{- |
Module      :  ./TPTP/Pretty.hs
Description :  A pretty printer for the TPTP Syntax v6.4.0.7
Copyright   :  (c) Eugen Kuksa University of Magdeburg 2017
License     :  GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt

Maintainer  :  Eugen Kuksa <kuksa@iks.cs.ovgu.de>
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  portable

A pretty printer for the TPTP Input Syntax v6.4.0.7 taken from

module TPTP.Pretty (printBasicTheory, printNamedSentence) where

import TPTP.AS
import TPTP.Sign

import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (Name)
import Common.Id (Token)
import Common.Doc hiding (defn)
import Common.DocUtils

import Data.Char (toLower)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pretty instances
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

instance Pretty Symbol where
  pretty :: Symbol -> Doc
pretty = Symbol -> Doc

instance Pretty Sign where
  pretty :: Sign -> Doc
pretty = Sign -> Doc

instance Pretty BASIC_SPEC where
  pretty :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
pretty = BASIC_SPEC -> Doc

instance Pretty TPTP where
  pretty :: TPTP -> Doc
pretty = TPTP -> Doc

instance Pretty TPTP_input where
  pretty :: TPTP_input -> Doc
pretty = TPTP_input -> Doc

instance Pretty Comment where
  pretty :: Comment -> Doc
pretty = Comment -> Doc

instance Pretty DefinedComment where
  pretty :: DefinedComment -> Doc
pretty = DefinedComment -> Doc

instance Pretty SystemComment where
  pretty :: SystemComment -> Doc
pretty = SystemComment -> Doc

instance Pretty Annotated_formula where
  pretty :: Annotated_formula -> Doc
pretty = Annotated_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TPI_annotated where
  pretty :: TPI_annotated -> Doc
pretty = TPI_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_annotated where
  pretty :: THF_annotated -> Doc
pretty = THF_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty TFX_annotated where
  pretty :: TFX_annotated -> Doc
pretty = TFX_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_annotated where
  pretty :: TFF_annotated -> Doc
pretty = TFF_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty TCF_annotated where
  pretty :: TCF_annotated -> Doc
pretty = TCF_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_annotated where
  pretty :: FOF_annotated -> Doc
pretty = FOF_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty CNF_annotated where
  pretty :: CNF_annotated -> Doc
pretty = CNF_annotated -> Doc

instance Pretty Annotations where
  pretty :: Annotations -> Doc
pretty = Annotations -> Doc

instance Pretty Formula_role where
  pretty :: Formula_role -> Doc
pretty = Formula_role -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_formula where
  pretty :: THF_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_logic_formula where
  pretty :: THF_logic_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_logic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_binary_formula where
  pretty :: THF_binary_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_binary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_binary_pair where
  pretty :: THF_binary_pair -> Doc
pretty = THF_binary_pair -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_binary_tuple where
  pretty :: THF_binary_tuple -> Doc
pretty = THF_binary_tuple -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_unitary_formula where
  pretty :: THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_unitary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_quantified_formula where
  pretty :: THF_quantified_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_quantified_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_quantification where
  pretty :: THF_quantification -> Doc
pretty = THF_quantification -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_variable where
  pretty :: THF_variable -> Doc
pretty = THF_variable -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_typed_variable where
  pretty :: THF_typed_variable -> Doc
pretty = THF_typed_variable -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_unary_formula where
  pretty :: THF_unary_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_unary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_atom where
  pretty :: THF_atom -> Doc
pretty = THF_atom -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_function where
  pretty :: THF_function -> Doc
pretty = THF_function -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_conn_term where
  pretty :: THF_conn_term -> Doc
pretty = THF_conn_term -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_conditional where
  pretty :: THF_conditional -> Doc
pretty = THF_conditional -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_let where
  pretty :: THF_let -> Doc
pretty = THF_let -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_let_defns where
  pretty :: THF_let_defns -> Doc
pretty = THF_let_defns -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_let_defn where
  pretty :: THF_let_defn -> Doc
pretty = THF_let_defn -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_let_quantified_defn where
  pretty :: THF_let_quantified_defn -> Doc
pretty = THF_let_quantified_defn -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_let_plain_defn where
  pretty :: THF_let_plain_defn -> Doc
pretty = THF_let_plain_defn -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_let_defn_LHS where
  pretty :: THF_let_defn_LHS -> Doc
pretty = THF_let_defn_LHS -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_type_formula where
  pretty :: THF_type_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_type_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_typeable_formula where
  pretty :: THF_typeable_formula -> Doc
pretty = THF_typeable_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_subtype where
  pretty :: THF_subtype -> Doc
pretty = THF_subtype -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_top_level_type where
  pretty :: THF_top_level_type -> Doc
pretty = THF_top_level_type -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_unitary_type where
  pretty :: THF_unitary_type -> Doc
pretty = THF_unitary_type -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_binary_type where
  pretty :: THF_binary_type -> Doc
pretty = THF_binary_type -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_sequent where
  pretty :: THF_sequent -> Doc
pretty = THF_sequent -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_tuple where
  pretty :: THF_tuple -> Doc
pretty = THF_tuple -> Doc

instance Pretty TFX_formula where
  pretty :: TFX_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFX_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFX_logic_formula where
  pretty :: TFX_logic_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFX_logic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_formula where
  pretty :: TFF_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFF_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_logic_formula where
  pretty :: TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFF_logic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_binary_formula where
  pretty :: TFF_binary_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFF_binary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_binary_nonassoc where
  pretty :: TFF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
pretty = TFF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_binary_assoc where
  pretty :: TFF_binary_assoc -> Doc
pretty = TFF_binary_assoc -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_unitary_formula where
  pretty :: TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_quantified_formula where
  pretty :: TFF_quantified_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFF_quantified_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_variable where
  pretty :: TFF_variable -> Doc
pretty = TFF_variable -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_typed_variable where
  pretty :: TFF_typed_variable -> Doc
pretty = TFF_typed_variable -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_unary_formula where
  pretty :: TFF_unary_formula -> Doc
pretty = TFF_unary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_conditional where
  pretty :: TFF_conditional -> Doc
pretty = TFF_conditional -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let where
  pretty :: TFF_let -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_term_defns where
  pretty :: TFF_let_term_defns -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_term_defns -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_term_defn where
  pretty :: TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_term_binding where
  pretty :: TFF_let_term_binding -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_term_binding -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_formula_defns where
  pretty :: TFF_let_formula_defns -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_formula_defns -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_formula_defn where
  pretty :: TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_formula_binding where
  pretty :: TFF_let_formula_binding -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_formula_binding -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_sequent where
  pretty :: TFF_sequent -> Doc
pretty = TFF_sequent -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_formula_tuple where
  pretty :: TFF_formula_tuple -> Doc
pretty = TFF_formula_tuple -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_typed_atom where
  pretty :: TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
pretty = TFF_typed_atom -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_subtype where
  pretty :: TFF_subtype -> Doc
pretty = TFF_subtype -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_top_level_type where
  pretty :: TFF_top_level_type -> Doc
pretty = TFF_top_level_type -> Doc

instance Pretty TF1_quantified_type where
  pretty :: TF1_quantified_type -> Doc
pretty = TF1_quantified_type -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_monotype where
  pretty :: TFF_monotype -> Doc
pretty = TFF_monotype -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_unitary_type where
  pretty :: TFF_unitary_type -> Doc
pretty = TFF_unitary_type -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_atomic_type where
  pretty :: TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
pretty = TFF_atomic_type -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_mapping_type where
  pretty :: TFF_mapping_type -> Doc
pretty = TFF_mapping_type -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_xprod_type where
  pretty :: TFF_xprod_type -> Doc
pretty = TFF_xprod_type -> Doc

instance Pretty TCF_formula where
  pretty :: TCF_formula -> Doc
pretty = TCF_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TCF_logic_formula where
  pretty :: TCF_logic_formula -> Doc
pretty = TCF_logic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty TCF_quantified_formula where
  pretty :: TCF_quantified_formula -> Doc
pretty = TCF_quantified_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_logic_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_logic_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_logic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_binary_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_binary_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_binary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_binary_nonassoc where
  pretty :: FOF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
pretty = FOF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_binary_assoc where
  pretty :: FOF_binary_assoc -> Doc
pretty = FOF_binary_assoc -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_unitary_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_quantified_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_quantified_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_quantified_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_unary_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_unary_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_unary_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_infix_unary where
  pretty :: FOF_infix_unary -> Doc
pretty = FOF_infix_unary -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_atomic_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_plain_atomic_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_plain_atomic_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_plain_atomic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_defined_atomic_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_defined_atomic_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_defined_atomic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_defined_plain_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_defined_plain_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_defined_plain_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_defined_infix_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_defined_infix_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_defined_infix_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_system_atomic_formula where
  pretty :: FOF_system_atomic_formula -> Doc
pretty = FOF_system_atomic_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_plain_term where
  pretty :: FOF_plain_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_plain_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_defined_term where
  pretty :: FOF_defined_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_defined_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_defined_atomic_term where
  pretty :: FOF_defined_atomic_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_defined_atomic_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_defined_plain_term where
  pretty :: FOF_defined_plain_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_defined_plain_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_system_term where
  pretty :: FOF_system_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_system_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_term where
  pretty :: FOF_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_function_term where
  pretty :: FOF_function_term -> Doc
pretty = FOF_function_term -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_conditional_term where
  pretty :: TFF_conditional_term -> Doc
pretty = TFF_conditional_term -> Doc

instance Pretty TFF_let_term where
  pretty :: TFF_let_term -> Doc
pretty = TFF_let_term -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_sequent where
  pretty :: FOF_sequent -> Doc
pretty = FOF_sequent -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_formula_tuple where
  pretty :: FOF_formula_tuple -> Doc
pretty = FOF_formula_tuple -> Doc

instance Pretty CNF_formula where
  pretty :: CNF_formula -> Doc
pretty = CNF_formula -> Doc

instance Pretty Disjunction where
  pretty :: Disjunction -> Doc
pretty = Disjunction -> Doc

instance Pretty Literal where
  pretty :: Literal -> Doc
pretty = Literal -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_quantifier where
  pretty :: THF_quantifier -> Doc
pretty = THF_quantifier -> Doc

instance Pretty TH1_quantifier where
  pretty :: TH1_quantifier -> Doc
pretty = TH1_quantifier -> Doc

instance Pretty TH0_quantifier where
  pretty :: TH0_quantifier -> Doc
pretty = TH0_quantifier -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_pair_connective where
  pretty :: THF_pair_connective -> Doc
pretty = THF_pair_connective -> Doc

instance Pretty THF_unary_connective where
  pretty :: THF_unary_connective -> Doc
pretty = THF_unary_connective -> Doc

instance Pretty TH1_unary_connective where
  pretty :: TH1_unary_connective -> Doc
pretty = TH1_unary_connective -> Doc

instance Pretty FOF_quantifier where
  pretty :: FOF_quantifier -> Doc
pretty = FOF_quantifier -> Doc

instance Pretty Binary_connective where
  pretty :: Binary_connective -> Doc
pretty = Binary_connective -> Doc

instance Pretty Assoc_connective where
  pretty :: Assoc_connective -> Doc
pretty = Assoc_connective -> Doc

instance Pretty Unary_connective where
  pretty :: Unary_connective -> Doc
pretty = Unary_connective -> Doc

instance Pretty Defined_type where
  pretty :: Defined_type -> Doc
pretty = Defined_type -> Doc

instance Pretty Atom where
  pretty :: Atom -> Doc
pretty = Atom -> Doc

instance Pretty Untyped_atom where
  pretty :: Untyped_atom -> Doc
pretty = Untyped_atom -> Doc

instance Pretty Defined_proposition where
  pretty :: Defined_proposition -> Doc
pretty = Defined_proposition -> Doc

instance Pretty Defined_predicate where
  pretty :: Defined_predicate -> Doc
pretty = Defined_predicate -> Doc

instance Pretty Defined_infix_pred where
  pretty :: Defined_infix_pred -> Doc
pretty = Defined_infix_pred -> Doc

instance Pretty Defined_functor where
  pretty :: Defined_functor -> Doc
pretty = Defined_functor -> Doc

instance Pretty Defined_term where
  pretty :: Defined_term -> Doc
pretty = Defined_term -> Doc

instance Pretty Source where
  pretty :: Source -> Doc
pretty = Source -> Doc

instance Pretty DAG_source where
  pretty :: DAG_source -> Doc
pretty = DAG_source -> Doc

instance Pretty Inference_record where
  pretty :: Inference_record -> Doc
pretty = Inference_record -> Doc

instance Pretty Parent_info where
  pretty :: Parent_info -> Doc
pretty = Parent_info -> Doc

instance Pretty Internal_source where
  pretty :: Internal_source -> Doc
pretty = Internal_source -> Doc

instance Pretty Intro_type where
  pretty :: Intro_type -> Doc
pretty = Intro_type -> Doc

instance Pretty External_source where
  pretty :: External_source -> Doc
pretty = External_source -> Doc

instance Pretty File_source where
  pretty :: File_source -> Doc
pretty = File_source -> Doc

instance Pretty Theory where
  pretty :: Theory -> Doc
pretty = Theory -> Doc

instance Pretty Theory_name where
  pretty :: Theory_name -> Doc
pretty = Theory_name -> Doc

instance Pretty Creator_source where
  pretty :: Creator_source -> Doc
pretty = Creator_source -> Doc

instance Pretty Useful_info where
  pretty :: Useful_info -> Doc
pretty = Useful_info -> Doc

instance Pretty Info_item where
  pretty :: Info_item -> Doc
pretty = Info_item -> Doc

instance Pretty Formula_item where
  pretty :: Formula_item -> Doc
pretty = Formula_item -> Doc

instance Pretty Inference_item where
  pretty :: Inference_item -> Doc
pretty = Inference_item -> Doc

instance Pretty Inference_status where
  pretty :: Inference_status -> Doc
pretty = Inference_status -> Doc

instance Pretty Status_value where
  pretty :: Status_value -> Doc
pretty = Status_value -> Doc

instance Pretty Inference_info where
  pretty :: Inference_info -> Doc
pretty = Inference_info -> Doc

instance Pretty New_symbol_record where
  pretty :: New_symbol_record -> Doc
pretty = New_symbol_record -> Doc

instance Pretty Principal_symbol where
  pretty :: Principal_symbol -> Doc
pretty = Principal_symbol -> Doc

instance Pretty Include where
  pretty :: Include -> Doc
pretty = Include -> Doc

instance Pretty General_term where
  pretty :: General_term -> Doc
pretty = General_term -> Doc

instance Pretty General_data where
  pretty :: General_data -> Doc
pretty = General_data -> Doc

instance Pretty General_function where
  pretty :: General_function -> Doc
pretty = General_function -> Doc

instance Pretty Formula_data where
  pretty :: Formula_data -> Doc
pretty = Formula_data -> Doc

instance Pretty Name where
  pretty :: Name -> Doc
pretty = Name -> Doc

instance Pretty Number where
  pretty :: Number -> Doc
pretty = Number -> Doc

{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Logic components
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

