!") [AShow] tms}) [Shows] s } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Definition (Definition a :: Definition_Attrs a m :: Maybe Mixfix m tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp (NonEmpty tms :: [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms))) = Definition :: QName -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe String -> Typ -> [Term] -> Term -> Sentence IsaSign.Definition { definitionName :: QName IsaSign.definitionName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Definition_Attrs -> String definitionName Definition_Attrs a, definitionMixfix :: Maybe Mixfix IsaSign.definitionMixfix = (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix m, definitionTarget :: Maybe String IsaSign.definitionTarget = Definition_Attrs -> Maybe String definitionTarget Definition_Attrs a, definitionType :: Typ IsaSign.definitionType = OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, definitionVars :: [Term] IsaSign.definitionVars = (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm []) ([OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term]) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] forall a. [a] -> [a] init [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms, definitionTerm :: Term IsaSign.definitionTerm = [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [] (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs forall a. [a] -> a last [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Funs (Funs a :: Funs_Attrs a (NonEmpty funs :: [Fun] funs))) = Fun :: Maybe QName -> Bool -> Maybe String -> Bool -> Bool -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])] -> Sentence IsaSign.Fun { funTarget :: Maybe QName IsaSign.funTarget = (String -> QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (Maybe String -> Maybe QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Funs_Attrs -> Maybe String funsTarget Funs_Attrs a, funSequential :: Bool IsaSign.funSequential = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Funs_Attrs -> Maybe String funsSequential Funs_Attrs a, funDefault :: Maybe String IsaSign.funDefault = Funs_Attrs -> Maybe String funsDefault Funs_Attrs a, funDomintros :: Bool IsaSign.funDomintros = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Funs_Attrs -> Maybe String funsDomintros Funs_Attrs a, funPartials :: Bool IsaSign.funPartials = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Funs_Attrs -> Maybe String funsPartials Funs_Attrs a, funEquations :: [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])] IsaSign.funEquations = (Fun -> (String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])) -> [Fun] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Fun a' :: Fun_Attrs a' mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp (NonEmpty eqs :: [Equation] eqs)) -> (Fun_Attrs -> String funName Fun_Attrs a', (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, (Equation -> ([Term], Term)) -> [Equation] -> [([Term], Term)] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Equation (NonEmpty tms :: [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms)) -> let tms' :: [Term] tms' = (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm []) [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms in ([Term] -> [Term] forall a. [a] -> [a] init [Term] tms', [Term] -> Term forall a. [a] -> a last [Term] tms')) [Equation] eqs)) [Fun] funs } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Primrec (Primrec a :: Primrec_Attrs a (NonEmpty funs :: [Fun] funs))) = Primrec :: Maybe QName -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])] -> Sentence IsaSign.Primrec { primrecTarget :: Maybe QName IsaSign.primrecTarget = (String -> QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (Maybe String -> Maybe QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Primrec_Attrs -> Maybe String primrecTarget Primrec_Attrs a, primrecEquations :: [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])] IsaSign.primrecEquations = (Fun -> (String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])) -> [Fun] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [([Term], Term)])] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Fun a' :: Fun_Attrs a' mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp (NonEmpty eqs :: [Equation] eqs)) -> (Fun_Attrs -> String funName Fun_Attrs a', (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, (Equation -> ([Term], Term)) -> [Equation] -> [([Term], Term)] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Equation (NonEmpty tms :: [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms)) -> let tms' :: [Term] tms' = (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm []) [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms in ([Term] -> [Term] forall a. [a] -> [a] init [Term] tms', [Term] -> Term forall a. [a] -> a last [Term] tms')) [Equation] eqs)) [Fun] funs } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Fixrec (Fixrec (NonEmpty fs :: [FixrecFun] fs))) = [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [FixrecEquation])] -> Sentence IsaSign.Fixrec ([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [FixrecEquation])] -> Sentence) -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [FixrecEquation])] -> Sentence forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ (FixrecFun -> (String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [FixrecEquation])) -> [FixrecFun] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ, [FixrecEquation])] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (FixrecFun a :: FixrecFun_Attrs a mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp (NonEmpty eqs :: [FixrecEquation] eqs)) -> (FixrecFun_Attrs -> String fixrecFunName FixrecFun_Attrs a, (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, (FixrecEquation -> FixrecEquation) -> [FixrecEquation] -> [FixrecEquation] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map FixrecEquation -> FixrecEquation hXmlFixrecEquation2IsaFixrecEquation [FixrecEquation] eqs)) [FixrecFun] fs hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Instantiation (Instantiation a :: Instantiation_Attrs a arity :: Arity arity body :: Body body)) = Instantiation :: String -> (Sort, [Sort]) -> [Sentence] -> Sentence IsaSign.Instantiation { instantiationType :: String IsaSign.instantiationType = Instantiation_Attrs -> String instantiationType Instantiation_Attrs a, instantiationArity :: (Sort, [Sort]) IsaSign.instantiationArity = (\ (Arity a1 :: Sort a1 a2 :: [Sort] a2) -> (Sort -> Sort hXmlSort2IsaSort Sort a1, (Sort -> Sort) -> [Sort] -> [Sort] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Sort -> Sort hXmlSort2IsaSort [Sort] a2)) Arity arity, instantiationBody :: [Sentence] IsaSign.instantiationBody = (Body_ -> Sentence) -> [Body_] -> [Sentence] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Body_ -> Sentence hXmlBody_2IsaSentence ((\ (Body l :: [Body_] l) -> [Body_] l) Body body) } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Instance (Instance a :: Instance_Attrs a (Proof proof :: String proof) h :: Maybe (Vars, Arity) h)) = case (Instance_Attrs -> Maybe String instanceClass Instance_Attrs a, Instance_Attrs -> Maybe String instanceRel Instance_Attrs a, Instance_Attrs -> Maybe String instanceClass1 Instance_Attrs a, Maybe (Vars, Arity) h) of (Just c :: String c, Just rel :: String rel, Just c1 :: String c1, _) -> InstanceSubclass :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Sentence IsaSign.InstanceSubclass { instanceClass :: String IsaSign.instanceClass = String c, instanceRel :: String IsaSign.instanceRel = String rel, instanceClass1 :: String IsaSign.instanceClass1 = String c1, instanceProof :: String IsaSign.instanceProof = String proof } (_, _, _, Just (Vars vars :: [TFree] vars, Arity a1 :: Sort a1 a2 :: [Sort] a2)) -> InstanceArity :: [String] -> (Sort, [Sort]) -> String -> Sentence IsaSign.InstanceArity { instanceTypes :: [String] IsaSign.instanceTypes = (TFree -> String) -> [TFree] -> [String] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (TFree a' :: TFree_Attrs a' _ ) -> TFree_Attrs -> String tFreeName TFree_Attrs a') [TFree] vars, instanceArity :: (Sort, [Sort]) IsaSign.instanceArity = (Sort -> Sort hXmlSort2IsaSort Sort a1, (Sort -> Sort) -> [Sort] -> [Sort] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Sort -> Sort hXmlSort2IsaSort [Sort] a2), instanceProof :: String IsaSign.instanceProof = String proof } _ -> String -> Sentence IsaSign.InstanceProof String proof hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Subclass (Subclass a :: Subclass_Attrs a (Proof proof :: String proof))) = Subclass :: String -> Maybe QName -> String -> Sentence IsaSign.Subclass { subclassClass :: String IsaSign.subclassClass = Subclass_Attrs -> String subclassClass Subclass_Attrs a, subclassTarget :: Maybe QName IsaSign.subclassTarget = (String -> QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (Maybe String -> Maybe QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Subclass_Attrs -> Maybe String subclassTarget Subclass_Attrs a, subclassProof :: String IsaSign.subclassProof = String proof } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Typedef (Typedef a :: Typedef_Attrs a mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx (Proof proof :: String proof) tm :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm vs :: [TFree] vs)) = Typedef :: QName -> [(String, Sort)] -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe (QName, QName) -> Term -> String -> Sentence IsaSign.Typedef { typedefName :: QName IsaSign.typedefName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Typedef_Attrs -> String typedefType Typedef_Attrs a, typedefVars :: [(String, Sort)] IsaSign.typedefVars = (TFree -> (String, Sort)) -> [TFree] -> [(String, Sort)] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (TFree a' :: TFree_Attrs a' s :: [Class] s) -> (TFree_Attrs -> String tFreeName TFree_Attrs a', (Class -> IsaClass) -> [Class] -> Sort forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Class -> IsaClass hXmlClass2IsaClass [Class] s)) [TFree] vs, typedefMixfix :: Maybe Mixfix IsaSign.typedefMixfix = (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, typedefMorphisms :: Maybe (QName, QName) IsaSign.typedefMorphisms = case (Typedef_Attrs -> Maybe String typedefM1 Typedef_Attrs a, Typedef_Attrs -> Maybe String typedefM2 Typedef_Attrs a) of (Just m1 :: String m1, Just m2 :: String m2) -> (QName, QName) -> Maybe (QName, QName) forall a. a -> Maybe a Just (String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName String m1, String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName String m2) _ -> Maybe (QName, QName) forall a. Maybe a Nothing, typedefTerm :: Term IsaSign.typedefTerm = [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [] OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm, typedefProof :: String IsaSign.typedefProof = String proof } hXmlBody_2IsaSentence (Body_Defs (Defs a :: Defs_Attrs a (NonEmpty defs :: [Def] defs))) = Defs :: Bool -> Bool -> [DefEquation] -> Sentence IsaSign.Defs { defsUnchecked :: Bool IsaSign.defsUnchecked = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Defs_Attrs -> Maybe String defsUnchecked Defs_Attrs a, defsOverloaded :: Bool IsaSign.defsOverloaded = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Defs_Attrs -> Maybe String defsOverloaded Defs_Attrs a, defsEquations :: [DefEquation] IsaSign.defsEquations = (Def -> DefEquation) -> [Def] -> [DefEquation] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Def a' :: Def_Attrs a' tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp tm :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm) -> DefEquation :: QName -> String -> Typ -> Term -> String -> DefEquation IsaSign.DefEquation { defEquationName :: QName IsaSign.defEquationName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Def_Attrs -> String defName Def_Attrs a', defEquationConst :: String IsaSign.defEquationConst = Def_Attrs -> String defConst Def_Attrs a', defEquationConstType :: Typ IsaSign.defEquationConstType = OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, defEquationTerm :: Term IsaSign.defEquationTerm = [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [] OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm, defEquationArgs :: String IsaSign.defEquationArgs = Def_Attrs -> String defArgs Def_Attrs a' }) [Def] defs } hXmlCtxt2IsaCtxt :: Ctxt -> IsaSign.Ctxt hXmlCtxt2IsaCtxt :: Ctxt -> Ctxt hXmlCtxt2IsaCtxt (Ctxt ctxt :: [OneOf2 Fixes Assumes] ctxt) = let (fixes :: [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] fixes, assumes :: [(String, Term)] assumes) = (([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)], [(String, Term)]) -> OneOf2 Fixes Assumes -> ([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)], [(String, Term)])) -> ([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)], [(String, Term)]) -> [OneOf2 Fixes Assumes] -> ([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)], [(String, Term)]) forall (t :: * -> *) b a. Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b foldl (\ (fixes' :: [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] fixes', assumes' :: [(String, Term)] assumes') c :: OneOf2 Fixes Assumes c -> case OneOf2 Fixes Assumes c of OneOf2 (Fixes f :: [Fix] f) -> ([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] fixes' [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a] ++ (Fix -> (String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)) -> [Fix] -> [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Fix a :: Fix_Attrs a t :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx) -> (Fix_Attrs -> String fixName Fix_Attrs a, (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t)) [Fix] f, [(String, Term)] assumes') TwoOf2 (Assumes a :: [Assumption] a) -> ([(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] fixes', [(String, Term)] assumes' [(String, Term)] -> [(String, Term)] -> [(String, Term)] forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a] ++ (Assumption -> (String, Term)) -> [Assumption] -> [(String, Term)] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Assumption a' :: Assumption_Attrs a' tm :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm) -> (Assumption_Attrs -> String assumptionName Assumption_Attrs a', [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [] OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm)) [Assumption] a)) ([], []) [OneOf2 Fixes Assumes] ctxt in Ctxt :: [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] -> [(String, Term)] -> Ctxt IsaSign.Ctxt { fixes :: [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] IsaSign.fixes = [(String, Maybe Mixfix, Typ)] fixes, assumes :: [(String, Term)] IsaSign.assumes = [(String, Term)] assumes } hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix :: Mixfix -> IsaSign.Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix :: Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix (Mixfix a :: Mixfix_Attrs a symbs :: [OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block] symbs) = Mixfix :: Int -> Int -> String -> [MixfixTemplate] -> Mixfix IsaSign.Mixfix { mixfixNargs :: Int IsaSign.mixfixNargs = String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read (String -> Int) -> String -> Int forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Mixfix_Attrs -> String mixfixNargs Mixfix_Attrs a, mixfixPrio :: Int IsaSign.mixfixPrio = String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read (String -> Int) -> String -> Int forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Mixfix_Attrs -> String mixfixPrio Mixfix_Attrs a, mixfixPretty :: String IsaSign.mixfixPretty = Mixfix_Attrs -> String mixfixPretty Mixfix_Attrs a, mixfixTemplate :: [MixfixTemplate] IsaSign.mixfixTemplate = (OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block -> MixfixTemplate) -> [OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block] -> [MixfixTemplate] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block -> MixfixTemplate hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate [OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block] symbs } hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate :: OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block -> IsaSign.MixfixTemplate hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate :: OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block -> MixfixTemplate hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate (OneOf4 a :: Arg a) = Int -> MixfixTemplate IsaSign.Arg (String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read (String -> Int) -> String -> Int forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Arg -> String argPrio Arg a) hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate (TwoOf4 a :: AString a) = String -> MixfixTemplate IsaSign.Str (AString -> String stringVal AString a) hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate (ThreeOf4 a :: Break a) = Int -> MixfixTemplate IsaSign.Break (String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read (String -> Int) -> String -> Int forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Break -> String breakPrio Break a) hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate (FourOf4 (Block a :: Block_Attrs a as :: [OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block] as)) = Int -> [MixfixTemplate] -> MixfixTemplate IsaSign.Block (String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read (String -> Int) -> String -> Int forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Block_Attrs -> String blockPrio Block_Attrs a) ((OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block -> MixfixTemplate) -> [OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block] -> [MixfixTemplate] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block -> MixfixTemplate hXmlOneOf4_2IsaMixfixTemplate [OneOf4 Arg AString Break Block] as) hXmlDatatype2IsaDatatype :: Datatype -> IsaSign.Datatype hXmlDatatype2IsaDatatype :: Datatype -> Datatype hXmlDatatype2IsaDatatype (Datatype a :: Datatype_Attrs a mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx (NonEmpty cs :: [Constructor] cs) vars :: [TFree] vars) = Datatype :: QName -> [Typ] -> Maybe Mixfix -> [DatatypeConstructor] -> Datatype IsaSign.Datatype { datatypeName :: QName IsaSign.datatypeName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Datatype_Attrs -> String datatypeName Datatype_Attrs a, datatypeTVars :: [Typ] IsaSign.datatypeTVars = (TFree -> Typ) -> [TFree] -> [Typ] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map TFree -> Typ hXmlTFree2IsaTyp [TFree] vars, datatypeMixfix :: Maybe Mixfix IsaSign.datatypeMixfix = (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, datatypeConstructors :: [DatatypeConstructor] IsaSign.datatypeConstructors = (Constructor -> DatatypeConstructor) -> [Constructor] -> [DatatypeConstructor] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (Constructor a' :: Constructor_Attrs a' mx' :: Maybe Mixfix mx' tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp tps :: [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] tps) -> case Constructor_Attrs -> Maybe String constructorName Constructor_Attrs a' of Just name :: String name -> DatatypeConstructor :: QName -> Typ -> Maybe Mixfix -> [Typ] -> DatatypeConstructor IsaSign.DatatypeConstructor { constructorName :: QName IsaSign.constructorName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName String name, constructorType :: Typ IsaSign.constructorType = OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, constructorMixfix :: Maybe Mixfix IsaSign.constructorMixfix = (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx', constructorArgs :: [Typ] IsaSign.constructorArgs = (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ) -> [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] -> [Typ] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] tps } Nothing -> DatatypeNoConstructor :: [Typ] -> DatatypeConstructor IsaSign.DatatypeNoConstructor { constructorArgs :: [Typ] IsaSign.constructorArgs = (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ) -> [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] -> [Typ] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] -> [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] forall a. a -> [a] -> [a] : [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] tps) }) [Constructor] cs } hXmlDomain2IsaDomain :: Domain -> IsaSign.Domain hXmlDomain2IsaDomain :: Domain -> Domain hXmlDomain2IsaDomain (Domain a :: Domain_Attrs a mx :: Maybe Mixfix mx vars :: [TFree] vars (NonEmpty cs :: [DomainConstructor] cs)) = Domain :: QName -> [Typ] -> Maybe Mixfix -> [DomainConstructor] -> Domain IsaSign.Domain { domainName :: QName IsaSign.domainName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Domain_Attrs -> String domainName Domain_Attrs a, domainTVars :: [Typ] IsaSign.domainTVars = (TFree -> Typ) -> [TFree] -> [Typ] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map TFree -> Typ hXmlTFree2IsaTyp [TFree] vars, domainMixfix :: Maybe Mixfix IsaSign.domainMixfix = (Mixfix -> Mixfix) -> Maybe Mixfix -> Maybe Mixfix forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap Mixfix -> Mixfix hXmlMixfix2IsaMixfix Maybe Mixfix mx, domainConstructors :: [DomainConstructor] IsaSign.domainConstructors = (DomainConstructor -> DomainConstructor) -> [DomainConstructor] -> [DomainConstructor] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (DomainConstructor a' :: DomainConstructor_Attrs a' tp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp args :: [DomainConstructorArg] args) -> DomainConstructor :: QName -> Typ -> [DomainConstructorArg] -> DomainConstructor IsaSign.DomainConstructor { domainConstructorName :: QName IsaSign.domainConstructorName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ DomainConstructor_Attrs -> String domainConstructorName DomainConstructor_Attrs a', domainConstructorType :: Typ IsaSign.domainConstructorType = OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp, domainConstructorArgs :: [DomainConstructorArg] IsaSign.domainConstructorArgs = (DomainConstructorArg -> DomainConstructorArg) -> [DomainConstructorArg] -> [DomainConstructorArg] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map (\ (DomainConstructorArg a'' :: DomainConstructorArg_Attrs a'' tp' :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp') -> DomainConstructorArg :: Maybe QName -> Typ -> Bool -> DomainConstructorArg IsaSign.DomainConstructorArg { domainConstructorArgSel :: Maybe QName IsaSign.domainConstructorArgSel = (String -> QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b fmap String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (Maybe String -> Maybe QName) -> Maybe String -> Maybe QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ DomainConstructorArg_Attrs -> Maybe String domainConstructorArgName DomainConstructorArg_Attrs a'', domainConstructorArgType :: Typ IsaSign.domainConstructorArgType = OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type tp', domainConstructorArgLazy :: Bool IsaSign.domainConstructorArgLazy = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ DomainConstructorArg_Attrs -> Maybe String domainConstructorArgLazy DomainConstructorArg_Attrs a''}) [DomainConstructorArg] args } ) [DomainConstructor] cs} hXmlFixrecEquation2IsaFixrecEquation :: FixrecEquation -> IsaSign.FixrecEquation hXmlFixrecEquation2IsaFixrecEquation :: FixrecEquation -> FixrecEquation hXmlFixrecEquation2IsaFixrecEquation (FixrecEquation a :: FixrecEquation_Attrs a (Premises ps :: [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] ps) (NonEmpty tms :: [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms)) = FixrecEquation :: Bool -> [Term] -> [Term] -> Term -> FixrecEquation IsaSign.FixrecEquation { fixrecEquationUnchecked :: Bool IsaSign.fixrecEquationUnchecked = Maybe String -> Bool forall a. Maybe a -> Bool isJust (Maybe String -> Bool) -> Maybe String -> Bool forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ FixrecEquation_Attrs -> Maybe String fixrecEquationUnchecked FixrecEquation_Attrs a, fixrecEquationPremises :: [Term] IsaSign.fixrecEquationPremises = (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm []) [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] ps, fixrecEquationPatterns :: [Term] IsaSign.fixrecEquationPatterns = (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm []) ([OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term]) -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [Term] forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] forall a. [a] -> [a] init [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms, fixrecEquationTerm :: Term IsaSign.fixrecEquationTerm = [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [] (OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term) -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs forall a. [a] -> a last [OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs] tms } hXmlAxiom2IsaAxiom :: Axiom -> IsaSign.Axiom hXmlAxiom2IsaAxiom :: Axiom -> Axiom hXmlAxiom2IsaAxiom (Axiom a :: Axiom_Attrs a tm :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm) = Axiom :: QName -> String -> Term -> Axiom IsaSign.Axiom { axiomName :: QName IsaSign.axiomName = String -> QName IsaSign.mkQName (String -> QName) -> String -> QName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Axiom_Attrs -> String axiomName Axiom_Attrs a, axiomArgs :: String IsaSign.axiomArgs = Axiom_Attrs -> String axiomArgs Axiom_Attrs a, axiomTerm :: Term IsaSign.axiomTerm = [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [] OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs tm } hXmlClass2IsaClass :: Class -> IsaSign.IsaClass hXmlClass2IsaClass :: Class -> IsaClass hXmlClass2IsaClass = String -> IsaClass IsaSign.IsaClass (String -> IsaClass) -> (Class -> String) -> Class -> IsaClass forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . Class -> String className hXmlSort2IsaSort :: Sort -> IsaSign.Sort hXmlSort2IsaSort :: Sort -> Sort hXmlSort2IsaSort (Sort (NonEmpty cls :: [Class] cls)) = (Class -> IsaClass) -> [Class] -> Sort forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Class -> IsaClass hXmlClass2IsaClass [Class] cls hXmlType2IsaTyp :: Type -> IsaSign.Typ hXmlType2IsaTyp :: Type -> Typ hXmlType2IsaTyp (Type attrs :: Type_Attrs attrs tps :: [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] tps) = String -> Sort -> [Typ] -> Typ IsaSign.Type (Type_Attrs -> String typeName Type_Attrs attrs) Sort IsaConsts.holType ((OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ) -> [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] -> [Typ] forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp [OneOf3 TVar TFree Type] tps) hXmlTFree2IsaTyp :: TFree -> IsaSign.Typ hXmlTFree2IsaTyp :: TFree -> Typ hXmlTFree2IsaTyp (TFree attrs :: TFree_Attrs attrs cls :: [Class] cls) = String -> Sort -> Typ IsaSign.TFree (TFree_Attrs -> String tFreeName TFree_Attrs attrs) ((Class -> IsaClass) -> [Class] -> Sort forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Class -> IsaClass hXmlClass2IsaClass [Class] cls) hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> IsaSign.Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (OneOf3 (TVar a :: TVar_Attrs a cls :: [Class] cls)) = Indexname -> Sort -> Typ IsaSign.TVar (String -> Int -> Indexname IsaSign.Indexname (TVar_Attrs -> String tVarName TVar_Attrs a) (String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read (String -> Maybe String -> String forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a fromMaybe "0" (TVar_Attrs -> Maybe String tVarIndex TVar_Attrs a)) :: Int)) ((Class -> IsaClass) -> [Class] -> Sort forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map Class -> IsaClass hXmlClass2IsaClass [Class] cls) hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (TwoOf3 f :: TFree f) = TFree -> Typ hXmlTFree2IsaTyp TFree f hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (ThreeOf3 t :: Type t) = Type -> Typ hXmlType2IsaTyp Type t hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm :: [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> IsaSign.Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm :: [String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm l :: [String] l o :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs o = case OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs o of (OneOf6 (Bound bindex :: String bindex)) -> let idx :: Int idx = String -> Int forall a. Read a => String -> a read String bindex :: Int in VName -> Term IsaSign.Free (VName -> Term) -> (String -> VName) -> String -> Term forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . String -> VName IsaConsts.mkVName (String -> Term) -> String -> Term forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ ([String] l [String] -> Int -> String forall a. [a] -> Int -> a !! Int idx) (TwoOf6 f :: Free f) -> case Free f of FreeTVar a :: Free_Attrs a _ -> Free_Attrs -> Term free Free_Attrs a FreeTFree a :: Free_Attrs a _ -> Free_Attrs -> Term free Free_Attrs a FreeType a :: Free_Attrs a _ -> Free_Attrs -> Term free Free_Attrs a where free :: Free_Attrs -> Term free = VName -> Term IsaSign.Free (VName -> Term) -> (Free_Attrs -> VName) -> Free_Attrs -> Term forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . String -> VName IsaConsts.mkVName (String -> VName) -> (Free_Attrs -> String) -> Free_Attrs -> VName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . Free_Attrs -> String freeName (ThreeOf6 v :: Var v) -> let vattrs :: Var_Attrs vattrs = case Var v of VarTVar d :: Var_Attrs d _ -> Var_Attrs d VarTFree d :: Var_Attrs d _ -> Var_Attrs d VarType d :: Var_Attrs d _ -> Var_Attrs d in VName -> Term IsaSign.Free (VName -> Term) -> (Var_Attrs -> VName) -> Var_Attrs -> Term forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . String -> VName IsaConsts.mkVName (String -> VName) -> (Var_Attrs -> String) -> Var_Attrs -> VName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . Var_Attrs -> String varName (Var_Attrs -> Term) -> Var_Attrs -> Term forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Var_Attrs vattrs (FourOf6 c :: Const c) -> Const -> Term hXmlConst2IsaTerm Const c (FiveOf6 a :: App a) -> [String] -> App -> Term hXmlApp2IsaTerm [String] l App a (SixOf6 a :: Abs a) -> [String] -> Abs -> Term hXmlAbs2IsaTerm [String] l Abs a hXmlConst2IsaTerm :: Const -> IsaSign.Term hXmlConst2IsaTerm :: Const -> Term hXmlConst2IsaTerm (Const a :: Const_Attrs a t :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t) = let vname :: VName vname = VName :: String -> Maybe AltSyntax -> VName IsaSign.VName { new :: String = Const_Attrs -> String constName Const_Attrs a, altSyn :: Maybe AltSyntax IsaSign.altSyn = Maybe AltSyntax forall a. Maybe a Nothing } in VName -> DTyp -> Term IsaSign.Const VName vname (DTyp -> Term) -> DTyp -> Term forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Typ -> TAttr -> Maybe Int -> DTyp IsaSign.Hide (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t) TAttr IsaSign.NA Maybe Int forall a. Maybe a Nothing hXmlApp2IsaTerm :: [String] -> App -> IsaSign.Term hXmlApp2IsaTerm :: [String] -> App -> Term hXmlApp2IsaTerm l :: [String] l (App f1 :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs f1 f2 :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs f2) = Term -> Term -> Continuity -> Term IsaSign.App ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [String] l OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs f1) ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm [String] l OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs f2) Continuity IsaSign.NotCont hXmlAbs2IsaTerm :: [String] -> Abs -> IsaSign.Term hXmlAbs2IsaTerm :: [String] -> Abs -> Term hXmlAbs2IsaTerm l :: [String] l (Abs attrs :: Abs_Attrs attrs t :: OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t f :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs f) = Term -> Term -> Continuity -> Term IsaSign.Abs (VName -> DTyp -> Term IsaSign.Const (String -> VName IsaConsts.mkVName (String -> VName) -> (Abs_Attrs -> String) -> Abs_Attrs -> VName forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c . Abs_Attrs -> String absVname (Abs_Attrs -> VName) -> Abs_Attrs -> VName forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Abs_Attrs attrs) (DTyp -> Term) -> DTyp -> Term forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b $ Typ -> TAttr -> Maybe Int -> DTyp IsaSign.Disp (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type -> Typ hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp OneOf3 TVar TFree Type t) TAttr IsaSign.NA Maybe Int forall a. Maybe a Nothing) ([String] -> OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> Term hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm (Abs_Attrs -> String absVname Abs_Attrs attrs String -> [String] -> [String] forall a. a -> [a] -> [a] : [String] l) OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs f) Continuity IsaSign.NotCont