-- Print a newline at the end of the document for good style.
printBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Sentence]) -> Doc
printBasicTheory :: (Sign, [Named Annotated_formula]) -> Doc
printBasicTheory (_, l :: [Named Annotated_formula]
l) = [Doc] -> Doc
vsep ((Named Annotated_formula -> Doc)
-> [Named Annotated_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Named Annotated_formula -> Doc
printNamedSentence [Named Annotated_formula]
l) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
$+$ String -> Doc
text ""

printNamedSentence :: Named Sentence -> Doc
printNamedSentence :: Named Annotated_formula -> Doc
printNamedSentence = Annotated_formula -> Doc
printAnnotated_formula (Annotated_formula -> Doc)
-> (Named Annotated_formula -> Annotated_formula)
-> Named Annotated_formula
-> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Named Annotated_formula -> Annotated_formula
forall s a. SenAttr s a -> s
sentence (Named Annotated_formula -> Annotated_formula)
-> (Named Annotated_formula -> Named Annotated_formula)
-> Named Annotated_formula
-> Annotated_formula
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Named Annotated_formula -> Named Annotated_formula

printSymbol :: Symbol -> Doc
printSymbol :: Symbol -> Doc
printSymbol = Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (Token -> Doc) -> (Symbol -> Token) -> Symbol -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Symbol -> Token

printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign s :: Sign
s =
  [Doc] -> Doc
vsep [ String -> Doc
text "%{"
       , if Set Token -> Bool
forall a. Set a -> Bool
Set.null (Set Token -> Bool) -> Set Token -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Set Token
constantSet Sign
s then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "constants: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ((Token -> Doc) -> [Token] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty ([Token] -> [Doc]) -> [Token] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Token -> [Token]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList (Set Token -> [Token]) -> Set Token -> [Token]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Set Token
constantSet Sign
       , if Set Number -> Bool
forall a. Set a -> Bool
Set.null (Set Number -> Bool) -> Set Number -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Set Number
numberSet Sign
s then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "numbers: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ((Number -> Doc) -> [Number] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Number -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty ([Number] -> [Doc]) -> [Number] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Number -> [Number]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList (Set Number -> [Number]) -> Set Number -> [Number]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Set Number
numberSet Sign
       , if Set Token -> Bool
forall a. Set a -> Bool
Set.null (Set Token -> Bool) -> Set Token -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Set Token
propositionSet Sign
s then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "propositions: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ((Token -> Doc) -> [Token] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty ([Token] -> [Doc]) -> [Token] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Token -> [Token]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList (Set Token -> [Token]) -> Set Token -> [Token]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Set Token
propositionSet Sign
       , if Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
tffPredicateMap Sign
s) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
thfPredicateMap Sign
s) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Map Token (Set Int) -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map Token (Set Int)
fofPredicateMap Sign
s) then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "predicates: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
             (((THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc)
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTHFType (Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
 -> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)])
-> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
thfPredicateMap Sign
             [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ((Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc)
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTFFType (Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
 -> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)])
-> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
tffPredicateMap Sign
             [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ((Token, Set Int) -> Doc) -> [(Token, Set Int)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Token, Set Int) -> Doc
printFOFPredicate (Map Token (Set Int) -> [(Token, Set Int)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map Token (Set Int) -> [(Token, Set Int)])
-> Map Token (Set Int) -> [(Token, Set Int)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map Token (Set Int)
fofPredicateMap Sign
       , if Map Token (Set Int) -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map Token (Set Int)
fofFunctorMap Sign
s) then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "functors: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
             (((Token, Set Int) -> Doc) -> [(Token, Set Int)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Token, Set Int) -> Doc
printFOFFunctor (Map Token (Set Int) -> [(Token, Set Int)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map Token (Set Int) -> [(Token, Set Int)])
-> Map Token (Set Int) -> [(Token, Set Int)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map Token (Set Int)
fofFunctorMap Sign
       , if Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
tffTypeConstantMap Sign
s) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
thfTypeConstantMap Sign
s) then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "type constants: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
             (((THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc)
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTHFType (Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
 -> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)])
-> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
thfTypeConstantMap Sign
             [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ((Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc)
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTFFType (Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
 -> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)])
-> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
tffTypeConstantMap Sign
       , if Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
tffTypeFunctorMap Sign
s) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
thfTypeFunctorMap Sign
s) then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "type functors: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
             (((THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc)
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTHFType (Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
 -> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)])
-> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
-> [(THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map THFTypeable THF_top_level_type
thfTypeFunctorMap Sign
             [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ((Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc)
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTFFType (Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
 -> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)])
-> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
-> [(Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map Untyped_atom TFF_top_level_type
tffTypeFunctorMap Sign
       , if Map Untyped_atom Atom -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map Untyped_atom Atom
tffSubtypeMap Sign
s) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Map THF_atom THF_atom -> Bool
forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
Map.null (Sign -> Map THF_atom THF_atom
thfSubtypeMap Sign
s) then Doc
empty else
         String -> Doc
text "subtypes: "
           Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> [Doc] -> Doc
vcat (Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
             (((THF_atom, THF_atom) -> Doc) -> [(THF_atom, THF_atom)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (THF_atom, THF_atom) -> Doc
printTHFSubType (Map THF_atom THF_atom -> [(THF_atom, THF_atom)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map THF_atom THF_atom -> [(THF_atom, THF_atom)])
-> Map THF_atom THF_atom -> [(THF_atom, THF_atom)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map THF_atom THF_atom
thfSubtypeMap Sign
             [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ((Untyped_atom, Atom) -> Doc) -> [(Untyped_atom, Atom)] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Untyped_atom, Atom) -> Doc
printTFFSubType (Map Untyped_atom Atom -> [(Untyped_atom, Atom)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Map.toList (Map Untyped_atom Atom -> [(Untyped_atom, Atom)])
-> Map Untyped_atom Atom -> [(Untyped_atom, Atom)]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Sign -> Map Untyped_atom Atom
tffSubtypeMap Sign
       , String -> Doc
text "}%"]

    printTHFType :: (THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc
    printTHFType :: (THFTypeable, THF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTHFType (t :: THFTypeable
t, tlt :: THF_top_level_type
tlt) = THF_type_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (THF_type_formula -> Doc) -> THF_type_formula -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case THFTypeable
t of
      THFTypeFormula f :: THF_typeable_formula
f -> THF_typeable_formula -> THF_top_level_type -> THF_type_formula
THFTF_typeable THF_typeable_formula
f THF_top_level_type
      THFTypeConstant c :: Token
c -> Token -> THF_top_level_type -> THF_type_formula
THFTF_constant Token
c THF_top_level_type

    printTFFType :: (Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc
    printTFFType :: (Untyped_atom, TFF_top_level_type) -> Doc
printTFFType (a :: Untyped_atom
a, tlt :: TFF_top_level_type
tlt) = TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (TFF_typed_atom -> Doc) -> TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Untyped_atom -> TFF_top_level_type -> TFF_typed_atom
TFFTA_plain Untyped_atom
a TFF_top_level_type

    printFOFPredicate :: (Predicate, Set.Set Int) -> Doc
    printFOFPredicate :: (Token, Set Int) -> Doc
printFOFPredicate (p :: Token
p, arities :: Set Int
arities) = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
comma ([Doc] -> [Doc]) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (Int -> Doc) -> [Int] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Token -> Defined_type -> Int -> Doc
printFOFPredicateOrFunctor Token
p Defined_type
O) ([Int] -> [Doc]) -> [Int] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Int -> [Int]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList Set Int

    printFOFFunctor :: (TPTP_functor, Set.Set Int) -> Doc
    printFOFFunctor :: (Token, Set Int) -> Doc
printFOFFunctor (p :: Token
p, arities :: Set Int
arities) = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate Doc
comma ([Doc] -> [Doc]) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (Int -> Doc) -> [Int] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Token -> Defined_type -> Int -> Doc
printFOFPredicateOrFunctor Token
p Defined_type
I) ([Int] -> [Doc]) -> [Int] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Set Int -> [Int]
forall a. Set a -> [a]
Set.toList Set Int

    printFOFPredicateOrFunctor :: Token -> Defined_type -> Int -> Doc
    printFOFPredicateOrFunctor :: Token -> Defined_type -> Int -> Doc
printFOFPredicateOrFunctor token :: Token
token typ :: Defined_type
typ arity :: Int
arity =
      let arguments :: Doc
arguments =
            if Int
arity Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== 0
            then Doc
            else if Int
arity Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== 1
            then Defined_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_type
I Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text ">"
            else Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy (String -> Doc
text "*") ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Defined_type -> Doc) -> [Defined_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Defined_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty ([Defined_type] -> [Doc]) -> [Defined_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Defined_type -> [Defined_type]
forall a. Int -> a -> [a]
replicate Int
arity Defined_type
                   Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text ">"
      in  Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
token Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Doc
arguments Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Defined_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_type

    printTHFSubType :: (THF_atom, THF_atom) -> Doc
    printTHFSubType :: (THF_atom, THF_atom) -> Doc
printTHFSubType (a1 :: THF_atom
a1, a2 :: THF_atom
a2) = THF_subtype -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (THF_subtype -> Doc) -> THF_subtype -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ THF_atom -> THF_atom -> THF_subtype
THF_subtype THF_atom
a1 THF_atom

    printTFFSubType :: (Untyped_atom, Atom) -> Doc
    printTFFSubType :: (Untyped_atom, Atom) -> Doc
printTFFSubType (a1 :: Untyped_atom
a1, a2 :: Atom
a2) = TFF_subtype -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty (TFF_subtype -> Doc) -> TFF_subtype -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Untyped_atom -> Atom -> TFF_subtype
TFF_subtype Untyped_atom
a1 Atom

printBasicSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
printBasicSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Doc
printBasicSpec (Basic_spec xs :: [Annoted TPTP]
xs) = [Doc] -> Doc
vcat ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Annoted TPTP -> Doc) -> [Annoted TPTP] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Annoted TPTP -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [Annoted TPTP]

{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Files. Empty file is OK
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

-- <TPTP_file>            ::= <TPTP_input>*
printTPTP :: TPTP -> Doc
printTPTP :: TPTP -> Doc
printTPTP (TPTP tptp_inputs :: [TPTP_input]
tptp_inputs) = [Doc] -> Doc
vsep ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (TPTP_input -> Doc) -> [TPTP_input] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TPTP_input -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [TPTP_input]

-- <TPTP_input>           ::= <annotated_formula> | <include>
printTPTP_input :: TPTP_input -> Doc
printTPTP_input :: TPTP_input -> Doc
printTPTP_input x :: TPTP_input
x = case TPTP_input
x of
  Annotated_formula a :: Annotated_formula
a -> Annotated_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Annotated_formula
  TPTP_include i :: Include
i -> Include -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Include
  TPTP_comment c :: Comment
c -> Comment -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Comment
  TPTP_defined_comment c :: DefinedComment
c -> DefinedComment -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty DefinedComment
  TPTP_system_comment c :: SystemComment
c -> SystemComment -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty SystemComment

{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

-- <comment>              ::- <comment_line>|<comment_block>
-- <comment_line>         ::- [%]<printable_char>*
-- <comment_block>        ::: [/][*]<not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
printComment :: Comment -> Doc
printComment :: Comment -> Doc
printComment comment :: Comment
comment = case Comment
comment of
  Comment_line c :: Token
c -> String -> Doc
text "%" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  Comment_block c :: Token
c -> String -> Doc
text "/*" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text "*/"

-- %----  <defined_comment>    ::- <def_comment_line>|<def_comment_block>
-- %----  <def_comment_line>   ::: [%]<dollar><printable_char>*
-- %----  <def_comment_block>  ::: [/][*]<dollar><not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
printDefinedComment :: DefinedComment -> Doc
printDefinedComment :: DefinedComment -> Doc
printDefinedComment comment :: DefinedComment
comment = case DefinedComment
comment of
  Defined_comment_line c :: Token
c -> String -> Doc
text "%$" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  Defined_comment_block  c :: Token
c -> String -> Doc
text "/*$" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text "*/"

-- %----  <system_comment>     ::- <sys_comment_line>|<sys_comment_block>
-- %----  <sys_comment_line>   ::: [%]<dollar><dollar><printable_char>*
-- %----  <sys_comment_block>  ::: [/][*]<dollar><dollar><not_star_slash>[*][*]*[/]
printSystemComment :: SystemComment -> Doc
printSystemComment :: SystemComment -> Doc
printSystemComment comment :: SystemComment
comment = case SystemComment
comment of
  System_comment_line c :: Token
c -> String -> Doc
text "%$$" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  System_comment_block c :: Token
c -> String -> Doc
text "/*$$" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> String -> Doc
text "*/"

-- %----Formula records
-- <annotated_formula>    ::= <thf_annotated> | <tfx_annotated> | <tff_annotated> |
--                            <tcf_annotated> | <fof_annotated> | <cnf_annotated> |
--                            <tpi_annotated>
printAnnotated_formula :: Annotated_formula -> Doc
printAnnotated_formula :: Annotated_formula -> Doc
printAnnotated_formula x :: Annotated_formula
x = case Annotated_formula
x of
  AF_THF_Annotated f :: THF_annotated
f -> THF_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_annotated
  AF_TFX_Annotated f :: TFX_annotated
f -> TFX_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFX_annotated
  AF_TFF_Annotated f :: TFF_annotated
f -> TFF_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_annotated
  AF_TCF_Annotated f :: TCF_annotated
f -> TCF_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TCF_annotated
  AF_FOF_Annotated f :: FOF_annotated
f -> FOF_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_annotated
  AF_CNF_Annotated f :: CNF_annotated
f -> CNF_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty CNF_annotated
  AF_TPI_Annotated f :: TPI_annotated
f -> TPI_annotated -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TPI_annotated

-- <???_annotated> contains the annotations, which are introduced with a comma.
-- <annotations>          ::= ,<source><optional_info> | <null>
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated :: Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated :: Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated a :: Annotations
a@(Annotations ma :: Maybe (Source, Optional_info)
ma) = case Maybe (Source, Optional_info)
ma of
  Just _ -> Doc
comma Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Annotations -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Annotations
  Nothing -> Doc

-- <tpi_annotated>        ::= tpi(<name>,<formula_role>,<tpi_formula><annotations>).
printTPI_annotated :: TPI_annotated -> Doc
printTPI_annotated :: TPI_annotated -> Doc
printTPI_annotated x :: TPI_annotated
x = case TPI_annotated
x of
  TPI_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: FOF_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "tpi"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, FOF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_formula
f] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <tpi_formula>          ::= <fof_formula>

-- <thf_annotated>        ::= thf(<name>,<formula_role>,<thf_formula>
--                            <annotations>).
printTHF_annotated :: THF_annotated -> Doc
printTHF_annotated :: THF_annotated -> Doc
printTHF_annotated x :: THF_annotated
x = case THF_annotated
x of
  THF_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: THF_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "thf"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, THF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_formula
f] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <tfx_annotated>        ::= tfx(<name>,<formula_role>,<tfx_formula>
--                            <annotations>).
printTFX_annotated :: TFX_annotated -> Doc
printTFX_annotated :: TFX_annotated -> Doc
printTFX_annotated x :: TFX_annotated
x = case TFX_annotated
x of
  TFX_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: TFX_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "tfx"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, TFX_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFX_formula
f] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <tff_annotated>        ::= tff(<name>,<formula_role>,<tff_formula>
--                            <annotations>).
printTFF_annotated :: TFF_annotated -> Doc
printTFF_annotated :: TFF_annotated -> Doc
printTFF_annotated x :: TFF_annotated
x = case TFF_annotated
x of
  TFF_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: TFF_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "tff"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, TFF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_formula
f] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <tcf_annotated>        ::= tcf(<name>,<formula_role>,<tcf_formula>
--                            <annotations>).
printTCF_annotated :: TCF_annotated -> Doc
printTCF_annotated :: TCF_annotated -> Doc
printTCF_annotated x :: TCF_annotated
x = case TCF_annotated
x of
  TCF_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: TCF_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "tcf"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, TCF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TCF_formula
f] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <fof_annotated>        ::= fof(<name>,<formula_role>,<fof_formula>
--                            <annotations>).
printFOF_annotated :: FOF_annotated -> Doc
printFOF_annotated :: FOF_annotated -> Doc
printFOF_annotated x :: FOF_annotated
x = case FOF_annotated
x of
  FOF_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: FOF_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "fof"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, FOF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_formula
f] Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <cnf_annotated>        ::= cnf(<name>,<formula_role>,<cnf_formula>
--                            <annotations>).
printCNF_annotated :: CNF_annotated -> Doc
printCNF_annotated :: CNF_annotated -> Doc
printCNF_annotated x :: CNF_annotated
x = case CNF_annotated
x of
  CNF_annotated n :: Name
n r :: Formula_role
r f :: CNF_formula
f a :: Annotations
a ->
    String -> Doc
text "cnf"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n, Formula_role -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_role
r, CNF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty CNF_formula
               Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotationsIfAnnotated Annotations
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "."

-- <annotations>          ::= ,<source><optional_info> | <null>
printAnnotations :: Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotations :: Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotations (Annotations mAnno :: Maybe (Source, Optional_info)
mAnno) = case Maybe (Source, Optional_info)
mAnno of
  Nothing -> Doc
  Just (source :: Source
source, optionalInfo :: Optional_info
optionalInfo) ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Source
source, Optional_info -> Doc
printOptional_info Optional_info

-- Types for problems

-- %----Types for problems.
-- <formula_role>         ::= <lower_word>
-- <formula_role>         :== axiom | hypothesis | definition | assumption |
--                            lemma | theorem | corollary | conjecture |
--                            negated_conjecture | plain | type |
--                            fi_domain | fi_functors | fi_predicates | unknown
printFormula_role :: Formula_role -> Doc
printFormula_role :: Formula_role -> Doc
printFormula_role x :: Formula_role
x = case Formula_role
x of
  Other_formula_role t :: Token
t -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  --  ^ For future updates. Should not be used.
  _ -> String -> Doc
text (String -> Doc) -> String -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Char -> Char) -> String -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Char -> Char
toLower (String -> String) -> String -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Formula_role -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Formula_role

-- %----THF formulae.
-- <thf_formula>          ::= <thf_logic_formula> | <thf_sequent>
printTHF_formula :: THF_formula -> Doc
printTHF_formula :: THF_formula -> Doc
printTHF_formula x :: THF_formula
x = case THF_formula
x of
  THFF_logic f :: THF_logic_formula
f -> THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula
  THFF_sequent s :: THF_sequent
s -> THF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_sequent

-- <thf_logic_formula>    ::= <thf_binary_formula> | <thf_unitary_formula> |
--                            <thf_type_formula> | <thf_subtype>
printTHF_logic_formula :: THF_logic_formula -> Doc
printTHF_logic_formula :: THF_logic_formula -> Doc
printTHF_logic_formula x :: THF_logic_formula
x = case THF_logic_formula
x of
  THFLF_binary f :: THF_binary_formula
f -> THF_binary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_binary_formula
  THFLF_unitary f :: THF_unitary_formula
f -> THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_formula
  THFLF_type f :: THF_type_formula
f -> THF_type_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_type_formula
  THFLF_subtype f :: THF_subtype
f -> THF_subtype -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_subtype

-- <thf_binary_formula>   ::= <thf_binary_pair> | <thf_binary_tuple>
printTHF_binary_formula :: THF_binary_formula -> Doc
printTHF_binary_formula :: THF_binary_formula -> Doc
printTHF_binary_formula x :: THF_binary_formula
x = case THF_binary_formula
x of
  THFBF_pair a :: THF_binary_pair
a -> THF_binary_pair -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_binary_pair
  THFBF_tuple a :: THF_binary_tuple
a -> THF_binary_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_binary_tuple

-- %----Only some binary connectives can be written without ()s.
-- %----There's no precedence among binary connectives
-- <thf_binary_pair>      ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <thf_pair_connective>
--                            <thf_unitary_formula>
printTHF_binary_pair :: THF_binary_pair -> Doc
printTHF_binary_pair :: THF_binary_pair -> Doc
printTHF_binary_pair x :: THF_binary_pair
x = case THF_binary_pair
x of
  THF_binary_pair c :: THF_pair_connective
c f1 :: THF_unitary_formula
f1 f2 :: THF_unitary_formula
f2 -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_formula
f1, THF_pair_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_pair_connective
c, THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_formula

-- <thf_binary_tuple>     ::= <thf_or_formula> | <thf_and_formula> |
--                            <thf_apply_formula>
printTHF_binary_tuple :: THF_binary_tuple -> Doc
printTHF_binary_tuple :: THF_binary_tuple -> Doc
printTHF_binary_tuple x :: THF_binary_tuple
x = case THF_binary_tuple
x of
  THFBT_or fs :: [THF_unitary_formula]
fs -> [THF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_or_formula [THF_unitary_formula]
  THFBT_and fs :: [THF_unitary_formula]
fs -> [THF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_and_formula [THF_unitary_formula]
  THFBT_apply fs :: [THF_unitary_formula]
fs -> [THF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_apply_formula [THF_unitary_formula]

-- <thf_or_formula>       ::= <thf_unitary_formula> <vline> <thf_unitary_formula> |
--                            <thf_or_formula> <vline> <thf_unitary_formula>
printTHF_or_formula :: THF_or_formula -> Doc
printTHF_or_formula :: [THF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_or_formula fs :: [THF_unitary_formula]
fs = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
vline ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (THF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [THF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [THF_unitary_formula]

-- <thf_and_formula>      ::= <thf_unitary_formula> & <thf_unitary_formula> |
--                            <thf_and_formula> & <thf_unitary_formula>
printTHF_and_formula :: THF_or_formula -> Doc
printTHF_and_formula :: [THF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_and_formula fs :: [THF_unitary_formula]
fs = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
andD ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (THF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [THF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [THF_unitary_formula]

-- <thf_apply_formula>    ::= <thf_unitary_formula> @ <thf_unitary_formula> |
--                            <thf_apply_formula> @ <thf_unitary_formula>
printTHF_apply_formula :: THF_or_formula -> Doc
printTHF_apply_formula :: [THF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_apply_formula fs :: [THF_unitary_formula]
fs = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
atD ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (THF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [THF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [THF_unitary_formula]

-- <thf_unitary_formula>  ::= <thf_quantified_formula> | <thf_unary_formula> |
--                            <thf_atom> | <thf_conditional> | <thf_let> |
--                            <thf_tuple> | (<thf_logic_formula>)
printTHF_unitary_formula :: THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
printTHF_unitary_formula :: THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
printTHF_unitary_formula x :: THF_unitary_formula
x = case THF_unitary_formula
x of
  THFUF_quantified a :: THF_quantified_formula
a -> THF_quantified_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_quantified_formula
  THFUF_unary a :: THF_unary_formula
a -> THF_unary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unary_formula
  THFUF_atom a :: THF_atom
a -> THF_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_atom
  THFUF_conditional a :: THF_conditional
a -> THF_conditional -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_conditional
  THFUF_let a :: THF_let
a -> THF_let -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let
  THFUF_tuple a :: THF_tuple
a -> THF_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_tuple
  THFUF_logic a :: THF_logic_formula
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula

-- <thf_quantified_formula> ::= <thf_quantification> <thf_unitary_formula>
printTHF_quantified_formula :: THF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printTHF_quantified_formula :: THF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printTHF_quantified_formula x :: THF_quantified_formula
x = case THF_quantified_formula
x of
  THF_quantified_formula q :: THF_quantification
q f :: THF_unitary_formula
f -> [Doc] -> Doc
hsep [THF_quantification -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_quantification
q, THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_formula

-- <thf_quantification>   ::= <thf_quantifier> [<thf_variable_list>] :
printTHF_quantification :: THF_quantification -> Doc
printTHF_quantification :: THF_quantification -> Doc
printTHF_quantification x :: THF_quantification
x = case THF_quantification
x of
  THF_quantification q :: THF_quantifier
q vars :: [THF_variable]
vars ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
hsep [THF_quantifier -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_quantifier
q, Doc -> Doc
brackets ([THF_variable] -> Doc
printTHF_variable_list [THF_variable]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc

-- <thf_variable_list>    ::= <thf_variable> | <thf_variable>,<thf_variable_list>
printTHF_variable_list :: THF_variable_list -> Doc
printTHF_variable_list :: [THF_variable] -> Doc
printTHF_variable_list vars :: [THF_variable]
vars = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (THF_variable -> Doc) -> [THF_variable] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_variable -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [THF_variable]

-- <thf_variable>         ::= <thf_typed_variable> | <variable>
printTHF_variable :: THF_variable -> Doc
printTHF_variable :: THF_variable -> Doc
printTHF_variable x :: THF_variable
x = case THF_variable
x of
  THFV_typed a :: THF_typed_variable
a -> THF_typed_variable -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_typed_variable
  THFV_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <thf_typed_variable>   ::= <variable> : <thf_top_level_type>
printTHF_typed_variable :: THF_typed_variable -> Doc
printTHF_typed_variable :: THF_typed_variable -> Doc
printTHF_typed_variable x :: THF_typed_variable
x = case THF_typed_variable
x of
  THF_typed_variable v :: Token
v tlt :: THF_top_level_type
tlt -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
v Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, THF_top_level_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_top_level_type

-- <thf_unary_formula>    ::= <thf_unary_connective> (<thf_logic_formula>)
printTHF_unary_formula :: THF_unary_formula -> Doc
printTHF_unary_formula :: THF_unary_formula -> Doc
printTHF_unary_formula x :: THF_unary_formula
x = case THF_unary_formula
x of
  THF_unary_formula c :: THF_unary_connective
c f :: THF_logic_formula
f -> THF_unary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unary_connective
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula

-- <thf_atom>             ::= <thf_function> | <variable> | <defined_term> |
--                            <thf_conn_term>
printTHF_atom :: THF_atom -> Doc
printTHF_atom :: THF_atom -> Doc
printTHF_atom x :: THF_atom
x = case THF_atom
x of
  THF_atom_function a :: THF_function
a -> THF_function -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_function
  THF_atom_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  THF_atom_defined a :: Defined_term
a -> Defined_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_term
  THF_atom_conn a :: THF_conn_term
a -> THF_conn_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_conn_term

-- <thf_function>         ::= <atom> | <functor>(<thf_arguments>) |
--                            <defined_functor>(<thf_arguments>) |
--                            <system_functor>(<thf_arguments>)
printTHF_function :: THF_function -> Doc
printTHF_function :: THF_function -> Doc
printTHF_function x :: THF_function
x = case THF_function
x of
  THFF_atom a :: Atom
a -> Atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Atom
  THFF_functor f :: Token
f args :: [THF_logic_formula]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_arguments [THF_logic_formula]
  THFF_defined f :: Defined_functor
f args :: [THF_logic_formula]
args -> Defined_functor -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_functor
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_arguments [THF_logic_formula]
  THFF_system f :: Token
f args :: [THF_logic_formula]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_arguments [THF_logic_formula]

-- <thf_conn_term>        ::= <thf_pair_connective> | <assoc_connective> |
--                            <thf_unary_connective>
printTHF_conn_term :: THF_conn_term -> Doc
printTHF_conn_term :: THF_conn_term -> Doc
printTHF_conn_term x :: THF_conn_term
x = case THF_conn_term
x of
  THFC_pair a :: THF_pair_connective
a -> THF_pair_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_pair_connective
  THFC_assoc a :: Assoc_connective
a -> Assoc_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Assoc_connective
  THFC_unary a :: THF_unary_connective
a -> THF_unary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unary_connective

-- <thf_conditional>      ::= $ite(<thf_logic_formula>,<thf_logic_formula>,
--                             <thf_logic_formula>)
printTHF_conditional :: THF_conditional -> Doc
printTHF_conditional :: THF_conditional -> Doc
printTHF_conditional x :: THF_conditional
x = case THF_conditional
x of
  THF_conditional f_if :: THF_logic_formula
f_if f_then :: THF_logic_formula
f_then f_else :: THF_logic_formula
f_else ->
    String -> Doc
text "$ite"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula
f_if, THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula
f_then, THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula

-- %----The LHS of a term or formula binding must be a non-variable term that
-- %----is flat with pairwise distinct variable arguments, and the variables in
-- %----the LHS must be exactly those bound in the universally quantified variable
-- %----list, in the same order. Let definitions are not recursive: a non-variable
-- %----symbol introduced in the LHS of a let definition cannot occur in the RHS.
-- %----If a symbol with the same signature as the one in the LHS of the binding
-- %----is declared above the let expression (at the top level or in an
-- %----encompassing let) then it can be used in the RHS of the binding, but it is
-- %----not accessible in the term or formula of the let expression. Let
-- %----expressions can be eliminated by a simple definition expansion.
-- <thf_let>              ::= $let(<thf_unitary_formula>,<thf_formula>)
-- <thf_let>              :== $let(<thf_let_defns>,<thf_formula>)
printTHF_let :: THF_let -> Doc
printTHF_let :: THF_let -> Doc
printTHF_let x :: THF_let
x = case THF_let
x of
  THF_let defns :: THF_let_defns
defns f :: THF_formula
f ->
    String -> Doc
text "$let" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [THF_let_defns -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let_defns
defns, THF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_formula

-- <thf_let_defns>        :== <thf_let_defn> | [<thf_let_defn_list>]
printTHF_let_defns :: THF_let_defns -> Doc
printTHF_let_defns :: THF_let_defns -> Doc
printTHF_let_defns x :: THF_let_defns
x = case THF_let_defns
x of
  THFLD_single a :: THF_let_defn
a -> THF_let_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let_defn
  THFLD_many a :: [THF_let_defn]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [THF_let_defn] -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn_list [THF_let_defn]

-- <thf_let_defn_list>    :== <thf_let_defn> | <thf_let_defn>,<thf_let_defn_list>
printTHF_let_defn_list :: THF_let_defn_list -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn_list :: [THF_let_defn] -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([THF_let_defn] -> [Doc]) -> [THF_let_defn] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (THF_let_defn -> Doc) -> [THF_let_defn] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_let_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <thf_let_defn>         :== <thf_let_quantified_defn> | <thf_let_plain_defn>
printTHF_let_defn :: THF_let_defn -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn :: THF_let_defn -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn x :: THF_let_defn
x = case THF_let_defn
x of
  THFLD_quantified a :: THF_let_quantified_defn
a -> THF_let_quantified_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let_quantified_defn
  THFLD_plain a :: THF_let_plain_defn
a -> THF_let_plain_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let_plain_defn

-- <thf_let_quantified_defn> :== <thf_quantification> (<thf_let_plain_defn>)
printTHF_let_quantified_defn :: THF_let_quantified_defn -> Doc
printTHF_let_quantified_defn :: THF_let_quantified_defn -> Doc
printTHF_let_quantified_defn x :: THF_let_quantified_defn
x = case THF_let_quantified_defn
x of
  THF_let_quantified_defn q :: THF_quantification
q lpd :: THF_let_plain_defn
lpd ->
    THF_quantification -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_quantification
q Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (THF_let_plain_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let_plain_defn

-- <thf_let_plain_defn>   :== <thf_let_defn_LHS> <assignment> <thf_formula>
printTHF_let_plain_defn :: THF_let_plain_defn -> Doc
printTHF_let_plain_defn :: THF_let_plain_defn -> Doc
printTHF_let_plain_defn x :: THF_let_plain_defn
x = case THF_let_plain_defn
x of
  THF_let_plain_defn lhs :: THF_let_defn_LHS
lhs f :: THF_formula
f -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [THF_let_defn_LHS -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_let_defn_LHS
lhs, Doc
assignment, THF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_formula

-- <thf_let_defn_LHS>     :== <constant> | <functor>(<fof_arguments>) |
--                            <thf_tuple>
-- %----The <fof_arguments> must all be <variable>s, and the <thf_tuple> may
-- %----contain only <constant>s and <functor>(<fof_arguments>)s
printTHF_let_defn_LHS :: THF_let_defn_LHS -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn_LHS :: THF_let_defn_LHS -> Doc
printTHF_let_defn_LHS x :: THF_let_defn_LHS
x = case THF_let_defn_LHS
x of
  THFLDL_constant a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  THFLDL_functor f :: Token
f args :: [FOF_term]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments [FOF_term]
  THFLDL_tuple a :: THF_tuple
a -> THF_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_tuple

-- <thf_arguments>        ::= <thf_formula_list>
printTHF_arguments :: THF_arguments -> Doc
printTHF_arguments :: [THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_arguments x :: [THF_logic_formula]
x = [THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_formula_list [THF_logic_formula]

-- <thf_type_formula>     ::= <thf_typeable_formula> : <thf_top_level_type>
-- <thf_type_formula>     :== <constant> : <thf_top_level_type>
printTHF_type_formula :: THF_type_formula -> Doc
printTHF_type_formula :: THF_type_formula -> Doc
printTHF_type_formula x :: THF_type_formula
x = case THF_type_formula
x of
  THFTF_typeable f :: THF_typeable_formula
f tlt :: THF_top_level_type
tlt -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [THF_typeable_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_typeable_formula
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, THF_top_level_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_top_level_type
  THFTF_constant c :: Token
c tlt :: THF_top_level_type
tlt -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
c Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, THF_top_level_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_top_level_type

-- <thf_typeable_formula> ::= <thf_atom> | (<thf_logic_formula>)
printTHF_typeable_formula :: THF_typeable_formula -> Doc
printTHF_typeable_formula :: THF_typeable_formula -> Doc
printTHF_typeable_formula x :: THF_typeable_formula
x = case THF_typeable_formula
x of
  THFTF_atom a :: THF_atom
a -> THF_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_atom
  THFTF_logic a :: THF_logic_formula
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_logic_formula

-- <thf_subtype>          ::= <thf_atom> <subtype_sign> <thf_atom>
printTHF_subtype :: THF_subtype -> Doc
printTHF_subtype :: THF_subtype -> Doc
printTHF_subtype x :: THF_subtype
x = case THF_subtype
x of
  THF_subtype a1 :: THF_atom
a1 a2 :: THF_atom
a2 -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [THF_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_atom
a1, Doc
subtype_sign, THF_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_atom

-- %----<thf_top_level_type> appears after ":", where a type is being specified
-- %----for a term or variable. <thf_unitary_type> includes <thf_unitary_formula>,
-- %----so the syntax allows just about any lambda expression with "enough"
-- %----parentheses to serve as a type. The expected use of this flexibility is
-- %----parametric polymorphism in types, expressed with lambda abstraction.
-- %----Mapping is right-associative: o > o > o means o > (o > o).
-- %----Xproduct is left-associative: o * o * o means (o * o) * o.
-- %----Union is left-associative: o + o + o means (o + o) + o.
-- <thf_top_level_type>   ::= <thf_unitary_type> | <thf_mapping_type>
printTHF_top_level_type :: THF_top_level_type -> Doc
printTHF_top_level_type :: THF_top_level_type -> Doc
printTHF_top_level_type x :: THF_top_level_type
x = case THF_top_level_type
x of
  THFTLT_unitary a :: THF_unitary_type
a -> THF_unitary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_type
  THFTLT_mapping a :: [THF_unitary_type]
a -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_mapping_type [THF_unitary_type]

-- <thf_unitary_type>     ::= <thf_unitary_formula> | (<thf_binary_type>)
printTHF_unitary_type :: THF_unitary_type -> Doc
printTHF_unitary_type :: THF_unitary_type -> Doc
printTHF_unitary_type x :: THF_unitary_type
x = case THF_unitary_type
x of
  THFUT_unitary a :: THF_unitary_formula
a -> THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_formula
  THFUT_binary a :: THF_binary_type
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ THF_binary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_binary_type

-- Each of these binary types has at least two (!) list entries.
-- <thf_binary_type>      ::= <thf_mapping_type> | <thf_xprod_type> |
--                            <thf_union_type>
printTHF_binary_type :: THF_binary_type -> Doc
printTHF_binary_type :: THF_binary_type -> Doc
printTHF_binary_type x :: THF_binary_type
x = case THF_binary_type
x of
  THFBT_mapping a :: [THF_unitary_type]
a -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_mapping_type [THF_unitary_type]
  THFBT_xprod a :: [THF_unitary_type]
a -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_xprod_type [THF_unitary_type]
  THFBT_union a :: [THF_unitary_type]
a -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_union_type [THF_unitary_type]

-- <thf_mapping_type>     ::= <thf_unitary_type> <arrow> <thf_unitary_type> |
--                            <thf_unitary_type> <arrow> <thf_mapping_type>
printTHF_mapping_type :: THF_mapping_type -> Doc
printTHF_mapping_type :: [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_mapping_type = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
arrow ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([THF_unitary_type] -> [Doc]) -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (THF_unitary_type -> Doc) -> [THF_unitary_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_unitary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <thf_xprod_type>       ::= <thf_unitary_type> <star> <thf_unitary_type> |
--                            <thf_xprod_type> <star> <thf_unitary_type>
printTHF_xprod_type :: THF_xprod_type -> Doc
printTHF_xprod_type :: [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_xprod_type = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
star ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([THF_unitary_type] -> [Doc]) -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (THF_unitary_type -> Doc) -> [THF_unitary_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_unitary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <thf_union_type>       ::= <thf_unitary_type> <plus> <thf_unitary_type> |
--                            <thf_union_type> <plus> <thf_unitary_type>
printTHF_union_type :: THF_union_type -> Doc
printTHF_union_type :: [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
printTHF_union_type = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
plus ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([THF_unitary_type] -> [Doc]) -> [THF_unitary_type] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (THF_unitary_type -> Doc) -> [THF_unitary_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_unitary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----Sequents using the Gentzen arrow
-- <thf_sequent>          ::= <thf_tuple> <gentzen_arrow> <thf_tuple> |
--                            (<thf_sequent>)
printTHF_sequent :: THF_sequent -> Doc
printTHF_sequent :: THF_sequent -> Doc
printTHF_sequent x :: THF_sequent
x = case THF_sequent
x of
  THFS_plain t1 :: THF_tuple
t1 t2 :: THF_tuple
t2 -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
gentzen_arrow [THF_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_tuple
t1, THF_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_tuple
  THFS_parens a :: THF_sequent
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ THF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_sequent

-- <thf_tuple>            ::= [] | [<thf_formula_list>]
printTHF_tuple :: THF_tuple -> Doc
printTHF_tuple :: THF_tuple -> Doc
printTHF_tuple x :: THF_tuple
x = case THF_tuple
x of
  THF_tuple a :: [THF_logic_formula]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_formula_list [THF_logic_formula]

-- <thf_formula_list>     ::= <thf_logic_formula> |
--                            <thf_logic_formula>,<thf_formula_list>
printTHF_formula_list :: THF_formula_list -> Doc
printTHF_formula_list :: [THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTHF_formula_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([THF_logic_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [THF_logic_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (THF_logic_formula -> Doc) -> [THF_logic_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map THF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- NOTE: not used by parser
-- %----New material for modal logic semantics, not integrated yet
-- <logic_defn_rule>      :== <logic_defn_LHS> <assignment> <logic_defn_RHS>-
-- data Logic_defn_rule = Logic_defn_rule Logic_defn_LHS Logic_defn_RHS
--                        deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- NOTE: not used by parser
-- <logic_defn_LHS>       :== <logic_defn_value> | <thf_top_level_type>  | <name>
-- <logic_defn_LHS>       :== $constants | $quantification | $consequence |
--                            $modalities
--                            %----The $constants, $quantification, and $consequence apply to all of the
--                            %----$modalities. Each of these may be specified only once, but not necessarily
--                            %----all in a single annotated formula.-
-- data Logic_defn_LHS = Logic_defn_LHS_value Logic_defn_value
--                     | Logic_defn_LHS_THF_Top_level_type THF_top_level_type
--                     | Logic_defn_LHS_name Name
--                     | LDLC_constants
--                     | LDLC_quantification
--                     | LDLC_consequence
--                     | LDLC_modalities
--                       deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- NOTE: not used by parser
-- <logic_defn_RHS>       :== <logic_defn_value> | <thf_unitary_formula>-
-- data Logic_defn_RHS = Logic_defn_RHS_value Logic_defn_value
--                     | Logic_defn_RNG_THF_Unitary_forumla THF_unitary_formula
--                       deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- NOTE: not used by parser
-- <logic_defn_value>     :== <defined_constant>
-- <logic_defn_value>     :== $rigid | $flexible |
--                            $constant | $varying | $cumulative | $decreasing |
--                            $local | $global |
--                            $modal_system_K | $modal_system_T | $modal_system_D |
--                            $modal_system_S4 | $modal_system_S5 |
--                            $modal_axiom_K | $modal_axiom_T | $modal_axiom_B |
--                            $modal_axiom_D | $modal_axiom_4 | $modal_axiom_5-
-- data Logic_defn_value = Rigid
--                       | Flexible
--                       | Constant
--                       | Varying
--                       | Cumulative
--                       | Decreasing
--                       | Local
--                       | Global
--                       | Modal_system_K
--                       | Modal_system_T
--                       | Modal_system_D
--                       | Modal_system_S4
--                       | Modal_system_S5
--                       | Modal_axiom_K
--                       | Modal_axiom_T
--                       | Modal_axiom_B
--                       | Modal_axiom_D
--                       | Modal_axiom_4
--                       | Modal_axiom_5
--                       deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- %----TFX formulae
-- <tfx_formula>          ::= <tfx_logic_formula> | <thf_sequent>
printTFX_formula :: TFX_formula -> Doc
printTFX_formula :: TFX_formula -> Doc
printTFX_formula x :: TFX_formula
x = case TFX_formula
x of
  TFXF_logic a :: TFX_logic_formula
a -> TFX_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFX_logic_formula
  TFXF_sequent a :: THF_sequent
a -> THF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_sequent

-- <tfx_logic_formula>    ::= <thf_logic_formula>
-- % <tfx_logic_formula>    ::= <thf_binary_formula> | <thf_unitary_formula> |
-- %                            <tff_typed_atom> | <tff_subtype>
printTFX_logic_formula :: TFX_logic_formula -> Doc
printTFX_logic_formula :: TFX_logic_formula -> Doc
printTFX_logic_formula x :: TFX_logic_formula
x = case TFX_logic_formula
x of
  TFXLF_binary a :: THF_binary_formula
a -> THF_binary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_binary_formula
  TFXLF_unitary a :: THF_unitary_formula
a -> THF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_unitary_formula
  TFXLF_typed a :: TFF_typed_atom
a -> TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_typed_atom
  TFXLF_subtype a :: TFF_subtype
a -> TFF_subtype -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_subtype

-- %----TFF formulae.
-- <tff_formula>          ::= <tff_logic_formula> | <tff_typed_atom> |
--                            <tff_sequent>
printTFF_formula :: TFF_formula -> Doc
printTFF_formula :: TFF_formula -> Doc
printTFF_formula x :: TFF_formula
x = case TFF_formula
x of
  TFFF_logic a :: TFF_logic_formula
a -> TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_logic_formula
  TFFF_atom a :: TFF_typed_atom
a -> TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_typed_atom
  TFFF_sequent a :: TFF_sequent
a -> TFF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_sequent

-- <tff_logic_formula>    ::= <tff_binary_formula> | <tff_unitary_formula> |
--                            <tff_subtype>
printTFF_logic_formula :: TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
printTFF_logic_formula :: TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
printTFF_logic_formula x :: TFF_logic_formula
x = case TFF_logic_formula
x of
  TFFLF_binary a :: TFF_binary_formula
a -> TFF_binary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_binary_formula
  TFFLF_unitary a :: TFF_unitary_formula
a -> TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_formula
  TFFLF_subtype a :: TFF_subtype
a -> TFF_subtype -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_subtype

-- <tff_binary_formula>   ::= <tff_binary_nonassoc> | <tff_binary_assoc>
printTFF_binary_formula :: TFF_binary_formula -> Doc
printTFF_binary_formula :: TFF_binary_formula -> Doc
printTFF_binary_formula x :: TFF_binary_formula
x = case TFF_binary_formula
x of
  TFFBF_nonassoc a :: TFF_binary_nonassoc
a -> TFF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_binary_nonassoc
  TFFBF_assoc a :: TFF_binary_assoc
a -> TFF_binary_assoc -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_binary_assoc

-- <tff_binary_nonassoc>  ::= <tff_unitary_formula> <binary_connective>
--                            <tff_unitary_formula>
printTFF_binary_nonassoc :: TFF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
printTFF_binary_nonassoc :: TFF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
printTFF_binary_nonassoc x :: TFF_binary_nonassoc
x = case TFF_binary_nonassoc
x of
  TFF_binary_nonassoc c :: Binary_connective
c f1 :: TFF_unitary_formula
f1 f2 :: TFF_unitary_formula
f2 -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_formula
f1, Binary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Binary_connective
c, TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_formula

-- <tff_binary_assoc>     ::= <tff_or_formula> | <tff_and_formula>
printTFF_binary_assoc :: TFF_binary_assoc -> Doc
printTFF_binary_assoc :: TFF_binary_assoc -> Doc
printTFF_binary_assoc x :: TFF_binary_assoc
x = case TFF_binary_assoc
x of
  TFFBA_or a :: [TFF_unitary_formula]
a -> [TFF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTFF_or_formula [TFF_unitary_formula]
  TFFBA_and a :: [TFF_unitary_formula]
a -> [TFF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTFF_and_formula [TFF_unitary_formula]

-- <tff_or_formula>       ::= <tff_unitary_formula> <vline> <tff_unitary_formula> |
--                            <tff_or_formula> <vline> <tff_unitary_formula>
printTFF_or_formula :: TFF_or_formula -> Doc
printTFF_or_formula :: [TFF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTFF_or_formula = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
vline ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [TFF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [TFF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <tff_and_formula>      ::= <tff_unitary_formula> & <tff_unitary_formula> |
--                            <tff_and_formula> & <tff_unitary_formula>
printTFF_and_formula :: TFF_and_formula -> Doc
printTFF_and_formula :: [TFF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printTFF_and_formula = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
andD ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [TFF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [TFF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <tff_unitary_formula>  ::= <tff_quantified_formula> | <tff_unary_formula> |
--                            <tff_atomic_formula> | <tff_conditional> |
--                            <tff_let> | (<tff_logic_formula>)
printTFF_unitary_formula :: TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
printTFF_unitary_formula :: TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
printTFF_unitary_formula x :: TFF_unitary_formula
x = case TFF_unitary_formula
x of
  TFFUF_quantified a :: TFF_quantified_formula
a -> TFF_quantified_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_quantified_formula
  TFFUF_unary a :: TFF_unary_formula
a -> TFF_unary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unary_formula
  TFFUF_atomic a :: FOF_atomic_formula
a -> FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_atomic_formula
  TFFUF_conditional a :: TFF_conditional
a -> TFF_conditional -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_conditional
  TFFUF_let a :: TFF_let
a -> TFF_let -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let
  TFFUF_logic a :: TFF_logic_formula
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_logic_formula

-- <tff_quantified_formula> ::= <fof_quantifier> [<tff_variable_list>] :
--                            <tff_unitary_formula>
printTFF_quantified_formula :: TFF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printTFF_quantified_formula :: TFF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printTFF_quantified_formula x :: TFF_quantified_formula
x = case TFF_quantified_formula
x of
  TFF_quantified_formula q :: FOF_quantifier
q vars :: [TFF_variable]
vars f :: TFF_unitary_formula
f ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
hsep [FOF_quantifier -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_quantifier
q, Doc -> Doc
brackets ([TFF_variable] -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list [TFF_variable]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_formula

-- <tff_variable_list>    ::= <tff_variable> | <tff_variable>,<tff_variable_list>
printTFF_variable_list :: TFF_variable_list -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list :: [TFF_variable] -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_variable] -> [Doc]) -> [TFF_variable] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_variable -> Doc) -> [TFF_variable] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_variable -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <tff_variable>         ::= <tff_typed_variable> | <variable>
printTFF_variable :: TFF_variable -> Doc
printTFF_variable :: TFF_variable -> Doc
printTFF_variable x :: TFF_variable
x = case TFF_variable
x of
  TFFV_typed a :: TFF_typed_variable
a -> TFF_typed_variable -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_typed_variable
  TFFV_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <tff_typed_variable>   ::= <variable> : <tff_atomic_type>
printTFF_typed_variable :: TFF_typed_variable -> Doc
printTFF_typed_variable :: TFF_typed_variable -> Doc
printTFF_typed_variable x :: TFF_typed_variable
x = case TFF_typed_variable
x of
  TFF_typed_variable v :: Token
v t :: TFF_atomic_type
t -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
v Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_atomic_type

-- <tff_unary_formula>    ::= <unary_connective> <tff_unitary_formula> |
--                            <fof_infix_unary>
printTFF_unary_formula :: TFF_unary_formula -> Doc
printTFF_unary_formula :: TFF_unary_formula -> Doc
printTFF_unary_formula x :: TFF_unary_formula
x = case TFF_unary_formula
x of
  TFFUF_connective c :: Unary_connective
c f :: TFF_unitary_formula
f -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Unary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Unary_connective
c, TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_formula
  TFFUF_infix a :: FOF_infix_unary
a -> FOF_infix_unary -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_infix_unary

-- <tff_atomic_formula>   ::= <fof_atomic_formula>
-- already has a pretty instance (FOF_atomic_formula)

-- <tff_conditional>      ::= $ite_f(<tff_logic_formula>,<tff_logic_formula>,
--                            <tff_logic_formula>)
printTFF_conditional :: TFF_conditional -> Doc
printTFF_conditional :: TFF_conditional -> Doc
printTFF_conditional x :: TFF_conditional
x = case TFF_conditional
x of
  TFF_conditional f_if :: TFF_logic_formula
f_if f_then :: TFF_logic_formula
f_then f_else :: TFF_logic_formula
f_else ->
    String -> Doc
text "$ite_f"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_logic_formula
f_if, TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_logic_formula
f_then, TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_logic_formula

-- <tff_let>              ::= $let_tf(<tff_let_term_defns>,<tff_formula>) |
--                            $let_ff(<tff_let_formula_defns>,<tff_formula>)
printTFF_let :: TFF_let -> Doc
printTFF_let :: TFF_let -> Doc
printTFF_let x :: TFF_let
x = case TFF_let
x of
  TFF_let_term_defns defns :: TFF_let_term_defns
defns f :: TFF_formula
f ->
    String -> Doc
text "$let_tf"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [TFF_let_term_defns -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term_defns
defns, TFF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_formula
  TFF_let_formula_defns defns :: TFF_let_formula_defns
defns f :: TFF_formula
f ->
    String -> Doc
text "$let_ff"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [TFF_let_formula_defns -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_formula_defns
defns, TFF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_formula

-- %----See the commentary for <thf_let>.
-- <tff_let_term_defns>   ::= <tff_let_term_defn> | [<tff_let_term_list>]
printTFF_let_term_defns :: TFF_let_term_defns -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_defns :: TFF_let_term_defns -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_defns x :: TFF_let_term_defns
x = case TFF_let_term_defns
x of
  TFFLTD_single a :: TFF_let_term_defn
a -> TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term_defn
  TFFLTD_many a :: [TFF_let_term_defn]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TFF_let_term_defn] -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_list [TFF_let_term_defn]

-- <tff_let_term_list>    ::= <tff_let_term_defn> |
--                            <tff_let_term_defn>,<tff_let_term_list>
printTFF_let_term_list :: TFF_let_term_list -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_list :: [TFF_let_term_defn] -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_let_term_defn] -> [Doc]) -> [TFF_let_term_defn] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc) -> [TFF_let_term_defn] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <tff_let_term_defn>    ::= ! [<tff_variable_list>] : <tff_let_term_defn> |
--                            <tff_let_term_binding>
printTFF_let_term_defn :: TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_defn :: TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_defn x :: TFF_let_term_defn
x = case TFF_let_term_defn
x of
  TFFLTD_variable vars :: [TFF_variable]
vars defn :: TFF_let_term_defn
defn ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [ String -> Doc
text "!"
         , Doc -> Doc
brackets ([TFF_variable] -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list [TFF_variable]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
         , TFF_let_term_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term_defn
  TFFLTD_binding a :: TFF_let_term_binding
a -> TFF_let_term_binding -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term_binding

-- <tff_let_term_binding> ::= <fof_plain_term> = <fof_term> |
--                            (<tff_let_term_binding>)
printTFF_let_term_binding :: TFF_let_term_binding -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_binding :: TFF_let_term_binding -> Doc
printTFF_let_term_binding x :: TFF_let_term_binding
x = case TFF_let_term_binding
x of
  TFFLTB_plain pt :: FOF_plain_term
pt t :: FOF_term
t -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [FOF_plain_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_plain_term
pt, String -> Doc
text "=" ,FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term
  TFFLTB_binding a :: TFF_let_term_binding
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_let_term_binding -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term_binding

-- <tff_let_formula_defns> ::= <tff_let_formula_defn> | [<tff_let_formula_list>]
printTFF_let_formula_defns :: TFF_let_formula_defns -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_defns :: TFF_let_formula_defns -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_defns x :: TFF_let_formula_defns
x = case TFF_let_formula_defns
x of
  TFFLFD_single a :: TFF_let_formula_defn
a -> TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_formula_defn
  TFFLFD_many a :: [TFF_let_formula_defn]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TFF_let_formula_defn] -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_list [TFF_let_formula_defn]

-- <tff_let_formula_list> ::= <tff_let_formula_defn> |
--                            <tff_let_formula_defn>,<tff_let_formula_list>
printTFF_let_formula_list :: TFF_let_formula_list -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_list :: [TFF_let_formula_defn] -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_let_formula_defn] -> [Doc])
-> [TFF_let_formula_defn]
-> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc) -> [TFF_let_formula_defn] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <tff_let_formula_defn> ::= ! [<tff_variable_list>] : <tff_let_formula_defn> |
--                            <tff_let_formula_binding>
printTFF_let_formula_defn :: TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_defn :: TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_defn x :: TFF_let_formula_defn
x = case TFF_let_formula_defn
x of
  TFFLFD_variable vars :: [TFF_variable]
vars defn :: TFF_let_formula_defn
defn ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [ String -> Doc
text "!"
         , Doc -> Doc
brackets ([TFF_variable] -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list [TFF_variable]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
         , TFF_let_formula_defn -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_formula_defn
  TFFLFD_binding a :: TFF_let_formula_binding
a -> TFF_let_formula_binding -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_formula_binding

-- <tff_let_formula_binding> ::= <fof_plain_atomic_formula> <=>
--                            <tff_unitary_formula> | (<tff_let_formula_binding>)
printTFF_let_formula_binding :: TFF_let_formula_binding -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_binding :: TFF_let_formula_binding -> Doc
printTFF_let_formula_binding x :: TFF_let_formula_binding
x = case TFF_let_formula_binding
x of
  TFFLFB_plain paf :: FOF_plain_atomic_formula
paf uf :: TFF_unitary_formula
uf -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [FOF_plain_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_plain_atomic_formula
paf, TFF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_formula
  TFFLFB_binding a :: TFF_let_formula_binding
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_let_formula_binding -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_formula_binding

-- <tff_sequent>          ::= <tff_formula_tuple> <gentzen_arrow>
--                            <tff_formula_tuple> | (<tff_sequent>)
printTFF_sequent :: TFF_sequent -> Doc
printTFF_sequent :: TFF_sequent -> Doc
printTFF_sequent x :: TFF_sequent
x = case TFF_sequent
x of
  TFFS_plain t1 :: TFF_formula_tuple
t1 t2 :: TFF_formula_tuple
t2 -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
gentzen_arrow [TFF_formula_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_formula_tuple
t1, TFF_formula_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_formula_tuple
  TFFS_parens a :: TFF_sequent
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_sequent

-- <tff_formula_tuple>    ::= [] | [<tff_formula_tuple_list>]
printTFF_formula_tuple :: TFF_formula_tuple -> Doc
printTFF_formula_tuple :: TFF_formula_tuple -> Doc
printTFF_formula_tuple x :: TFF_formula_tuple
x = case TFF_formula_tuple
x of
  TFF_formula_tuple a :: [TFF_logic_formula]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TFF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTFF_formula_tuple_list [TFF_logic_formula]

-- <tff_formula_tuple_list> ::= <tff_logic_formula> |
--                            <tff_logic_formula>,<tff_formula_tuple_list>
printTFF_formula_tuple_list :: TFF_formula_tuple_list -> Doc
printTFF_formula_tuple_list :: [TFF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printTFF_formula_tuple_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_logic_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [TFF_logic_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_logic_formula -> Doc) -> [TFF_logic_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----<tff_typed_atom> can appear only at top level
-- <tff_typed_atom>       ::= <untyped_atom> : <tff_top_level_type> |
--                            (<tff_typed_atom>)
printTFF_typed_atom :: TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
printTFF_typed_atom :: TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
printTFF_typed_atom x :: TFF_typed_atom
x = case TFF_typed_atom
x of
  TFFTA_plain ua :: Untyped_atom
ua tlt :: TFF_top_level_type
tlt -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Untyped_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Untyped_atom
ua Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, TFF_top_level_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_top_level_type
  TFFTA_parens a :: TFF_typed_atom
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_typed_atom

-- <tff_subtype>          ::= <untyped_atom> <subtype_sign> <atom>
printTFF_subtype :: TFF_subtype -> Doc
printTFF_subtype :: TFF_subtype -> Doc
printTFF_subtype x :: TFF_subtype
x = case TFF_subtype
x of
  TFF_subtype ua :: Untyped_atom
ua a :: Atom
a -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Untyped_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Untyped_atom
ua, Doc
subtype_sign, Atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Atom

-- %----See <thf_top_level_type> for commentary.
-- <tff_top_level_type>   ::= <tff_atomic_type> | <tff_mapping_type> |
--                            <tf1_quantified_type> | (<tff_top_level_type>)
printTFF_top_level_type :: TFF_top_level_type -> Doc
printTFF_top_level_type :: TFF_top_level_type -> Doc
printTFF_top_level_type x :: TFF_top_level_type
x = case TFF_top_level_type
x of
  TFFTLT_atomic a :: TFF_atomic_type
a -> TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_atomic_type
  TFFTLT_mapping a :: TFF_mapping_type
a -> TFF_mapping_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_mapping_type
  TFFTLT_quantified a :: TF1_quantified_type
a -> TF1_quantified_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TF1_quantified_type
  TFFTLT_parens a :: TFF_top_level_type
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_top_level_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_top_level_type

-- <tf1_quantified_type>  ::= !> [<tff_variable_list>] : <tff_monotype>
printTF1_quantified_type :: TF1_quantified_type -> Doc
printTF1_quantified_type :: TF1_quantified_type -> Doc
printTF1_quantified_type x :: TF1_quantified_type
x = case TF1_quantified_type
x of
  TF1_quantified_type vars :: [TFF_variable]
vars t :: TFF_monotype
t ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [ String -> Doc
text "!>"
         , Doc -> Doc
brackets ([TFF_variable] -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list [TFF_variable]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
         , TFF_monotype -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_monotype

-- <tff_monotype>         ::= <tff_atomic_type> | (<tff_mapping_type>)
printTFF_monotype :: TFF_monotype -> Doc
printTFF_monotype :: TFF_monotype -> Doc
printTFF_monotype x :: TFF_monotype
x = case TFF_monotype
x of
  TFFMT_atomic a :: TFF_atomic_type
a -> TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_atomic_type
  TFFMT_mapping a :: TFF_mapping_type
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_mapping_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_mapping_type

-- <tff_unitary_type>     ::= <tff_atomic_type> | (<tff_xprod_type>)
printTFF_unitary_type :: TFF_unitary_type -> Doc
printTFF_unitary_type :: TFF_unitary_type -> Doc
printTFF_unitary_type x :: TFF_unitary_type
x = case TFF_unitary_type
x of
  TFFUT_atomic a :: TFF_atomic_type
a -> TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_atomic_type
  TFFUT_xprod a :: TFF_xprod_type
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_xprod_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_xprod_type

-- <tff_atomic_type>      ::= <type_constant> | <defined_type> |
--                            <type_functor>(<tff_type_arguments>) | <variable>
printTFF_atomic_type :: TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
printTFF_atomic_type :: TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
printTFF_atomic_type x :: TFF_atomic_type
x = case TFF_atomic_type
x of
  TFFAT_constant a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  TFFAT_defined a :: Defined_type
a -> Defined_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_type
  TFFAT_functor f :: Token
f args :: [TFF_atomic_type]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([TFF_atomic_type] -> Doc
printTFF_type_arguments [TFF_atomic_type]
  TFFAT_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <tff_type_arguments>   ::= <tff_atomic_type> |
--                            <tff_atomic_type>,<tff_type_arguments>
printTFF_type_arguments :: TFF_type_arguments -> Doc
printTFF_type_arguments :: [TFF_atomic_type] -> Doc
printTFF_type_arguments = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([TFF_atomic_type] -> [Doc]) -> [TFF_atomic_type] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (TFF_atomic_type -> Doc) -> [TFF_atomic_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----For consistency with <thf_unitary_type> (the analogue in thf),
-- %----<tff_atomic_type> should also allow (<tff_atomic_type>), but that causes
-- %----ambiguity.
-- <tff_mapping_type>     ::= <tff_unitary_type> <arrow> <tff_atomic_type>
printTFF_mapping_type :: TFF_mapping_type -> Doc
printTFF_mapping_type :: TFF_mapping_type -> Doc
printTFF_mapping_type x :: TFF_mapping_type
x = case TFF_mapping_type
x of
  TFF_mapping_type ut :: TFF_unitary_type
ut at :: TFF_atomic_type
at -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [TFF_unitary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_type
ut, Doc
arrow, TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_atomic_type

-- <tff_xprod_type>       ::= <tff_unitary_type> <star> <tff_atomic_type> |
--                            <tff_xprod_type> <star> <tff_atomic_type>
printTFF_xprod_type :: TFF_xprod_type -> Doc
printTFF_xprod_type :: TFF_xprod_type -> Doc
printTFF_xprod_type x :: TFF_xprod_type
x = case TFF_xprod_type
x of
  TFF_xprod_type ut :: TFF_unitary_type
ut ats :: [TFF_atomic_type]
ats -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
star ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TFF_unitary_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_unitary_type
ut Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: (TFF_atomic_type -> Doc) -> [TFF_atomic_type] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map TFF_atomic_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [TFF_atomic_type]

-- %----TCF formulae.
-- <tcf_formula>          ::= <tcf_logic_formula> | <tff_typed_atom>
printTCF_formula :: TCF_formula -> Doc
printTCF_formula :: TCF_formula -> Doc
printTCF_formula x :: TCF_formula
x = case TCF_formula
x of
  TCFF_logic a :: TCF_logic_formula
a -> TCF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TCF_logic_formula
  TCFF_atom a :: TFF_typed_atom
a -> TFF_typed_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_typed_atom

-- <tcf_logic_formula>    ::= <tcf_quantified_formula> | <cnf_formula>
printTCF_logic_formula :: TCF_logic_formula -> Doc
printTCF_logic_formula :: TCF_logic_formula -> Doc
printTCF_logic_formula x :: TCF_logic_formula
x = case TCF_logic_formula
x of
  TCFLF_quantified a :: TCF_quantified_formula
a -> TCF_quantified_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TCF_quantified_formula
  TCFLF_cnf a :: CNF_formula
a -> CNF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty CNF_formula

-- <tcf_quantified_formula> ::= ! [<tff_variable_list>] : <cnf_formula>
printTCF_quantified_formula :: TCF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printTCF_quantified_formula :: TCF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printTCF_quantified_formula x :: TCF_quantified_formula
x = case TCF_quantified_formula
x of
  TCF_quantified vars :: [TFF_variable]
vars f :: CNF_formula
f ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [ String -> Doc
text "!"
         , Doc -> Doc
brackets ([TFF_variable] -> Doc
printTFF_variable_list [TFF_variable]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
         , CNF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty CNF_formula

-- %----FOF formulae.
-- <fof_formula>          ::= <fof_logic_formula> | <fof_sequent>
printFOF_formula :: FOF_formula -> Doc
printFOF_formula :: FOF_formula -> Doc
printFOF_formula x :: FOF_formula
x = case FOF_formula
x of
  FOFF_logic a :: FOF_logic_formula
a -> FOF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_logic_formula
  FOFF_sequent a :: FOF_sequent
a -> FOF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_sequent

-- <fof_logic_formula>    ::= <fof_binary_formula> | <fof_unitary_formula>
printFOF_logic_formula :: FOF_logic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_logic_formula :: FOF_logic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_logic_formula x :: FOF_logic_formula
x = case FOF_logic_formula
x of
  FOFLF_binary a :: FOF_binary_formula
a -> FOF_binary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_binary_formula
  FOFLF_unitary a :: FOF_unitary_formula
a -> FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_unitary_formula

-- %----Future answer variable ideas | <answer_formula>
-- <fof_binary_formula>   ::= <fof_binary_nonassoc> | <fof_binary_assoc>
printFOF_binary_formula :: FOF_binary_formula -> Doc
printFOF_binary_formula :: FOF_binary_formula -> Doc
printFOF_binary_formula x :: FOF_binary_formula
x = case FOF_binary_formula
x of
  FOFBF_nonassoc a :: FOF_binary_nonassoc
a -> FOF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_binary_nonassoc
  FOFBF_assoc a :: FOF_binary_assoc
a -> FOF_binary_assoc -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_binary_assoc

-- %----Only some binary connectives are associative
-- %----There's no precedence among binary connectives
-- <fof_binary_nonassoc>  ::= <fof_unitary_formula> <binary_connective>
--                            <fof_unitary_formula>
printFOF_binary_nonassoc :: FOF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
printFOF_binary_nonassoc :: FOF_binary_nonassoc -> Doc
printFOF_binary_nonassoc x :: FOF_binary_nonassoc
x = case FOF_binary_nonassoc
x of
  FOF_binary_nonassoc c :: Binary_connective
c f1 :: FOF_unitary_formula
f1 f2 :: FOF_unitary_formula
f2 ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_unitary_formula
f1, Binary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Binary_connective
c, FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_unitary_formula

-- %----Associative connectives & and | are in <binary_assoc>
-- <fof_binary_assoc>     ::= <fof_or_formula> | <fof_and_formula>
printFOF_binary_assoc :: FOF_binary_assoc -> Doc
printFOF_binary_assoc :: FOF_binary_assoc -> Doc
printFOF_binary_assoc x :: FOF_binary_assoc
x = case FOF_binary_assoc
x of
  FOFBA_or a :: [FOF_unitary_formula]
a -> [FOF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printFOF_or_formula [FOF_unitary_formula]
  FOFBA_and a :: [FOF_unitary_formula]
a -> [FOF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printFOF_and_formula [FOF_unitary_formula]

-- <fof_or_formula>       ::= <fof_unitary_formula> <vline> <fof_unitary_formula> |
--                            <fof_or_formula> <vline> <fof_unitary_formula>
printFOF_or_formula :: FOF_or_formula -> Doc
printFOF_or_formula :: [FOF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printFOF_or_formula = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
vline ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([FOF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [FOF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [FOF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <fof_and_formula>      ::= <fof_unitary_formula> & <fof_unitary_formula> |
--                            <fof_and_formula> & <fof_unitary_formula>
printFOF_and_formula :: FOF_and_formula -> Doc
printFOF_and_formula :: [FOF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
printFOF_and_formula = Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
andD ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([FOF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [FOF_unitary_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc) -> [FOF_unitary_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----<fof_unitary_formula> are in ()s or do not have a <binary_connective> at
-- %----the top level.
-- <fof_unitary_formula>  ::= <fof_quantified_formula> | <fof_unary_formula> |
--                            <fof_atomic_formula> | (<fof_logic_formula>)
printFOF_unitary_formula :: FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
printFOF_unitary_formula :: FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
printFOF_unitary_formula x :: FOF_unitary_formula
x = case FOF_unitary_formula
x of
  FOFUF_quantified a :: FOF_quantified_formula
a -> FOF_quantified_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_quantified_formula
  FOFUF_unary a :: FOF_unary_formula
a -> FOF_unary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_unary_formula
  FOFUF_atomic a :: FOF_atomic_formula
a -> FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_atomic_formula
  FOFUF_logic a :: FOF_logic_formula
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ FOF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_logic_formula

-- <fof_quantified_formula> ::= <fof_quantifier> [<fof_variable_list>] :
--                            <fof_unitary_formula>
printFOF_quantified_formula :: FOF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printFOF_quantified_formula :: FOF_quantified_formula -> Doc
printFOF_quantified_formula x :: FOF_quantified_formula
x = case FOF_quantified_formula
x of
  FOF_quantified_formula q :: FOF_quantifier
q vars :: [Token]
vars f :: FOF_unitary_formula
f ->
    [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [ FOF_quantifier -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_quantifier
         , Doc -> Doc
brackets ([Token] -> Doc
printFOF_variable_list [Token]
vars) Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
         , FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_unitary_formula

-- <fof_variable_list>    ::= <variable> | <variable>,<fof_variable_list>
printFOF_variable_list :: FOF_variable_list -> Doc
printFOF_variable_list :: [Token] -> Doc
printFOF_variable_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> ([Token] -> [Doc]) -> [Token] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Token -> Doc) -> [Token] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <fof_unary_formula>    ::= <unary_connective> <fof_unitary_formula> |
--                            <fof_infix_unary>
printFOF_unary_formula :: FOF_unary_formula -> Doc
printFOF_unary_formula :: FOF_unary_formula -> Doc
printFOF_unary_formula x :: FOF_unary_formula
x = case FOF_unary_formula
x of
  FOFUF_connective c :: Unary_connective
c f :: FOF_unitary_formula
f -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Unary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Unary_connective
c, FOF_unitary_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_unitary_formula
  FOFUF_infix a :: FOF_infix_unary
a -> FOF_infix_unary -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_infix_unary

-- <fof_infix_unary>      ::= <fof_term> <infix_inequality> <fof_term>
printFOF_infix_unary :: FOF_infix_unary -> Doc
printFOF_infix_unary :: FOF_infix_unary -> Doc
printFOF_infix_unary x :: FOF_infix_unary
x = case FOF_infix_unary
x of
  FOF_infix_unary t1 :: FOF_term
t1 t2 :: FOF_term
t2 -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term
t1, Doc
infix_inequality, FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term

-- <fof_atomic_formula>   ::= <fof_plain_atomic_formula> |
--                            <fof_defined_atomic_formula> |
--                            <fof_system_atomic_formula>
printFOF_atomic_formula :: FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_atomic_formula :: FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_atomic_formula x :: FOF_atomic_formula
x = case FOF_atomic_formula
x of
  FOFAT_plain a :: FOF_plain_atomic_formula
a -> FOF_plain_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_plain_atomic_formula
  FOFAT_defined a :: FOF_defined_atomic_formula
a -> FOF_defined_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_defined_atomic_formula
  FOFAT_system a :: FOF_system_atomic_formula
a -> FOF_system_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_system_atomic_formula

-- <fof_plain_atomic_formula> ::= <fof_plain_term>
-- <fof_plain_atomic_formula> :== <proposition> | <predicate>(<fof_arguments>)
printFOF_plain_atomic_formula :: FOF_plain_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_plain_atomic_formula :: FOF_plain_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_plain_atomic_formula x :: FOF_plain_atomic_formula
x = case FOF_plain_atomic_formula
x of
  FOFPAF_proposition a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  FOFPAF_predicate p :: Token
p args :: [FOF_term]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
p Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments [FOF_term]

-- <fof_defined_atomic_formula> ::= <fof_defined_plain_formula> |
--                            <fof_defined_infix_formula>
printFOF_defined_atomic_formula :: FOF_defined_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_defined_atomic_formula :: FOF_defined_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_defined_atomic_formula x :: FOF_defined_atomic_formula
x = case FOF_defined_atomic_formula
x of
  FOFDAF_plain a :: FOF_defined_plain_formula
a -> FOF_defined_plain_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_defined_plain_formula
  FOFDAF_infix a :: FOF_defined_infix_formula
a -> FOF_defined_infix_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_defined_infix_formula

-- <fof_defined_plain_formula> ::= <fof_defined_plain_term>
-- <fof_defined_plain_formula> :== <defined_proposition> |
--                            <defined_predicate>(<fof_arguments>)
printFOF_defined_plain_formula :: FOF_defined_plain_formula -> Doc
printFOF_defined_plain_formula :: FOF_defined_plain_formula -> Doc
printFOF_defined_plain_formula x :: FOF_defined_plain_formula
x = case FOF_defined_plain_formula
x of
  FOFDPF_proposition a :: Defined_proposition
a -> Defined_proposition -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_proposition
  FOFDPF_predicate p :: Defined_predicate
p args :: [FOF_term]
args -> Defined_predicate -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_predicate
p Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments [FOF_term]

-- <fof_defined_infix_formula> ::= <fof_term> <defined_infix_pred> <fof_term>
printFOF_defined_infix_formula :: FOF_defined_infix_formula -> Doc
printFOF_defined_infix_formula :: FOF_defined_infix_formula -> Doc
printFOF_defined_infix_formula x :: FOF_defined_infix_formula
x = case FOF_defined_infix_formula
x of
  FOF_defined_infix_formula dip :: Defined_infix_pred
dip t1 :: FOF_term
t1 t2 :: FOF_term
t2 -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term
t1, Defined_infix_pred -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_infix_pred
dip, FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term

-- %----System terms have system specific interpretations
-- <fof_system_atomic_formula> ::= <fof_system_term>
-- %----<fof_system_atomic_formula>s are used for evaluable predicates that are
-- %----available in particular tools. The predicate names are not controlled
-- %----by the TPTP syntax, so use with due care. The same is true for
-- %----<fof_system_term>s.
printFOF_system_atomic_formula :: FOF_system_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_system_atomic_formula :: FOF_system_atomic_formula -> Doc
printFOF_system_atomic_formula x :: FOF_system_atomic_formula
x = case FOF_system_atomic_formula
x of
  FOF_system_atomic_formula a :: FOF_system_term
a -> FOF_system_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_system_term

-- %----FOF terms.
-- <fof_plain_term>       ::= <constant> | <functor>(<fof_arguments>)
printFOF_plain_term :: FOF_plain_term -> Doc
printFOF_plain_term :: FOF_plain_term -> Doc
printFOF_plain_term x :: FOF_plain_term
x = case FOF_plain_term
x of
  FOFPT_constant a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  FOFPT_functor f :: Token
f args :: [FOF_term]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments [FOF_term]

-- %----Defined terms have TPTP specific interpretations
-- <fof_defined_term>     ::= <defined_term> | <fof_defined_atomic_term>
printFOF_defined_term :: FOF_defined_term -> Doc
printFOF_defined_term :: FOF_defined_term -> Doc
printFOF_defined_term x :: FOF_defined_term
x = case FOF_defined_term
x of
  FOFDT_term a :: Defined_term
a -> Defined_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_term
  FOFDT_atomic a :: FOF_defined_atomic_term
a -> FOF_defined_atomic_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_defined_atomic_term

-- <fof_defined_atomic_term>  ::= <fof_defined_plain_term>
-- %----None yet             | <defined_infix_term>
printFOF_defined_atomic_term :: FOF_defined_atomic_term -> Doc
printFOF_defined_atomic_term :: FOF_defined_atomic_term -> Doc
printFOF_defined_atomic_term x :: FOF_defined_atomic_term
x = case FOF_defined_atomic_term
x of
  FOFDAT_plain a :: FOF_defined_plain_term
a -> FOF_defined_plain_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_defined_plain_term
  --  | FOFDAT_indix a -> pretty a

-- %----None yet <defined_infix_term> ::= <fof_term> <defined_infix_func> <fof_term>
-- data Defined_infix_term = Defined_infix_term Defined_infix_func FOF_term FOF_term
--                           deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- %----None yet <defined_infix_func> ::=
-- data Defined_infix_func =

-- <fof_defined_plain_term>   ::= <defined_constant> |
--                            <defined_functor>(<fof_arguments>)
-- %----Add $tuple for tuples, because [<fof_arguments>] doesn't work.
printFOF_defined_plain_term :: FOF_defined_plain_term -> Doc
printFOF_defined_plain_term :: FOF_defined_plain_term -> Doc
printFOF_defined_plain_term x :: FOF_defined_plain_term
x = case FOF_defined_plain_term
x of
  FOFDPT_constant a :: Defined_functor
a -> Defined_functor -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_functor
  FOFDPT_functor f :: Defined_functor
f args :: [FOF_term]
args -> Defined_functor -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_functor
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments [FOF_term]

-- %----System terms have system specific interpretations
-- <fof_system_term>      ::= <system_constant> | <system_functor>(<fof_arguments>)
printFOF_system_term :: FOF_system_term -> Doc
printFOF_system_term :: FOF_system_term -> Doc
printFOF_system_term x :: FOF_system_term
x = case FOF_system_term
x of
  FOFST_constant a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  FOFST_functor f :: Token
f args :: [FOF_term]
args -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
f Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments [FOF_term]

-- %----Arguments recurse back up to terms (this is the FOF world here)
-- <fof_arguments>        ::= <fof_term> | <fof_term>,<fof_arguments>
printFOF_arguments :: FOF_arguments -> Doc
printFOF_arguments :: [FOF_term] -> Doc
printFOF_arguments = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> ([FOF_term] -> [Doc]) -> [FOF_term] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (FOF_term -> Doc) -> [FOF_term] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----These are terms used as arguments. Not the entry point for terms because
-- %----<fof_plain_term> is also used as <fof_plain_atomic_formula>
-- <fof_term>             ::= <fof_function_term> | <variable> |
--                            <tff_conditional_term> | <tff_let_term>
printFOF_term :: FOF_term -> Doc
printFOF_term :: FOF_term -> Doc
printFOF_term x :: FOF_term
x = case FOF_term
x of
  FOFT_function a :: FOF_function_term
a -> FOF_function_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_function_term
  FOFT_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  FOFT_conditional a :: TFF_conditional_term
a -> TFF_conditional_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_conditional_term
  FOFT_let a :: TFF_let_term
a -> TFF_let_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term

-- %% DAMN THIS JUST WON'T WORK | <tuple_term>
-- %----<tuple_term> is for TFF only, but it's here because it's used in
-- %----<fof_atomic_formula>, which is also used as <tff_atomic_formula>.
-- % <tuple_term>           ::= [] | [<fof_arguments>]
-- <fof_function_term>    ::= <fof_plain_term> | <fof_defined_term> |
--                            <fof_system_term>
printFOF_function_term :: FOF_function_term -> Doc
printFOF_function_term :: FOF_function_term -> Doc
printFOF_function_term x :: FOF_function_term
x = case FOF_function_term
x of
  FOFFT_plain a :: FOF_plain_term
a -> FOF_plain_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_plain_term
  FOFFT_defined a :: FOF_defined_term
a -> FOF_defined_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_defined_term
  FOFFT_system a :: FOF_system_term
a -> FOF_system_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_system_term

-- %----Conditional terms should be used by only TFF.
-- <tff_conditional_term> ::= $ite_t(<tff_logic_formula>,<fof_term>,<fof_term>)
printTFF_conditional_term :: TFF_conditional_term -> Doc
printTFF_conditional_term :: TFF_conditional_term -> Doc
printTFF_conditional_term x :: TFF_conditional_term
x = case TFF_conditional_term
x of
  TFF_conditional_term f_if :: TFF_logic_formula
f_if t_then :: FOF_term
t_then t_else :: FOF_term
t_else ->
    String -> Doc
text "$ite_t"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [TFF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_logic_formula
f_if, FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term
t_then, FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term

-- %----Let terms should be used by only TFF. $let_ft is for use when there is
-- %----a $ite_t in the <fof_term>. See the commentary for $let_tf and $let_ff.
-- <tff_let_term>         ::= $let_ft(<tff_let_formula_defns>,<fof_term>) |
--                            $let_tt(<tff_let_term_defns>,<fof_term>)
printTFF_let_term :: TFF_let_term -> Doc
printTFF_let_term :: TFF_let_term -> Doc
printTFF_let_term x :: TFF_let_term
x = case TFF_let_term
x of
  TFFLT_formula defns :: TFF_let_formula_defns
defns t :: FOF_term
t ->
    String -> Doc
text "$let_ft" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [TFF_let_formula_defns -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_formula_defns
defns, FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term
  TFFLT_term defns :: TFF_let_term_defns
defns t :: FOF_term
t ->
    String -> Doc
text "$let_tt" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [TFF_let_term_defns -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_let_term_defns
defns, FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term

%----This section is the FOFX syntax. Not yet in use.
% <fof_let>            ::= := [<fof_let_list>] : <fof_unitary_formula>
% <fof_let_list>       ::= <fof_defined_var> |
%                          <fof_defined_var>,<fof_let_list>
% <fof_defined_var>    ::= <variable> := <fof_logic_formula> |
%                          <variable> :- <fof_term> | (<fof_defined_var>)
% <fof_conditional>    ::= $ite_f(<fof_logic_formula>,<fof_logic_formula>,
%                          <fof_logic_formula>)
% <fof_conditional_term> ::= $ite_t(<fof_logic_formula>,<fof_term>,<fof_term>)

-- <fof_sequent>          ::= <fof_formula_tuple> <gentzen_arrow>
--                            <fof_formula_tuple> | (<fof_sequent>)
printFOF_sequent :: FOF_sequent -> Doc
printFOF_sequent :: FOF_sequent -> Doc
printFOF_sequent x :: FOF_sequent
x = case FOF_sequent
x of
  FOFS_plain t1 :: FOF_formula_tuple
t1 t2 :: FOF_formula_tuple
t2 -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [FOF_formula_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_formula_tuple
t1, Doc
gentzen_arrow, FOF_formula_tuple -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_formula_tuple
  FOFS_parens a :: FOF_sequent
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ FOF_sequent -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_sequent

-- <fof_formula_tuple>    ::= [] | [<fof_formula_tuple_list>]
printFOF_formula_tuple :: FOF_formula_tuple -> Doc
printFOF_formula_tuple :: FOF_formula_tuple -> Doc
printFOF_formula_tuple x :: FOF_formula_tuple
x = case FOF_formula_tuple
x of
  FOF_formula_tuple a :: [FOF_logic_formula]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [FOF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printFOF_formula_tuple_list [FOF_logic_formula]

-- <fof_formula_tuple_list> ::= <fof_logic_formula> |
--                            <fof_logic_formula>,<fof_formula_tuple_list>
printFOF_formula_tuple_list :: FOF_formula_tuple_list -> Doc
printFOF_formula_tuple_list :: [FOF_logic_formula] -> Doc
printFOF_formula_tuple_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([FOF_logic_formula] -> [Doc]) -> [FOF_logic_formula] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (FOF_logic_formula -> Doc) -> [FOF_logic_formula] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map FOF_logic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----CNF formulae (variables implicitly universally quantified)
-- <cnf_formula>          ::= <disjunction> | (<disjunction>)
printCNF_formula :: CNF_formula -> Doc
printCNF_formula :: CNF_formula -> Doc
printCNF_formula x :: CNF_formula
x = case CNF_formula
x of
  CNFF_plain a :: Disjunction
a -> Disjunction -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Disjunction
  CNFF_parens a :: Disjunction
a -> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Disjunction -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Disjunction

-- <disjunction>          ::= <literal> | <disjunction> <vline> <literal>
printDisjunction :: Disjunction -> Doc
printDisjunction :: Disjunction -> Doc
printDisjunction x :: Disjunction
x = case Disjunction
x of
  Disjunction ls :: [Literal]
ls -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy Doc
vline ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Literal -> Doc) -> [Literal] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Literal -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [Literal]

-- <literal>              ::= <fof_atomic_formula> | ~ <fof_atomic_formula> |
--                            <fof_infix_unary>
printLiteral :: Literal -> Doc
printLiteral :: Literal -> Doc
printLiteral x :: Literal
x = case Literal
x of
  Lit_atomic a :: FOF_atomic_formula
a -> FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_atomic_formula
  Lit_negative a :: FOF_atomic_formula
a -> String -> Doc
text "~" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> FOF_atomic_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_atomic_formula
  Lit_fof_infix a :: FOF_infix_unary
a -> FOF_infix_unary -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_infix_unary

-- %----Connectives - THF
-- <thf_quantifier>       ::= <fof_quantifier> | <th0_quantifier> |
--                            <th1_quantifier>
printTHF_quantifier :: THF_quantifier -> Doc
printTHF_quantifier :: THF_quantifier -> Doc
printTHF_quantifier x :: THF_quantifier
x = case THF_quantifier
x of
  THFQ_fof a :: FOF_quantifier
a -> FOF_quantifier -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_quantifier
  THFQ_th0 a :: TH0_quantifier
a -> TH0_quantifier -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TH0_quantifier
  THFQ_th1 a :: TH1_quantifier
a -> TH1_quantifier -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TH1_quantifier

-- %----TH0 quantifiers are also available in TH1
-- <th1_quantifier>       ::= !> | ?*
printTH1_quantifier :: TH1_quantifier -> Doc
printTH1_quantifier :: TH1_quantifier -> Doc
printTH1_quantifier x :: TH1_quantifier
x = case TH1_quantifier
x of
  TH1_DependentProduct -> String -> Doc
text "!>"
  TH1_DependentSum -> String -> Doc
text "?*"

-- <th0_quantifier>       ::= ^ | @+ | @-
printTH0_quantifier :: TH0_quantifier -> Doc
printTH0_quantifier :: TH0_quantifier -> Doc
printTH0_quantifier x :: TH0_quantifier
x = case TH0_quantifier
x of
  TH0_LambdaBinder -> String -> Doc
text "^"
  TH0_IndefiniteDescription -> String -> Doc
text "@+"
  TH0_DefiniteDescription -> String -> Doc
text "@-"

-- <thf_pair_connective>  ::= <infix_equality> | <infix_inequality> |
--                            <binary_connective> | <assignment>
printTHF_pair_connective :: THF_pair_connective -> Doc
printTHF_pair_connective :: THF_pair_connective -> Doc
printTHF_pair_connective x :: THF_pair_connective
x = case THF_pair_connective
x of
  THF_infix_equality -> Doc
  Infix_inequality -> Doc
  THFPC_binary a :: Binary_connective
a -> Binary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Binary_connective
  THF_assignment -> Doc

-- <thf_unary_connective> ::= <unary_connective> | <th1_unary_connective>
printTHF_unary_connective :: THF_unary_connective -> Doc
printTHF_unary_connective :: THF_unary_connective -> Doc
printTHF_unary_connective x :: THF_unary_connective
x = case THF_unary_connective
x of
  THFUC_unary a :: Unary_connective
a -> Unary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Unary_connective
  THFUC_th1 a :: TH1_unary_connective
a -> TH1_unary_connective -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TH1_unary_connective

-- <th1_unary_connective> ::= !! | ?? | @@+ | @@- | @=
printTH1_unary_connective :: TH1_unary_connective -> Doc
printTH1_unary_connective :: TH1_unary_connective -> Doc
printTH1_unary_connective x :: TH1_unary_connective
x = case TH1_unary_connective
x of
  TH1_PiForAll -> String -> Doc
text "!!"
  TH1_PiSigmaExists -> String -> Doc
text "??"
  TH1_PiIndefiniteDescription -> String -> Doc
text "@@+"
  TH1_PiDefiniteDescription -> String -> Doc
text "@@-"
  TH1_PiEquality -> String -> Doc
text "@="

-- %----Connectives - TFF
-- % <tff_pair_connective>  ::= <binary_connective> | <assignment>
-- Note: not used
-- data TFF_pair_connective = TFFPC_binary Binary_connective
--                          | TFFPC_assignment TFF_assignment
--                            deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- <subtype_sign>         ::= <less_sign><less_sign>
subtype_sign :: Doc
subtype_sign :: Doc
subtype_sign = Doc
less_sign Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc

-- %----Connectives - FOF
-- <fof_quantifier>       ::= ! | ?
printFOF_quantifier :: FOF_quantifier -> Doc
printFOF_quantifier :: FOF_quantifier -> Doc
printFOF_quantifier x :: FOF_quantifier
x = case FOF_quantifier
x of
  ForAll -> String -> Doc
text "!"
  Exists -> String -> Doc
text "?"

-- <binary_connective>    ::= <=> | => | <= | <~> | ~<vline> | ~&
printBinary_connective :: Binary_connective -> Doc
printBinary_connective :: Binary_connective -> Doc
printBinary_connective x :: Binary_connective
x = case Binary_connective
x of
  Equivalence -> String -> Doc
text "<=>"
  Implication -> String -> Doc
text "=>"
  ReverseImplication -> String -> Doc
text "<="
  XOR -> String -> Doc
text "<~>"
  NOR -> String -> Doc
text "~|"
  NAND -> String -> Doc
text "~&"

-- <assoc_connective>     ::= <vline> | &
printAssoc_connective :: Assoc_connective -> Doc
printAssoc_connective :: Assoc_connective -> Doc
printAssoc_connective x :: Assoc_connective
x = case Assoc_connective
x of
  OR -> String -> Doc
text "|"
  AND -> String -> Doc
text "&"

-- <unary_connective>     ::= ~
printUnary_connective :: Unary_connective -> Doc
printUnary_connective :: Unary_connective -> Doc
printUnary_connective x :: Unary_connective
x = case Unary_connective
x of
  NOT -> String -> Doc
text "~"

-- %----Types for THF and TFF
-- <type_constant>        ::= <type_functor>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <type_functor>         ::= <atomic_word>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <defined_type>         ::= <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_type>         :== $oType | $o | $iType | $i | $tType |
--                            $real | $rat | $int
printDefined_type :: Defined_type -> Doc
printDefined_type :: Defined_type -> Doc
printDefined_type x :: Defined_type
x = case Defined_type
x of
  OType -> String -> Doc
text "$oType"
  O -> String -> Doc
text "$o"
  IType -> String -> Doc
text "$iType"
  I -> String -> Doc
text "$i"
  TType -> String -> Doc
text "$tType"
  Real -> String -> Doc
text "$real"
  Rat -> String -> Doc
text "$rat"
  Int -> String -> Doc
text "$int"

-- <system_type>          :== <atomic_system_word>
-- Note: not used
-- type System_type = Token

-- %----For all language types
-- <atom>                 ::= <untyped_atom> | <defined_constant>
printAtom :: Atom -> Doc
printAtom :: Atom -> Doc
printAtom x :: Atom
x = case Atom
x of
  Atom_untyped a :: Untyped_atom
a -> Untyped_atom -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Untyped_atom
  Atom_constant a :: Defined_functor
a -> Defined_functor -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Defined_functor

-- <untyped_atom>         ::= <constant> | <system_constant>
printUntyped_atom :: Untyped_atom -> Doc
printUntyped_atom :: Untyped_atom -> Doc
printUntyped_atom x :: Untyped_atom
x = case Untyped_atom
x of
  UA_constant a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  UA_system a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- Proposition
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- Predicate
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <defined_proposition>  :== <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_proposition>  :== $true | $false
printDefined_proposition :: Defined_proposition -> Doc
printDefined_proposition :: Defined_proposition -> Doc
printDefined_proposition x :: Defined_proposition
x = case Defined_proposition
x of
  TPTP_true -> String -> Doc
text "$true"
  TPTP_false -> String -> Doc
text "$false"

-- <defined_predicate>    :== <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_predicate>    :== $distinct |
--                            $less | $lesseq | $greater | $greatereq |
--                            $is_int | $is_rat |
--                            $box_P | $box_i | $box_int | $box |
--                            $dia_P | $dia_i | $dia_int | $dia
-- %----$distinct means that each of it's constant arguments are pairwise !=. It
-- %----is part of the TFF syntax. It can be used only as a fact, not under any
-- %----connective.
printDefined_predicate :: Defined_predicate -> Doc
printDefined_predicate :: Defined_predicate -> Doc
printDefined_predicate x :: Defined_predicate
x = case Defined_predicate
x of
  Distinct -> String -> Doc
text "$distinct"
  Less -> String -> Doc
text "$less"
  Lesseq -> String -> Doc
text "$lesseq"
  Greater -> String -> Doc
text "$greater"
  Greatereq -> String -> Doc
text "$greatereq"
  Is_int -> String -> Doc
text "$is_int"
  Is_rat -> String -> Doc
text "$is_rat"
  Box_P -> String -> Doc
text "$box_P"
  Box_i -> String -> Doc
text "$box_i"
  Box_int -> String -> Doc
text "$box_int"
  Box -> String -> Doc
text "$box"
  Dia_P -> String -> Doc
text "$dia_P"
  Dia_i -> String -> Doc
text "$dia_i"
  Dia_int -> String -> Doc
text "$dia_int"
  Dia -> String -> Doc
text "$dia"

-- <defined_infix_pred>   ::= <infix_equality> | <assignment>
-- <infix_equality>       ::= =
-- <infix_inequality>     ::= !=
printDefined_infix_pred :: Defined_infix_pred -> Doc
printDefined_infix_pred :: Defined_infix_pred -> Doc
printDefined_infix_pred x :: Defined_infix_pred
x = case Defined_infix_pred
x of
  Defined_infix_equality -> Doc
  Defined_assignment -> Doc

-- <constant>             ::= <functor>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <functor>              ::= <atomic_word>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <system_constant>      ::= <system_functor>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <system_functor>       ::= <atomic_system_word>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <defined_constant>     ::= <defined_functor>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <defined_functor>      ::= <atomic_defined_word>
-- <defined_functor>      :== $uminus | $sum | $difference | $product |
--                            $quotient | $quotient_e | $quotient_t | $quotient_f |
--                            $remainder_e | $remainder_t | $remainder_f |
--                            $floor | $ceiling | $truncate | $round |
--                            $to_int | $to_rat | $to_real
printDefined_functor :: Defined_functor -> Doc
printDefined_functor :: Defined_functor -> Doc
printDefined_functor x :: Defined_functor
x = case Defined_functor
x of
  Uminus -> String -> Doc
text "$uminus"
  Sum -> String -> Doc
text "$sum"
  Difference -> String -> Doc
text "$difference"
  Product -> String -> Doc
text "$product"
  Quotient -> String -> Doc
text "$quotient"
  Quotient_e -> String -> Doc
text "$quotient_e"
  Quotient_t -> String -> Doc
text "$quotient_t"
  Quotient_f -> String -> Doc
text "$quotient_f"
  Remainder_e -> String -> Doc
text "$remainder_e"
  Remainder_t -> String -> Doc
text "$remainder_t"
  Remainder_f -> String -> Doc
text "$remainder_f"
  Floor -> String -> Doc
text "$floor"
  Ceiling -> String -> Doc
text "$ceiling"
  Truncate -> String -> Doc
text "$truncate"
  Round -> String -> Doc
text "$round"
  To_int -> String -> Doc
text "$to_int"
  To_rat -> String -> Doc
text "$to_rat"
  To_real -> String -> Doc
text "$to_real"
  DF_atomic_defined_word a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <defined_term>         ::= <number> | <distinct_object>
printDefined_term :: Defined_term -> Doc
printDefined_term :: Defined_term -> Doc
printDefined_term x :: Defined_term
x = case Defined_term
x of
  DT_number a :: Number
a -> Number -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Number
  DT_object a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <variable>             ::= <upper_word>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- %----Formula sources
-- <source>               ::= <general_term>
-- <source>               :== <dag_source> | <internal_source> |
--                            <external_source> | unknown | [<sources>]
printSource :: Source -> Doc
printSource :: Source -> Doc
printSource x :: Source
x = case Source
x of
  Source_DAG a :: DAG_source
a -> DAG_source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty DAG_source
  Source_internal a :: Internal_source
a -> Internal_source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Internal_source
  Source_external a :: External_source
a -> External_source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty External_source
  Unknown_source -> String -> Doc
text "unknown"
  Source_many a :: [Source]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Source] -> Doc
printSources [Source]

-- %----Alternative sources are recorded like this, thus allowing representation
-- %----of alternative derivations with shared parts.
-- <sources>              :== <source> | <source>,<sources>
printSources :: Sources -> Doc
printSources :: [Source] -> Doc
printSources = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> ([Source] -> [Doc]) -> [Source] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Source -> Doc) -> [Source] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----Only a <dag_source> can be a <name>, i.e., derived formulae can be
-- %----identified by a <name> or an <inference_record>
-- <dag_source>           :== <name> | <inference_record>
printDAG_source :: DAG_source -> Doc
printDAG_source :: DAG_source -> Doc
printDAG_source x :: DAG_source
x = case DAG_source
x of
  DAGS_name a :: Name
a -> Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
  DAGS_record a :: Inference_record
a -> Inference_record -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Inference_record

-- <inference_record>     :== inference(<inference_rule>,<useful_info>,
--                            <inference_parents>)
printInference_record :: Inference_record -> Doc
printInference_record :: Inference_record -> Doc
printInference_record x :: Inference_record
x = case Inference_record
x of
  Inference_record ir :: Token
ir ui :: Useful_info
ui ip :: [Parent_info]
ip ->
    String -> Doc
text "inference"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
ir, Useful_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Useful_info
ui, [Parent_info] -> Doc
printInference_parents [Parent_info]

-- <inference_rule>       :== <atomic_word>
-- %----Examples are          deduction | modus_tollens | modus_ponens | rewrite |
-- %                          resolution | paramodulation | factorization |
-- %                          cnf_conversion | cnf_refutation | ...
printInference_rule :: Inference_rule -> Doc
printInference_rule :: Token -> Doc
printInference_rule = Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----<inference_parents> can be empty in cases when there is a justification
-- %----for a tautologous theorem. In case when a tautology is introduced as
-- %----a leaf, e.g., for splitting, then use an <internal_source>.
-- <inference_parents>    :== [] | [<parent_list>]
printInference_parents :: Inference_parents -> Doc
printInference_parents :: [Parent_info] -> Doc
printInference_parents = Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> ([Parent_info] -> Doc) -> [Parent_info] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [Parent_info] -> Doc

-- <parent_list>          :== <parent_info> | <parent_info>,<parent_list>
printParent_list :: Parent_list -> Doc
printParent_list :: [Parent_info] -> Doc
printParent_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> ([Parent_info] -> [Doc]) -> [Parent_info] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Parent_info -> Doc) -> [Parent_info] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Parent_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <parent_info>          :== <source><parent_details>
printParent_info :: Parent_info -> Doc
printParent_info :: Parent_info -> Doc
printParent_info x :: Parent_info
x = case Parent_info
x of
  Parent_info s :: Source
s d :: Parent_details
d -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Source
s, Parent_details -> Doc
printParent_details Parent_details

-- <parent_details>       :== :<general_list> | <null>
printParent_details :: Parent_details -> Doc
printParent_details :: Parent_details -> Doc
printParent_details x :: Parent_details
x = case Parent_details
x of
  Just gl :: [General_term]
gl -> [General_term] -> Doc
printGeneral_list [General_term]
  Nothing -> Doc

-- <internal_source>      :== introduced(<intro_type><optional_info>)
printInternal_source :: Internal_source -> Doc
printInternal_source :: Internal_source -> Doc
printInternal_source x :: Internal_source
x = case Internal_source
x of
  Internal_source it :: Intro_type
it oi :: Optional_info
oi ->
    String -> Doc
text "introduced" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Intro_type -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Intro_type
it, Optional_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Optional_info

-- <intro_type>           :== definition | axiom_of_choice | tautology | assumption
-- %----This should be used to record the symbol being defined, or the function
-- %----for the axiom of choice
printIntro_type :: Intro_type -> Doc
printIntro_type :: Intro_type -> Doc
printIntro_type x :: Intro_type
x = case Intro_type
x of
  IntroTypeDefinition -> String -> Doc
text "definition"
  AxiomOfChoice -> String -> Doc
text "axiom_of_choice"
  Tautology -> String -> Doc
text "tautology"
  IntroTypeAssumption -> String -> Doc
text "assumption"

-- <external_source>      :== <file_source> | <theory> | <creator_source>
printExternal_source :: External_source -> Doc
printExternal_source :: External_source -> Doc
printExternal_source x :: External_source
x = case External_source
x of
  ExtSrc_file a :: File_source
a -> File_source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty File_source
  ExtSrc_theory a :: Theory
a -> Theory -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Theory
  ExtSrc_creator a :: Creator_source
a -> Creator_source -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Creator_source

-- <file_source>          :== file(<file_name><file_info>)
printFile_source :: File_source -> Doc
printFile_source :: File_source -> Doc
printFile_source x :: File_source
x = case File_source
x of
  File_source fn :: File_name
fn fi :: File_info
fi ->
    String -> Doc
text "file" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
fsep [String -> Doc
text "'" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> File_name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty File_name
fn Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "'",
                                 File_info -> Doc
printFile_info File_info

-- <file_info>            :== ,<name> | <null>
printFile_info :: File_info -> Doc
printFile_info :: File_info -> Doc
printFile_info x :: File_info
x = case File_info
x of
  Just n :: Name
n -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Doc
comma, String -> Doc
text "'" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Name
n Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String -> Doc
text "'"]
  Nothing -> Doc

-- <theory>               :== theory(<theory_name><optional_info>)
printTheory :: Theory -> Doc
printTheory :: Theory -> Doc
printTheory x :: Theory
x = case Theory
x of
  Theory tn :: Theory_name
tn oi :: Optional_info
oi -> String -> Doc
text "theory" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Theory_name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Theory_name
tn, Optional_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Optional_info

-- <theory_name>          :== equality | ac
printTheory_name :: Theory_name -> Doc
printTheory_name :: Theory_name -> Doc
printTheory_name x :: Theory_name
x = case Theory_name
x of
  TN_equality -> String -> Doc
text "equality"
  TN_ac -> String -> Doc
text "ac"

-- %----More theory names may be added in the future. The <optional_info> is
-- %----used to store, e.g., which axioms of equality have been implicitly used,
-- %----e.g., theory(equality,[rst]). Standard format still to be decided.
-- <creator_source>       :== creator(<creator_name><optional_info>)
printCreator_source :: Creator_source -> Doc
printCreator_source :: Creator_source -> Doc
printCreator_source x :: Creator_source
x = case Creator_source
x of
  Creator_source cn :: Token
cn oi :: Optional_info
oi ->
    String -> Doc
text "creator" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Token -> Doc
printCreator_name Token
cn, Optional_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Optional_info

-- <creator_name>         :== <atomic_word>
printCreator_name :: Creator_name -> Doc
printCreator_name :: Token -> Doc
printCreator_name = Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----Useful info fields
-- <optional_info>        ::= ,<useful_info> | <null>
printOptional_info :: Optional_info -> Doc
printOptional_info :: Optional_info -> Doc
printOptional_info x :: Optional_info
x = case Optional_info
x of
  Just ui :: Useful_info
ui -> Doc
comma Doc -> Doc -> Doc
<+> Useful_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Useful_info
  Nothing -> Doc

-- <useful_info>          ::= <general_list>
-- <useful_info>          :== [] | [<info_items>]
printUseful_info :: Useful_info -> Doc
printUseful_info :: Useful_info -> Doc
printUseful_info x :: Useful_info
x = case Useful_info
x of
  UI_items a :: [Info_item]
a -> Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Info_item] -> Doc
printInfo_items [Info_item]
  UI_general_list a :: [General_term]
a -> [General_term] -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty [General_term]

-- <info_items>           :== <info_item> | <info_item>,<info_items>
printInfo_items :: Info_items -> Doc
printInfo_items :: [Info_item] -> Doc
printInfo_items = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> ([Info_item] -> [Doc]) -> [Info_item] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Info_item -> Doc) -> [Info_item] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Info_item -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <info_item>            :== <formula_item> | <inference_item> |
--                            <general_function>
printInfo_item :: Info_item -> Doc
printInfo_item :: Info_item -> Doc
printInfo_item x :: Info_item
x = case Info_item
x of
  Info_formula a :: Formula_item
a -> Formula_item -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_item
  Info_inference a :: Inference_item
a -> Inference_item -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Inference_item
  Info_general a :: General_function
a -> General_function -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty General_function

-- %----Useful info for formula records
-- <formula_item>         :== <description_item> | <iquote_item>
printFormula_item :: Formula_item -> Doc
printFormula_item :: Formula_item -> Doc
printFormula_item x :: Formula_item
x = case Formula_item
x of
  FI_description a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
printDescription_item Token
  FI_iquote a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
printIquote_item Token

-- <description_item>     :== description(<atomic_word>)
printDescription_item :: Description_item -> Doc
printDescription_item :: Token -> Doc
printDescription_item a :: Token
a = String -> Doc
text "description" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <iquote_item>          :== iquote(<atomic_word>)
-- %----<iquote_item>s are used for recording exactly what the system output about
-- %----the inference step. In the future it is planned to encode this information
-- %----in standardized forms as <parent_details> in each <inference_record>.
-- %----Useful info for inference records
printIquote_item :: Iquote_item -> Doc
printIquote_item :: Token -> Doc
printIquote_item a :: Token
a = String -> Doc
text "iquote" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- <inference_item>       :== <inference_status> | <assumptions_record> |
--                            <new_symbol_record> | <refutation>
printInference_item :: Inference_item -> Doc
printInference_item :: Inference_item -> Doc
printInference_item x :: Inference_item
x = case Inference_item
x of
  Inf_status a :: Inference_status
a -> Inference_status -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Inference_status
  Inf_assumption a :: [Name]
a -> [Name] -> Doc
printAssumptions_record [Name]
  Inf_symbol a :: New_symbol_record
a -> New_symbol_record -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty New_symbol_record
  Inf_refutation a :: File_source
a -> File_source -> Doc
printRefutation File_source

-- <inference_status>     :== status(<status_value>) | <inference_info>
printInference_status :: Inference_status -> Doc
printInference_status :: Inference_status -> Doc
printInference_status x :: Inference_status
x = case Inference_status
x of
  Inf_value a :: Status_value
a -> String -> Doc
text "status" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (Status_value -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Status_value
  Inf_info a :: Inference_info
a -> Inference_info -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Inference_info

-- %----These are the success status values from the SZS ontology. The most
-- %----commonly used values are:
-- %----  thm - Every model of the parent formulae is a model of the inferred
-- %----        formula. Regular logical consequences.
-- %----  cth - Every model of the parent formulae is a model of the negation of
-- %----        the inferred formula. Used for negation of conjectures in FOF to
-- %----        CNF conversion.
-- %----  esa - There exists a model of the parent formulae iff there exists a
-- %----        model of the inferred formula. Used for Skolemization steps.
-- %----For the full hierarchy see the SZSOntology file distributed with the TPTP.
-- <status_value>         :== suc | unp | sap | esa | sat | fsa | thm | eqv | tac |
--                            wec | eth | tau | wtc | wth | cax | sca | tca | wca |
--                            cup | csp | ecs | csa | cth | ceq | unc | wcc | ect |
--                            fun | uns | wuc | wct | scc | uca | noc
printStatus_value :: Status_value -> Doc
printStatus_value :: Status_value -> Doc
printStatus_value x :: Status_value
x = case Status_value
x of
  SUC -> String -> Doc
text "suc"
  UNP -> String -> Doc
text "unp"
  SAP -> String -> Doc
text "sap"
  ESA -> String -> Doc
text "esa"
  SAT -> String -> Doc
text "sat"
  FSA -> String -> Doc
text "fsa"
  THM -> String -> Doc
text "thm"
  EQV -> String -> Doc
text "eqv"
  TAC -> String -> Doc
text "tac"
  WEC -> String -> Doc
text "wec"
  ETH -> String -> Doc
text "eth"
  TAU -> String -> Doc
text "tau"
  WTC -> String -> Doc
text "wtc"
  WTH -> String -> Doc
text "wth"
  CAX -> String -> Doc
text "cax"
  SCA -> String -> Doc
text "sca"
  TCA -> String -> Doc
text "tca"
  WCA -> String -> Doc
text "wca"
  CUP -> String -> Doc
text "cup"
  CSP -> String -> Doc
text "csp"
  ECS -> String -> Doc
text "ecs"
  CSA -> String -> Doc
text "csa"
  CTH -> String -> Doc
text "cth"
  CEQ -> String -> Doc
text "ceq"
  UNC -> String -> Doc
text "unc"
  WCC -> String -> Doc
text "wcc"
  ECT -> String -> Doc
text "ect"
  FUN -> String -> Doc
text "fun"
  UNS -> String -> Doc
text "uns"
  WUC -> String -> Doc
text "wuc"
  WCT -> String -> Doc
text "wct"
  SCC -> String -> Doc
text "scc"
  UCA -> String -> Doc
text "uca"
  NOC -> String -> Doc
text "noc"

-- %----<inference_info> is used to record standard information associated with an
-- %----arbitrary inference rule. The <inference_rule> is the same as the
-- %----<inference_rule> of the <inference_record>. The <atomic_word> indicates
-- %----the information being recorded in the <general_list>. The <atomic_word>
-- %----are (loosely) set by TPTP conventions, and include esplit, sr_split, and
-- %----discharge.
-- <inference_info>       :== <inference_rule>(<atomic_word>,<general_list>)
printInference_info :: Inference_info -> Doc
printInference_info :: Inference_info -> Doc
printInference_info x :: Inference_info
x = case Inference_info
x of
  Inference_info ir :: Token
ir aw :: Token
aw gl :: [General_term]
gl ->
    Token -> Doc
printInference_rule Token
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
aw, [General_term] -> Doc
printGeneral_list [General_term]

-- %----An <assumptions_record> lists the names of assumptions upon which this
-- %----inferred formula depends. These must be discharged in a completed proof.
-- <assumptions_record>   :== assumptions([<name_list>])
printAssumptions_record :: Assumptions_record -> Doc
printAssumptions_record :: [Name] -> Doc
printAssumptions_record x :: [Name]
x =
  String -> Doc
text "assumptions" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Name] -> Doc
printName_list [Name]

-- %----A <refutation> record names a file in which the inference recorded here
-- %----is recorded as a proof by refutation.
-- <refutation>           :== refutation(<file_source>)
printRefutation :: Refutation -> Doc
printRefutation :: File_source -> Doc
printRefutation a :: File_source
a = String -> Doc
text "refutation" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens (File_source -> Doc
printFile_source File_source

-- %----A <new_symbol_record> provides information about a newly introduced symbol.
-- <new_symbol_record>    :== new_symbols(<atomic_word>,[<new_symbol_list>])
printNew_symbol_record :: New_symbol_record -> Doc
printNew_symbol_record :: New_symbol_record -> Doc
printNew_symbol_record x :: New_symbol_record
x = case New_symbol_record
x of
  New_symbol_record aw :: Token
aw nsl :: [Principal_symbol]
nsl ->
    String -> Doc
text "new_symbols"
    Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
aw, Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Principal_symbol] -> Doc
printNew_symbol_list [Principal_symbol]

-- <new_symbol_list>      :== <principal_symbol> |
--                            <principal_symbol>,<new_symbol_list>
printNew_symbol_list :: New_symbol_list -> Doc
printNew_symbol_list :: [Principal_symbol] -> Doc
printNew_symbol_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([Principal_symbol] -> [Doc]) -> [Principal_symbol] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Principal_symbol -> Doc) -> [Principal_symbol] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Principal_symbol -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----Principal symbols are predicates, functions, variables
-- <principal_symbol>   :== <functor> | <variable>
printPrincipal_symbol :: Principal_symbol -> Doc
printPrincipal_symbol :: Principal_symbol -> Doc
printPrincipal_symbol x :: Principal_symbol
x = case Principal_symbol
x of
  PS_functor a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  PS_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token

-- %----Include directives
-- <include>              ::= include(<file_name><formula_selection>).
printInclude :: Include -> Doc
printInclude :: Include -> Doc
printInclude x :: Include
x = case Include
x of
  Include fn :: File_name
fn fs :: Formula_selection
fs ->
    String -> Doc
text "include" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
fsep [File_name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty File_name
fn, Formula_selection -> Doc
printFormula_selection Formula_selection

-- <formula_selection>    ::= ,[<name_list>] | <null>
printFormula_selection :: Formula_selection -> Doc
printFormula_selection :: Formula_selection -> Doc
printFormula_selection x :: Formula_selection
x = case Formula_selection
x of
  Just ns :: [Name]
ns -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [Doc
comma, Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Name] -> Doc
printName_list [Name]
  Nothing -> Doc

-- <name_list>            ::= <name> | <name>,<name_list>
printName_list :: Name_list -> Doc
printName_list :: [Name] -> Doc
printName_list = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc) -> ([Name] -> [Doc]) -> [Name] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Name -> Doc) -> [Name] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Name -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----Non-logical data
-- <general_term>         ::= <general_data> | <general_data>:<general_term> |
--                            <general_list>
printGeneral_term :: General_term -> Doc
printGeneral_term :: General_term -> Doc
printGeneral_term x :: General_term
x = case General_term
x of
  GT_data a :: General_data
a -> General_data -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty General_data
  GT_DataTerm gd :: General_data
gd gt :: General_term
gt -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep [General_data -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty General_data
gd Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc
colon, General_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty General_term
  GT_list a :: [General_term]
a -> [General_term] -> Doc
printGeneral_list [General_term]

-- <general_data>         ::= <atomic_word> | <general_function> |
--                            <variable> | <number> | <distinct_object> |
--                            <formula_data>
printGeneral_data :: General_data -> Doc
printGeneral_data :: General_data -> Doc
printGeneral_data x :: General_data
x = case General_data
x of
  GD_atomic_word a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  GD_general_function a :: General_function
a -> General_function -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty General_function
  GD_variable a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  GD_number a :: Number
a -> Number -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Number
  GD_distinct_object a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  GD_formula_data a :: Formula_data
a -> Formula_data -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_data
-- %----A <general_data> bind() term is used to record a variable binding in an
-- %----inference, as an element of the <parent_details> list.
-- <general_data>         :== bind(<variable>,<formula_data>)
  GD_bind v :: Token
v fd :: Formula_data
fd -> String -> Doc
text "bind" Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas [Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
v, Formula_data -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Formula_data

-- <general_function>     ::= <atomic_word>(<general_terms>)
printGeneral_function :: General_function -> Doc
printGeneral_function :: General_function -> Doc
printGeneral_function x :: General_function
x = case General_function
x of
  General_function aw :: Token
aw gt :: [General_term]
gt -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
aw Doc -> Doc -> Doc
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc -> Doc
parens ([General_term] -> Doc
printGeneral_terms [General_term]

-- <formula_data>         ::= $thf(<thf_formula>) | $tff(<tff_formula>) |
--                            $fof(<fof_formula>) | $cnf(<cnf_formula>) |
--                            $fot(<fof_term>)
-- only used in inference
printFormula_data :: Formula_data -> Doc
printFormula_data :: Formula_data -> Doc
printFormula_data x :: Formula_data
x = case Formula_data
x of
  FD_THF a :: THF_formula
a -> THF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty THF_formula
  FD_TFF a :: TFF_formula
a -> TFF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty TFF_formula
  FD_FOF a :: FOF_formula
a -> FOF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_formula
  FD_CNF a :: CNF_formula
a -> CNF_formula -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty CNF_formula
  FD_FOT a :: FOF_term
a -> FOF_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty FOF_term

-- <general_list>         ::= [] | [<general_terms>]
printGeneral_list :: General_list -> Doc
printGeneral_list :: [General_term] -> Doc
printGeneral_list = Doc -> Doc
brackets (Doc -> Doc) -> ([General_term] -> Doc) -> [General_term] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [General_term] -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- <general_terms>        ::= <general_term> | <general_term>,<general_terms>
printGeneral_terms :: General_terms -> Doc
printGeneral_terms :: [General_term] -> Doc
printGeneral_terms = [Doc] -> Doc
sepByCommas ([Doc] -> Doc)
-> ([General_term] -> [Doc]) -> [General_term] -> Doc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (General_term -> Doc) -> [General_term] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map General_term -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc

-- %----General purpose
-- <name>                 ::= <atomic_word> | <integer>
-- %----Integer names are expected to be unsigned
printName :: Name -> Doc
printName :: Name -> Doc
printName x :: Name
x = case Name
x of
  NameString a :: Token
a -> Token -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Token
  NameInteger a :: Integer
a -> Integer -> Doc
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Doc
pretty Integer

-- <atomic_word>          ::= <lower_word> | <single_quoted>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <atomic_defined_word>  ::= <dollar_word>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <atomic_system_word>   ::= <dollar_dollar_word>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <number>               ::= <integer> | <rational> | <real>
printNumber :: Number -> Doc
printNumber :: Number -> Doc
printNumber x :: Number
x = case Number
x of
  NumInteger a :: Integer
a -> String -> Doc
text (String -> Doc) -> String -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Integer -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Integer
  NumRational a :: Rational
a -> String -> Doc
text (String -> Doc) -> String -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Rational -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Rational
  NumReal a :: Double
a -> String -> Doc
text (String -> Doc) -> String -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Double -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show Double

-- <distinct_object>      ::- <double_quote><do_char>*<double_quote>
-- already has a pretty instance (Token)

-- <file_name>            ::= <single_quoted>
-- already has a pretty instance (IRI)

{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tokens used in syntax
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

-- <gentzen_arrow>        ::= -->
gentzen_arrow :: Doc
gentzen_arrow :: Doc
gentzen_arrow = String -> Doc
text "-->"

-- <assignment>           ::= :=
assignment :: Doc
assignment :: Doc
assignment = String -> Doc
text ":="

-- <infix_equality>       ::= =
infix_equality :: Doc
infix_equality :: Doc
infix_equality = String -> Doc
text "="

-- <infix_inequality>     ::= !=
infix_inequality :: Doc
infix_inequality :: Doc
infix_inequality = String -> Doc
text "!="

vline :: Doc
vline :: Doc
vline = String -> Doc
text "|"

star :: Doc
star :: Doc
star = String -> Doc
text "*"

plus :: Doc
plus :: Doc
plus = String -> Doc
text "+"

arrow :: Doc
arrow :: Doc
arrow = String -> Doc
text ">"

less_sign :: Doc
less_sign :: Doc
less_sign = String -> Doc
text "<"

andD :: Doc
andD :: Doc
andD = String -> Doc
text "&"

atD :: Doc
atD :: Doc
atD = String -> Doc
text "@"

{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tokens used in syntax
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

sepBy :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
sepBy delimiter :: Doc
delimiter items :: [Doc]
items = case [Doc]
items of
  [] -> Doc
  _ -> [Doc] -> Doc
fsep ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
tail ([Doc] -> [Doc]) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Doc -> [Doc]) -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
forall (t :: * -> *) a b. Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
concatMap (\ i :: Doc
i -> [Doc
delimiter, Doc
i]) [Doc]